New Loa of change and moonkin. Q'onzu

I don’t see why an animal-form loa shouldn’t use “it” for pronouns, frankly.


I don’t see why Blizzard doesn’t let me punch it in the face, frankly.

I’ve been sitting on whether I’ll go through the ptr to get more info about Q’onzu for myself or not. It marks a chance to give trolls a little more care and direct connection, at least since it seems like they don’t want to use the at least 30 other Loa that could have been involved here and travel the dream!

I’m gonna be honest though, the way the term Loa is already getting treated in some of the text is about the implications I’d expect from a new Loa that’ll probably join Lakali.


New Lore for Night Elves and Better?!? What is this madness?!?

My understanding was they are lesser by definition. A Loa needs followers, worship, sacrifice to derive power from. Wild Gods don’t appear to have that issue.

This would fit perfectly with that bird attitude thinking himself better than anyone.

Yeah I get what you mean. He’s not a Loa out of the usual spirit of reciprocal gain but a purely selfish desire to be the centre of attention.


Not by definition, loa is the term that trolls (and other races from the troll cultural sphere like sethrak or tortollans) use for beings they worship.
The loa that are wild gods would also have a set standard of power that they don’t require worship to maintain, just like regular wild gods.
The crux is that the way troll worship is that they are heavily involved in doing rituals for those they worship which grants additional power.
So a loa will get over their “baseline” so to speak. So a loa with a weak baseline but a ton of followers might be as strong as a wild god, but when the followers are lost then so is the power.
Or a Loa might be a wild god and become even stronger than they would be on their own. But they will just return to their regular baseline when the followers are lost.

This is also why Loa tend to be more involved in the lives of their followers compared to regular wild gods. Since it’s a relationship of give and take, of bargains.


The feeling I had when dealing with them was a bunch of mean girls out of a high school drama.

However, they are also the most fey of the wild gods seen yet in that they are mercurial, self centered, and borderline malicious. Q’onzu has been around longer than anyone else and is profoundly, mind numbingly, bored… so they only do anything if they find it amusing and seems to have a 15 second attention span.

I’m just curious if not out right worried about the relationship that Loa has with Moonkins. I really don’t want to have anything to do with NPCs like that one.

I’ve always loved Wild God & Loa lore. :sparkles: :heart_eyes: :sparkles:

Hated, nay – Utterly LOATHED entirely, to what they did with their lore in Shadowlands.

Aspects I loved about their lore (Pre-Shadowlands) –

  • Could be reborn in the dream.
  • Were quite literally eternal.
  • Immense spiritual potential & capabilities.
  • Their wisdom
  • How some had their own respective afterlives — Which also gave to the fan theories that followers of various loa were welcomed to their respective afterlife realms, or part of their territories within the Emerald Dream or ‘De other side’ of which they held dominion.

Personally I loved that last point reference because it had a lot of lore potential, and lots of gameplay & roleplay potential too if utilised correctly. :yum:

Hoping the Emerald Dream restores some pre-Shadowlands lore back into the fold as canon once again & gives us some more Wild God + Loa lore :grin:

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The owl sucks.

It’s blizzard trying to push the trolls loa of change, Gonk, out of his spot and replace him with more night elf content.

Trolls must worship superior elven master race gods in blizzard’s eyes, after all.


I’m a hard-core NE fan and I don’t want that Owl… you can have it! I would even go as far as join Trolls to help them get rid of that annoying thing and bring back Gonk.


Follow up so far, I can’t find any other quests for Q’onzu besides the chain mentioned above. But I’ll compile everything within this post, so if you don’t want PTR spoilers…

This is your spoiler warning point.

  • Q’onzu is among the names brought up when Cenarius tasks you with rallying the Ancients, and the Keepers and Dryads. Q’onzu, the Loa of Change, can be asked who they are at this point, and will also refuse the call to action.
  • Later on in the Central Encampment, Cenarius will ask you to find Q’onzu again and get them to aid the dream guardians. And that’s where the current quest chain for Q’onzu begins.

Q’onzu resides within a nest area of Whorlwing Basin. All of the followers here are moonkin of some sort and the new somnowls, most notably is that the first follower you speak to is a kul tiran moonkin. They claim that you can’t just walk up and speak to the Loa of Change, and saddle your mortal existence with answering “Q’onzu’s 100 questions”. You agree, suddenly MOONKINS fill Q’onzu’s little nest area.
This group comprises of:
-Lun’alai Zandalari forms
-One extra Kul’tiran moonkin
-Lots of nelf moonkins
-Lots of tauren and troll moonkins
-One unique moonkin in ye old moonkin armor
-funny enough I don’t remember seeing a single highmountain. Maybe the horns are broken or something.

