New m+ affixes are trash

That’s why I praised Sanguine, Bolstering, Bursting in the past.

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I guess they’re trying to force players to bring specific class even though there are better options?

So you dont contribute to DPS during down times?

Well you wont be playing at a level where this will take affect then so it shouldnt bother you any

1 out of 4 weeks at random, for 10% of downtime DPS, no effect on healing… wow what an amazing benefit.

Try harder maybe.

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Now take this into effect for every role

There you go. It can all be ignored. Stop with the victim mentality

Nobody with a brain is taking the worst class with a tiny buff over the better classes, that’ll still be doing better anyway.

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I dunno about that…have you been seeinf GDs initial response to these affixes lol thats exactly what theyre claiming

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The moral is, and always is, Blizz should never take the forums seriously.

They are for entertainment only.

Blizz ever using it for feedback is a disaster.

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The same few people who who will claim nobody’s gonna take an s-tier spec because the D-tier has a buff that week… yeah. Let’s listen to them.

Bonus, if they’re right and this is widespread, anyone who isn’t a lemming will have their pick of prime players every week by ignoring an almost irrelevant buff.

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They’re the first people to complain when they get what they ask for too. Such a shame really.

Invite all these people on the forum who make this same claim, you guys will fill instantly.


I don’t care about who’s at the top, I care about who’s at the bottom. If these affixes will primarily benefit non-meta specs, great…probably won’t make much of a difference for them though. But if they will benefit specs that are already strong, the effect is that it will be THAT much harder for everyone else to get into groups. Again, this is not a numbers problem, it is a player attitude problem.

Hunters get shat on all the time in M+, and yet even in S2 at the peak of when we were considered garbage I was still out-DPSing meta specs all the time and not dying. Were hunters actually useless? No. Was pushing my rating to 2800 solely through pugging one of the most painful and frustrating things I’ve done in WoW? You bet, and it’s why I took a break from the game.

As long as there is a perception that certain specs are bad, regardless of the truth, it makes finding groups extremely challenging. So I will say it again: anything, ANYTHING that reinforces that certain specs are better/worse, regardless of the magnitude, is terrible for the game. PERIOD.

I liked grievous during pulls, but post-combat having grievous stick around was ridiculous. If grievous fell off when combat ended or at least didn’t deal damage to targets that weren’t in combat, I would have liked it more. But it was miserable having to take the time when I should be able to get some mana still dumping heals into players so they wouldn’t fall over dead 15 seconds after every enemy was already dispatched. And trying to deal with grievous post-pull on a disc priest was basically impossible.

You have a very strange perception of reality.

Here are the facts about DF Season 2:

M+20 and above DPS class representation
Warriors: 8.2%
Paladins: 12.4%
Hunters: 11.62% (13.5% in +15 and above)
Rogue: 7.72%
Priest: 9.5%
DK: 4.34%
Shaman: 6.12%
Mage: 7.98%
Warlock: 10.5%
Monk: 3.6%
Druid: 6.9%
DH: 5.5%
Evoker: 5.6%

You are so out of touch with reality if you think the community thought hunters were “considered useless”. You are someone who 100% fully leans into victim mentality.

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I’m usually not one to post YT vids on the forums, but I do enjoy Quazii’s content and he makes several very valid points for why these affix changes are a bad idea.

/shrug…watch it or don’t.


late response but because most of them are most damage comes in bursts so healers just need us topped and we need to hit defensives properly then the healer has time to deal with affiix dps GCDS are probably the most valuable so you try not to use them tank and healer damage is nice but not important in the grand scheme of things tanks need to control the pack for the most part. healers need to deal with 60% of the affixs afflicted incorp ect it sucks thats the way the game is designed but it is what it is most affixs are healer and tank problems NOW thats at the top .1% you go into pugs at a +15 no ones hitting defensives interrupts or stops so the healer and tanks job become MUCH HARDER so dealing with affixs isnt easy for them so ill go ahead and put my two cents out on that if someone in a pug is saying its a tank or healer affix do the affix and if they die to a missed kick missed stop or with a defensive up tell them that you were dealing with affix and they needed to kick/stop/hit their buttons OR they can help with affix

okay but realistically 20s are just portal keys bump it up to class representation at 25+ or 30+ in s2 and then tell me how many hunters

Messages Mythic+ leader…‘Im a warrior but identify as arcane mage’

Ive seen some dumb design decisions in wow but this is next level.

As a healer, I haven’t been one to deal with incorp usually. (DH is instant.) Afflicted falls on whoever is fastest. And usually shadow priest ccs for damage debuff.

I was trying to imply that people who tank or heal hate doing it, so anything that forces them to play more is viewed as a negative.

Yeah basically some classes will just not be able to participate in certain weeks. Unless they find a way to ease up on the strength of the Affixes. I get they are supposed to be challenging but to make it so strong that so people just can’t do it is bad game design.