New m+ affixes are trash

Constructive Idea?
Are you even in the right forum? I thought this was only for panic, raging, and hyperbole! :sweat_smile:

This is what I was looking for. Ty.

People refuse to use defensives

Affixes help break up the monotony week to week. One of the worst things with raid for me is that farm is mind numbingly boring. Even with affixes that are tedious or annoying, at least it creates variety without negating the knowledge you’ve built from previous weeks regarding the dungeon itself.

This is the “lose more” kind of scenario that is most frustrating for these, IMO. The times when an afflicted or incorp are likely to go off are the times when there is a lot going on. It’s usually not a problem to get the dispel/CC off when little is going on.


I get the need for affixes, i really do and this is from someone who thinks they spoil the whole experience of mythic plus in their current form.

The affixes are just really boring, stale and well crusty to be honest.

I don’t know why the wow devs do not just do away with all these silly, boring, stale affixes and just have a seasonal affix which rotates every season to something else.

To me this seems to be the most obvious solution to something that i think the majority of the player base really do not enjoy :person_shrugging:

Maybe keep the standard tyrannical/fortified like mythic plus was released with and add some amazing seasonal affixes that affect all the group fairly.

Dislike that the current affixes are focused more on tanks/healers too.

This turn of events suggests that Blizzard feels that players who complain about affixes that favor certain classes are wrong, and Blizzard is right. They will double down and prove it.

Good luck with that.


At this point I truly believe that some @blizzard have issues with gamers. For the life of me I can’t understand why game and movie companies do this. They go out of there way to ignore, insult or even troll the customer, just to claim victimhood when it all god to crap.

1 Like,in%2094%20minutes%20after%20launch.

Congratulations to Progress from EU Gehennas for the World First kill of Heroic Lich King in Icecrown Citadel Wrath of the Lich King Classic! For those interested in how long it took for the Classic community to kill Heroic Lich King, Progress accomplished this in 94 minutes after launch.

That can’t possibly be true.

EDIT: It’s like people doing 20% of possible theoretical damage, then complaining dps is hard.

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Fair was talking when it was current without changes.

Were there any changes though? (anything substantial?)

Like people practiced for years just for this shining moment. I guess they took out saronite bombs causing platforms to respawn, but beyond that.

A few?

You have to excuse me a little but I recall them making changes to progression off the bat ( spirit not adding hit rating for example) I am pretty sure its lk after the substantially large nerfs throughout the patch.

I could be wrong and it could just be the effects of decades of practice and better min maxing tools.

They massively nerfed UDK in Wrath classic so there is that.

Feral got a bump due to power shifting.

I think perhaps the part that many healers are hating about the new affixes is that we get to taste all of the curse and none of the kiss. Which leads to a strong sense of apathy/distaste and the phrasing of ‘just another healer problem’.

Perhaps an affix like ‘Players and non-bosses above 90% health do additional damage’, would be more interesting, or maybe ‘Player and non-boss healers do damage when healing, and healing when doing damage’(meaning your dps would need to isolate and kick the tar out of npc healers, while your healer has fun). Dunno, just spitballing. But these affixes are just boring bloat that has dps squabbling with each other… kinda a fail.

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But the problem with your ideas is that healers are centered around healing, and for healing to be needed, there needs to be damage.

So stuff like bursting is fun for healers. If you care about damage, just play dps?


Not sure what was said, but I doubt I will miss anything.

just make your own group, my man. problem solved.

It should but as Season 4 has shown us it’s “bring the meta spec not the player” and we don’t even have these affixes yet.

I get what Blizz is trying to do but this first iteration isn’t it.

Except there is no benefit whatsoever to your gameplay or fun with bursting, just more incoming damage largely under the control of the DPS who had better have their heads on straight.

A kiss-curse mechanic where 1 role only tastes the curse is poorly conceived at best.

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Very true. Don’t have to worry about being declined when your group doesn’t fill. :wink:

People aren’t dumb. They just won’t apply to your group, or they’ll leave, when they notice you don’t bring the weekly meta damage type needed.

You get to heal - the very role that you chose to play.

How is that not a benefit?

For healing to be fun, people have to take damage.

Bursting is definitely one of the most fun healer affixes.

It completely shifts the damage profile to be right when combat ends and this is a big shift that creates change of kind

I really miss grievous too

This is a really really big factor that should affixes should be designed around