Question 1

*To whom does the Emerald Dream owe it’s form?
Answer: Freya

Having to paraphrase this one because snapped forward too soon.

Question 2

I can mean everything or nothing. I am a state and place alike. I am fleeting by nature, but here, I am held still. What am I?
Answer: A dream.

Question 3

What protects, but also imprisons?
Answer: Stasis
(an interesting answer, the choices here were The Maw, A cage, and Time)

Question 4

Who speaks within a dream to you, but in waking holds their tongue?
Answer: A moonkin.
(I suppose this means like actual non-druid moonkin and owlkin)

You get stunned after this and Q’onzu finally shows themself. They don’t like you. They don’t like your presence all that much and you get more of Q’onzu’s trickster personality here, as well as their use of feathers to literally change some of the local spriggans into the faerie dragons. No drawbacks, apparently.

Q’onzu fakes you out into believing you’ll get to ask what their deal is, who they are, etc.

So you get these choices:

-How old are you?
-Where have you been?
-Why do you call yourself a Loa?
-Have you been in the Dream this whole time?
-What do you have the power to change?
-So, what’s the deal with will all the moonkin?
-Do you know Bwonsamdi?
-Are you always this annoying?
-Are you actually going to answer or are you just going to-

I’d like to know if the Bwonsamdi mention is a determinant or not based on the race you play. I’m a zandalari in ptr just as I am on retail, so I can’t say.

Either way, they don’t answer and tell you to go ask Cenarius about them instead. You do that, just about everyone has something not great to say about Q’onzu to one affect or another. They dug out of the dream once, Ysera may have imprisoned them, the insulting garbage the dryads say about the Loa, Aviana being weirdly large now… Cenarius doesn’t believe all of this, of course, and tasks you with going back to Q’onzu’s nest to ask them the truth. But for now, they’re gone.

My theory so far is that Q’onzu may indeed be a Loa and not just saying as such the way the dryads implied. (Also wtf blizz? Are we not done giving gross connotations to things that have real worship and religion and culture related to it irl?)

But I’m also looking for more quests and places where Q’onzu may show up, because the change that they embody and speak to the pc about is the inbetween that happens when one form takes another. So for Q’onzu, this does seem a lot like a chance to grow more powerful, something that an Ancient wouldn’t really need to consider or wait for a prime moment to take advantage of. Like I said, I can’t say I’m keen on seeing yet another Loa created, but I certainly wouldn’t want to see a new one brought up just to be struck with the villain bat. Troll lore has had enough of that.


I do not really think Q’onzu has anything to do with creating the moonkin/owlkin. Now, they may of been made by Elune just like the moonkin were originally… That would jive with its owl motif and being older than anyone can remember. Perhaps it used to run the place before the Titans steamrolled the proto-dream to make their static garden realm.

I felt this at first, but it’s not really true and really shouldn’t be an issue *so long as the Loa aren’t forgotten in future writing. There’s like a couple of snake loa alone that we don’t know much about besides them being a snake loa. Same with Akunda being a Loa of storms and Shango (set to be canonized at some point) also being a Loa of storms. The domain overlap ideally doesn’t matter so long as they serve it in a different way.

So here with Q’onzu, they don’t seem to care about the end result that comes with change, just the state of something starting to change. That’s very different from Gonk, who’s more about the end shapes, and it leads to different goals and ideals.

edit: I honestly don’t know what I expected from someone replying that fast.


You play horde.
You know blizzard trips over itself not to include horde content.
This patch being a giant example.


Not being Horde content doesn’t mean good Alliance contect. Trust me when I say that I was hoping to see Wild Gods and Loas working together. It’s after all the Emerald Dream which is home to all Nature Spirits. But instead of developing current known Loas they give us that annoying owl.
Q’onzu may look like something made for Night Elves but is in no way related to them.

And yes, it is in fact a very Alliance leaning patch because we are working to restore our World Tree but it would be a complete waste of opportunity if they don’t include the full spectrum of Druids.

Tyrande is there which is more than obvious considering what’s in stake but we should also be questing along side Hammul and Zen’tabra.

As usual I’m always wanting to see more of Zen’kiki. Night Elves and Tauren should be everywhere but by now Darkspear Trolls should be there showing the fruits of their training over the yeara since Cata.

If we’re lucky more Druids would show up along the way.


I wish all the bitter faction brained people would just leave this game and stop polluting discussion with their pissbaby nonsense.


Hey… don’t be mean… I’m all for cross faction interaction. That’s what I’m trying to say… at least with druid related themes we are the best at working together.