New m+ affixes are trash

  • Reckless

    • Non-boss enemies without mana ignore 20% armor with their attacks, but their armor is reduced by 30% and they take 10% increased Arcane damage.
  • Thorned

    • Non-boss enemies without mana inflict Physical damage to their attackers when attacked, but take 10% increased Holy and Shadow damage.
  • Attuned

    • Non-boss enemies with mana inflict 20% increased magic damage, but take 10% increased Nature damage and 30% increased damage from Bleed effects.
  • Focused

    • Non-boss enemies with mana have 30% increased Haste, but take 10% increased Frost and Fire damage.

How to truly favor specific classes: Make sure that only certain classes even benefit from affixes. It might shake up the meta, but is it really desirable? If the meta specs are favored that week, it’ll be even harder for other specs to get a invite.


Why are some of these so specific with damage type? Bonus arcane?


Cause if their balancing sucks, which it will, these affixes can alleviate that.


I can see that!


Incorporeal and Afflicted are both being removed for at least Season 1, so that’s a huge win.


No problem, I’ll just pull out my arcane daggers.


Yeah, I have to wonder if there is some internal competition to see who can make the worst affixes. After the last 2 seasons of players complaining about affixes that favor certain classes…they decide that every new affix should be that way?

Come on Blizz, do better.


So you have a week that melee literally can’t play the video game, no negatives for casters, and the new dungeons are already anti melee. lol. Absolutely incredible game design. I sure can’t wait for the exact same god comp that’s going right now to be the only specs you’re allowed to play again for another two years :slight_smile:


These seem like a nightmare for group building


They are different. Which is a good thing.

I definitely see how they can be used in a negative fashion through excluding people because of spec type etc.

I think changing the specific damage type to just magic, or physical, or bleeds would have a better effect.

As a main healer, I love that the affix specific for healers is gone. I like the fact that the mobs can die faster. I also understand that healing is a part of dungeons and would rather concentrate on healing more than pausing to dispel a ghost and someone dying because of it.

I would like to see all additional affix, outside tyrn and fort, being turned off during boss fights.


what about class that does several different type of damage? like ret we deal both holy and physical, warriso deals physical and bleed, feral physical and bleed, gauridan deals nature and physical and bleed, hunter physical and DoT and MM hunter fire damamge bleed and physical. The fig with the new affix…

THis is so so so dumb on blizzard’s part


That is my favorite part

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I honestly think it’s time to flat out remove affixes altogether without any kind of replacement. Or, if you absolutely must have affixes, only have one single seasonal affix. None of these ultra generic ones, but something that is interesting and has a huge upside if it is done correctly.

These new affixes are gravitating more and more towards being completely ignorable. We’re really reaching a point where there’s no reason why they couldn’t just be removed.


The new affixes should increase things like speed, cdr, or haste instead of specific damage types. It sucks that the benefits are all damage when there are 2 roles who’s primary concern isn’t damage.

I am glad that Blizz is trying something new with affixes though. And removing the boring chore affixes is going to make M+ a lot more fun for pugs.


What do you mean? not every mob in the dungeon that week will get the benefit of those affixes

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they’re retiring all the obnoxious ghost affixes, this is an enormous dub, regardless of these weird dmg type ones


Literally doesn’t matter. The community is so brain dead because Blizzard lets these god comps go for entire seasons that people are incapable of having a single thought. 95% of the player base sees that and just says “lol I’m not inviting melee to throw my key”.

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Start your own group, you will never be declined.


I can understand that.

Two free affixes gone so I guess that is good.