New Mount Available: Sunwarmed Furline

A cat mount? I wanted pictures of spider man!

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From what I’ve seen this mount can only be purchased on the in-game shop. It’s not part of any 6-month promotions from what I can see at this time.

It is a pitiful day in the WoW universe when the mounts start looing like the pillows they sell…


This is pretty low effort, the lighting feels off, and it’s not creative enough, you just slapped a low poly saddle to a cat and that’s it, did the store mount maker in Blizzard quit recently? I noticed the store mount quality is tanking.

The mount looks cool but the saddle does not match it at all. It’s like they’ve just taken some Legion assets and used them. Should have spent the time making a nice leather saddle that compliments the color of the cat. The saddle right now looks way outta whack.

In my opinion.

People still mad about shop mounts in 2021 and not literally anything else going on.

Typical outrage mobs.

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Even more afvwrtisment for Bobys new yacht.
This game is dead


No its not, I joined a new guild today and 8 people were online just now. (pay no attention to guild that shows by avatar, it takes 6 months for that to update, achieve points too)

Yuh “so many”.

I just saw two raid groups die. LoL.

I get it copium is a thing.


A flying… possibly fae cat? Hmm… hard to deny that’s adorable

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I can confirm this, checked the blizzard app that launches whenever I try to launch a blizzard game, no gift box so no this mount is purely a new store mount. Not a free gift for six month subscriptions. It’s cute but it’s not free for anyone

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I’m not a big cat person, but I know people who are. I’m sure they’ll enjoy this gift.

Seriously… Release the god damn slime cat mount already.

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Can you guys re-draw the tail. It doesn’t match the body because the body is shorthair. It looks more like a racoon than a cat.

adorable mount.

worst timing ever.

I will give you money for it in 3-4 years once you get over your HR problem.

You get ONLY sub money to live…NOTHING extra! It’s a shame, it is a nice cat and I love cats.

But I hate your timing… it’s BS!


This is catastic! This one is so targeting one group. Not into kittens myself. But tips off the hat.

No, just can’t do this anymore.

Just bought it for 2 tokens with my gold! It’s so cute, but I don’t exactly like how when you’re running, the saddle on it juggles around. Not very stable, looks like my characters might get sick after. ._.

no. bad blizzard. put the money your using on these mounts into the gameplay, not just stupid crap for the store.

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I noticed that in the mount video - watch the video at 0:07 and you’ll see what I mean.

Congrats on Blizzard for trying to make up that quarterly earnings - but the mount saddle bobbing up and down looks terrible.