New loot system. It's time for GDKP to evolve into TDKP

I did that in the thread I linked above. It was actually deleted by blizz with thousands of views accumulated. The one you see there is a remake of the same thread.

I guess when someone from the anti-gdkp circle proposes the same thing it becomes a good idea :man_shrugging:

Not complaining, hopefully they listenā€¦but I have very low expectations.

That thread is 6months old. You put your most promising idea down the very bottom of a very long read about GDKPs which people will not get through. Maybe just start with that idea and go from there.

Hey man, at this point Iā€™ll take the support. Youā€™re probably right, given the reaction folks have had here. :fist_right: :fist_left:

this :expressionless: the fact that you can just go out and farm some gold for your upcoming gdkp run is a feature, not a bug :beetle:

there is zero chance a game company implements a system where people bid on drops in an MMOā€¦

You mean swipe?

I want gdkpā€™s personally.

Itā€™s welcome to see support for the switch to TDKP from GDKP, can only hope that the devs see this thread and see that people can be respectable at at least. I think the best way forward is to create a loot system that takes the good from GDKP and removes RMT at all costs.

The more systems that we create that fights against RMT and keeps the systems we do like is the best way forward.

I would be blown totally away if they made any changes about GDKP until way later in phase 4.

Considering they (Blizz) already deleted one of my threads that suggested this, Iā€™m not gonna hold my breath that the devs do anything good :joy:

Bring back gdkpā€™s thatā€™s what weā€™ve asked for.

Kind of rude to come into a TDKP thread and demand GDKP, this thread is about creating a new system. Youā€™ve started a dozen other threads about wanting GDKP just keep it to the main thread from 2 phases ago.

Theyā€™ve been pushing any threads related to GDKP to the front page. I assume they havenā€™t even read your OP. Itā€™s both sad and hilarious.

Iā€™ve seen this and similar ideas thrown around a few times and I think this would be a great loot system. Too bad Blizzard canā€™t do anything but just shove retail spells into the game. Thatā€™s pretty much all SoD has amounted to. Retail spells in classic. Nothing really new or different or innovative. Nothing close to the Classic + experience people actually want.

Iā€™m staunchly anti-GDKP, but I wouldnā€™t have any problem with OPā€™s idea. Iā€™m not going to hold my breath that Blizzard would implement anything like this, but I donā€™t see any glaring issues with it.