New moon half moon full moon

New Moon’s the new Full Moon.

I feel like if you get interrupted during full moon it should break your combo and reset you back to new moon.

Not that new moon and half moon don’t already hit people for half their health.

so you mean any dps with spamable cc that lives at 2%?

i think its just silly to say that boomkin is not tanky. which is something a lot of boomkin players try to say.

a 20% wall is actually pretty easy to kill though considering people die through PS also armor doesn’t matter anymore in this game when there is no more meele specs left in the game outside war ww and hunter every other “meele” is 99% magic dmg
maybe its just because you dont pay attention to people trading cooldowns and your partners in cc that you think boomy is immortal? because we are pretty squishy

youre not squishy. stop saying that.

I don’t troll you so I’d appreciate you not doing it to me. With that said, perhaps you’re misunderstanding the term tanky but going into bear and getting healed to full by their healer is not being tanky. I’m not sure how else to say that. They take a lot of damage when hit. They are not living by face tanking damage, they’re living by avoiding damage.


Nidalee tanky or tanky tanky?

i’m not trolling you. and its a bit troll to say that. but tanky can mean several things. just like how locks take a lot of damage, but theyre still tanky because of the spells they have available to stay alive.

if you think taking less damage, like lets a say a warrior is the only thing you’d consider to be tanky, you’d be wrong. and i gave warrior as an example because they have plate armor, ignore pain, and dstance.

boomies are tanky in a different way, but are still tanky.

who is usually the target when theres a boomy on the other team? the boomy is. what teams are doing the best right now? any team with a boomy. if boomy teams weren’t doing so well, then that would be that they are squishy. but that is not the case.

Boomkins live by positioning, pillaring (blergh!), cycling damage/cc, cooldown trading, self healing, in that order. Front Kiting to that list if it’s vs double melee esp in solo and you can kite not INTO your healer…
If you just sit there as a Boomy, you can’t expect to survive. We were never really durable compared to Warlock – which IS tanky, or Mage which has big absorptions and MUCH greater mobility. Boomkin is in between the two in the archetypes, being a hybrid that has DoTs AND casted AND burst AND self healing… jack of all trades, NORMALLY master of none. When one or more aspects are stronger than average for a hybrid, people say it’s OP.

you mean like every other class in the game?

Yes, I’m just relaying my thought process trying to evade death by double 100k DPS zug solos that might just one-tap me for 300k :rofl:
What I’m trying to say is we aren’t really that tanky, we can’t just “take it”… it never was the case

Edit: IMO having some bigger burst and cc than usual IS an appropriate answer
in a meta where you get double zugged by trucks, esp in solo.
If you nerf those, you gotta give us ACTUAL tankiness, which I’ll take anyday :slight_smile:

please boomy has been dominating for so long. and they would not be dominating that hard if it wasn’t for the specs ability to survive on top of everything they have.

Always fun to see Swole parrot things he doesn’t understand.

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Boomy has been “dominating” for 2 weeks? Meanwhile Ret pallies literally destroyed the entire PvP scene for over a MONTH in 10.0.7… C’mon :confused:

Edit: Sure, you can nerf our high damaging abilities, kill the moon oneshot AND nerf cyclone interaction with precog and owlkin and winds…

But saying boomkin is tanky, compared to other casters is… Ehh… That’s a complete overkill


By the way – we are nowhere close to 10.0.7 Retpals. We aren’t onetapping people.
MAYBE Full Moon is, but we can expect that to be nerfed.

The problem with parroting “nerf meta” as Eorc pointed out
is that things get overnerfed and the whole ladder suffers.

Nerf the good casters and you’ll get a 10.0.7 again.
It’s no one’s fault the game is such a pendulum and can’t be balanced

i never said this.


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I know, I was just making the point to add onto my previous replies.
IMHO introducing a buff class mid season (Aug) was a terrible mistake.
People are complaining about one-shots as it was… healers not queueing…

No, it doesn’t. Tanky is their ability to tank damage. Raid tanks don’t live by kiting the boss. Boomy has spells to live. Clone. Roots. Sprints. Charges.

These don’t make make tanky any more than port makes lock tanky. Passive soul leech and pact and such are what made them tanky before.

Yes. Unless you think like, arcane mage is tanky?

I don’t want to enforce some semantic argument on you. If you disagree then whatever. I’m just clarifying my word usage.

Also this is just objectively wrong.

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