Can log on now and see if if you want too, im on realm list showing all offline but was able to see the new screen
You forgot the doge.
Nailed It!
Ugly colors and nothing interesting.
Shadowlands had some hits man. Bastion! “What it means to be Kyrian” so good. De other side was also super fun.
Azure span maybe the only music I enjoyed in dragonflight. Even the azure vault sounded amazing.
So far I really really like the war within music coming from the log in screen. It’s iconic and I’ve said before it sounds like game of thrones a bit into it. I dig it
All I see is a server offline list. Login screen will basically be the Warbands crew once the servers come back up as far as I know.
It has some brushstrokes that are similar to orgrimmar theme music. And when I say similar, I mean just a whisper of similarity. I’m a multi-instrumentalist and I’ve always loved WoW music. The best music in any game I’ve ever played.
I’m not saying the music is bad…it’s just, I don’t know, not WoW to me. It’s very noncommittal and generic. After shadowlands and dragonflight, I was hoping for a return of great WoW themes
Place holderTM
Be ready for all the trolls or people who think Blizzard can do no wrong…
The main theme (if that’s what you want to call it), does kind of end in the same way as the Targaryen/ dragon theme ended.
wrath had Best one
Yeah, but that was eons ago. I haven’t entered my data in those fields in a long, long time.
Now you go to the Launcher, hit Play, that screen flashes by (your speed may vary depending on internet connection), and boom. Character screen.
I like the login screen idk
Continuing the discussion from Login Screens:
Community Council has a thread about the login screen but even CC memebers refer to post as Necro, because nobody from Blizzard pay attention to that forum section :S , this thread about the login screen was an easy topic to address by Devs and just ignored.
But… cataclysm! Oh I liked that one so much. Was my favorite
“Don’t you all have phones???”
The login screen may be hint they are moving wow to phones in the near future.
blizzard is now like florida weather wait 5 minutes it will change…
I love the new log on its refreshing, and it get me excited