New Letter from Activision Blizzard CEO

Is this on an application now? Genuinly curious as I have filled one out in a … decade-ish?


Well they won’t have to. California has this nifty law that allows them to hire you, without benefits, for 18 months. At which point they have to make you a full fledged employee, with benefits, or cut you loose. I’m sure Blizzard is taking advantage of this just like every other Cali Corporation. Those excess dudes will just be dropped when their 18 months are up. Legally.

This law is carefully explained, as it benefits you the employee by protecting your rights to get a job with benefits. What it does in fact is allow corporations to just cycle employee’s so they don’t have to pay benefits…

This is your lawmakers working for yo… No, that’s not it. Your lawmakers getting kickbacks from corporations at the expense of everybody else.


I don’t know, im not part of their HR team.

This is the keyword that people miss. Most industries won’t experience a pay gap. But for example there is still some pretty rampant and hardcore sexism in industries such as the automotive industry.

OK…is it a common question on applications in general now? You seem in the know about these things is all.

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Idk this seems very racist and ageist to me and it assumes that all ‘white’ middle aged guys all like the same thing or something which is incredibly simple minded. Also seems to be filled with hate for some odd reason.


I don’t recall seeing any mention of gender on the ~dozen or so applications I’ve filled out in the last year. I don’t live in CA though, so maybe it’s different there?

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How about hiring workers that do their job instead of cherry picking?


Bingo bengo bango. It really is this simple


The last job application I filled out, the choices were:

Prefer not to say

And the resume I’d include with the application doesn’t address my gender identity at all.

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They won’t do that though they’ll hire the cheapest possible and the most desperate so they can overwork and underpay them


Ah, the OP misquoted that then. She said to 50%, not by 50%.

I still have issues with dividing the workforce into “male” and “not male,” though. That does a great disservice to women.

The problem stems from using diversity as an end instead of a means. We’ve morphed diversity into something that is wanted in of itself, as if it’s some sort of virtue. Trouble is, that means that commonality is treated as a vice, so you have to stay in a state of diversity to maintain its virtue.

Diversity should be seen as a toolbox. You don’t want a toolbox full of hammers to complete a project, but rather a variety of tools to address different needs. However, paradoxically, being able to tackle a problem from different angles with a diverse set of tools leads to a final outcome held in common. That line of thinking is the antithesis of diversity as an end, which requires diversity to be maintained at all times.


I think as long as the men are respectful to women than their should be no problems but that might be a bit too ideal at least men would be less likely to act out if women had enough people to stand up against them

I think it’s safe to say, now that 10.0 is coming. If a company is getting ready to close the doors why would they drop 500 million on a PR stunt.

No this doesn’t make sense you aren’t born as a hammer you grow into a hammer as you age or any other tool. You shouldn’t be given a specific tool based on something you can’t change

I wonder about that too, as for why it’s important, it’s obviously to check a case in order to appear “cleaner than before”.
As for the how, can someone explain me how you recognize visually a non-binary?

Because biologicaly speaking, there’s only 3 gender: Man, woman and androgynous.

Being non-binary, homosexual, trans or anything from the LGBT is how you feel and that’s not the same.
Let’s say that i want to be hired, i could perfectly lie and imitate a true non-binary to have the job.

So…how will they determine who is a fake and who is a true? I’m curious to know this.


How dare you think that hiring based on merit is more important than meeting our non-binary gender quota!


You caught me. I’m a self-hating middle-aged white guy. I’m also straight, so yeah, pretty much everything is my fault, I guess.


I think my favorite part is that we’re assuming women and non-binary individuals are exempt from the possibility of creating toxicity in the workforce :stuck_out_tongue:


So, you would have been just as unhappy if he would have done nothing. Got it.

You guys need to put down the pitchforks. Your arms are going to get tired