As I explained before…scientifically, that is your sex. Sex and Gender are not the same thing. Your gender tends to be based off your sex, but it is not a hard rule.
Also, the definition of genders changes as society changes so the expectations are fluid.
After reading this , this is been what I’ve been saying should be done to improve things not the stuff we have been getting in the PTR.
This shows real action towards solving the rl problems going on there . Now not so sure about the 50% women /binary part and how that is going to work . I do support there being an increase in the numbers of course . Just not sure about the percentage part .
All I want to know is that by becoming the nost inclusive company in the world will WOW become a good game again? How will it help improve WOW’s bad game design and decision over the years?
Being a minority (Asian) in US I am all bout being inclusive but how is that helping improve the game? That’s all I care about as a player
What burden of proof is there on me to prove I’m not just faking it as a non-binary person?
Seems like we are moving towards men just checking the “female” box on their applications to take women’s jobs lol, no? Like if I can’t get hired because the company wants to fill the position with a woman or a non-binary person, what’s to stop me from saying “Oh yeah I’m non-binary” and just taking the job?
Seems like Blizzard can just cheat by hiring all men still but saying “Oh no half of them are women…wE aRe DiVeRsE”.
Technically, sex is defined by the sex cells one’s body produces(gametes), where the social conception of the societal roles of men and women define gender. That isnt to say its simply a “construct” made in a vacuum, though. In the development of culture throughout the world, these perceptions of how either gender “ought to behave” is mediated by the physical possibilities defined by sex.
For example, in a hunter-gatherer society, almost unanimously, we see more dangerous, physical tasks assigned to and expected of males, and maintenance of social bonds in a family, as well as those within the larger tribal group, and the rearing of children assigned to and expected of females.
Why is this?
Largely, because hominids of the past 3 million years have deduced that males cannot produce food for infants, and females generally are at a disadvantage in physical conflict with males. It didn’t make sense to send the females hunting while the males, who were unable to even feed the youngest generation of the tribe, minded the camp and children.
While this is no longer applicable to modern times; we are structurally the same hominids, and many people still feel a compulsion to make themselves as useful to their social group as possible for the benefit of themselves and others they care about.
Sorry for the wall of off topic text lol. I just find the “gender is just a social construct, as random as the pottery a culture makes” a frustrating and disingenuous position.
That is not to say that people need to adhere to that rubric, nor should there be any judgement on those who choose to not adhere to it, or even participate in it at all.
I don’t understand how traits define gender that is strange but changing the way it is written definitely will not help. It seems people are confusing gender identity with gender more specifically.
When they find out you are not they will fire you with cause and probably blacklist you. Just like they do when you lie on your resume about being disabled or lying about your work history.