New Mage Tower Let Down

demand? I’m not demanding anything. so quick to call others insulting but here you are putting words in peoples mouths. :rofl:


I want it so badly because a: i like to collect things and b: they look cool and would go great with various mogs. Your assumptions about my motivations are lacking and really off base.


How do you find that derogatory :man_shrugging:
If I call a cloud, a cloud… how is it derogatory when I say someone wants to show off their achievement when it’s literally what they say they want(ed) to do.

I think you have your definitions mixed up of what derogatory looks like.


It was exclusive & limited time. It would make more sense for blizz to open new challenges & new skins. At this rate they may as well bring back everything that was once exclusive or limited time - titles, armor, skins etc.


But didn’t they bring it back during cata when they intro’d the heroic version of ZG? or was that a re-skin?

Obviously i don’t care, and i think it is one easy way they can provide content without having to burn a lot of dev hours.

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So those are ok, but hidden appearances should not be? Why, because you want them?

There’s tons of great weapons you can pick instead. Could it be that they’re not valuable enough for you to pick them instead? :thinking:


Because I only played for like 2 months in the middle of legion during my off again on again phase of WOW, i am just now hearing about “the promise” and I guess i just find it hilarious that so many are getting so worked up about them “breaking” that promise. Again, what does it really do to you? You earned it then, people can earn it now. Let people just play the game and quit gate keeping stuff.


More sense yes, and they probably entertained the idea but it is EXTREMELY time consuming I imagine from what I’ve gathered so it was the best ‘bang for their buck’ or however you say that.

They saw the years of wanting MT back [didn’t realize a lot of players also wanted the appearances back in some shape/form]. And noticed it’d be possible to do that would also keep some interest up during their time on the back foot trying to get 9.2 finished and new expansion work done.

gotta love everyone coming here to hate on the post but actually bumping it.

yeah blizz screwed the pooch here… just give us weapon recolors all around the mogs should be a time walking raid reward.


Glad I could make your day :slight_smile:

I bet you 100% of the people that are complaining about something blizzard being said being broken are still using their flying mounts as well lol.


I think that’s the black panther mount. I can’t remember, but it’s not the original from vanilla.

but there already is a precedent–the black market auction house. And that is just a blatant cash grab. Bring everything back and let people earn it fair and square.


Did we need another thread on this, could you have not shared your views in one of the multiple threads on this subject, including ones where the OP effectively shares your opinion. Isn’t that against the CoC to just continually spam the feed with repetitive threads like this?


Exactly, lol.
Maybe I just associate tier sets with raids or w.e
But it felt a more appropriate reward for timewalking raid.

I guess it’s pointless since they kinda decide [the rewards team does at least] where you get the thing.


Correct, but those are not the same as the hidden artifact appearances which you can still get.


I mean, you sit here aiming to demean me for my opinion, it does seem you want people to side with you rather than daring to have a different belief.

Hope your day is good, there’s not much going on here that hasn’t already been said.

If you haven’t seen the way people on the other side have judged those who want to maintain the exclusivity, then you either haven’t been paying attention or you don’t really care.

Perhaps the individual I quoted doesn’t believe that. And if so, that’s entirely on me for judging. However, when part of the response was “self-centered” and the rest of it was pretty outright hostile because someone dared believe something else, it isn’t calling a cloud a cloud.

In any case, I’ve said my peace. There’s nothing else really going on here other than another Mage Tower thread that honestly has no business existing on its own. We have enough already. But people are absolutely free to feel what they want to feel.

It eliminates that sense of accomplishment I had for obtaining the items at the time they were available, and it teaches me that there’s no point in trying a challenge in this game because it’ll just come back at any time.

Call me whatever you want, but that is my opinion and my feelings on it.


Nope, there are still many items gone never to return that don’t go on the black market so that’s a pretty bad argument. WoW isn’t a game where everyone can get everything and never has been since it’s inception. Feel free to go play another game that does cater to your wants because WoW never will.


oh someone said the truth! so demeaning! meanwhile your over here putting words in people’s mouth. get outta here and sit down.

Pat Pat. Hope your day gets better.

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