New Letter from Activision Blizzard CEO

I still find the removals fruitless, this helps the employees. So good job in this regard.

That certainly has been a problem historically. Women and people of color were hired for lower paid jobs with less responsibility that equally qualified white men and were passed up for promotion to less qualified white men who had been working there less time.

I doubt they could reach 50% given the probable makeup of applicants. But I suppose it’s a noble goal.

My experience is that women in the workforce in general are hired for lower paid and lower responsibility jobs, and are the first to be laid off. One woman told me about a place she worked where, when the crunch came, ALL the women were laid off and none of the men. This happened years ago. But it happened.

Damn. So he’ll only have the 100s of millions of dollars he made in years past to live on? That’s brutal…

This really sounds like we’re in for more politics and censorship in the game. Great news indeed.

Also, what a nice guy he’s cutting his salary after devouring the development cost and funding of 2 or 3 expansions.

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I very loosely support the IDEA of this. But the reality of it doesn’t add up. I’m sorry. I’m open to discuss, but from what I can see, it doesn’t add up.

I just googled “How many women pursue programming degrees” and the various info has led me to believe that 90% of programmers are men. Let’s be SUPER FREAKING GENEROUS with those stats and say it’s only 70%. That would still mean you have a 70/30 split for GOOD CANDIDATES.

And what is Blizz’ employment? 70/30.

There should only ever be ONE GOAL at a company: hire the best. But we all know frat boys hire their inept brothers, and you have to be living under a rock to deny “a good 'ole boys club” at almost any workplace. So pushing outside the norms is SOMETIMES a good thing.

But programming is not a “normal” occupation. It is HEAVILY a male-dominated field. So until women pursue it at a rate of 50/50, then NO ONE SHOULD EXPECT a company to have an employee rate of 50/50.

You’re only asking to take on people that simple are not qualified. And if you’re being honest: THAT DOESN’T HELP the minority/ underrepresented people it’s supposed to be trying to help in the first place. Get hired on your MERITS. Not some quota.


I’m also going to guess that not many non-binary folks are programmers too.

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Okay, and? What’s with people shifting the goalposts?

First folks get uppity about how Bobby Kotick is profiting while Activision Blizzard flounders and while there are layoffs (insert Bobby buying another yacht meme here). Then he voluntarily gives up his pay, bonuses and equity until the company has accomplished its goals (which could take a while depending on how hiring occurs) and folks still complain about how it doesn’t matter how much he earns, because he still has wealth.

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I never cared how much he made and I don’t see what he’s doing now as some sort of noble gesture. The dude can afford to take a huge pay cut.

How very generous of him.
I guess he’ll need to skip a few meals this year. I know it will be difficult but I’m sure he’ll manage…somehow.


I was just thinking this.


So $250 million from the budget is going to be diverted for nonsense, guess where that’s coming from. Get ready for sub fee raises next year and shttier games.

The guy is a total scumbag, he shouldn’t be in charge. All the dodgy crap he has pulled with the lawyers and investigations, he should be fired and banned from the gaming industry. He already has his millions that he took for himself after firing hundreds of people.


Those bonuses were part of his contract. They weren’t given to him because he fired people from the company. He’d have collected those bonuses even if no one got fired.

Long as they walk their talk, it sounds much better.

The company no longer has to pay 500 ‘extra’ people, and clearly that money did not go into improving the game, so where did it go ? Hmmm


I want a new topic:

“Old Letter from Activision”

And have it be something from like… a really long long time ago.

Not to Bobby Kotick.

Bobby Kotick is on salary, his salary doesn’t change because people got fired. His bonuses are also not affected by people getting fired or not.

You’re trying to make connections where there aren’t any.

Sure there is. Particularly when the tools you use to measure the inequity are blatantly vague, inaccurate, and ham fisted. Heck, they’re so shallow they’re often literally skin deep.

And I say this as a male in a field that is utterly dominated by women. I don’t see a single individual giving a darn about the massive inequity in my field. I don’t see a problem with inequity in the video game industry. I have a BIG problem with inequality in the field. If hiring practices are discriminating against women via internalized bias, stereotypes, or any other such nonsense… fair enough… re-educate (fire people if necessary idc) and improve the system.

But hiring to meet a quota. I’ll care about your inequities when you start caring about ALL inequities.


The laws apply to everyone regardless of sexual orientation or race. ‘reverse discrimination’ lawsuits do happen. Novant Health recently was forced to pay a former exec 10mil.


That is not going to happen. It’s the same case when you talk about literally any field. I had an hour long nightmare of a conversation with a streamer named Destiny once about this. Literally his only care was enforcing quotas for all the male dominated fields, but you bring up a single female dominated one and his logic 180’d. Then he started getting really aggressive when I suggested “Alright, well if we want 50% of programmers to be women I want 50% of plumbers to be women and I want women forced by law to sign up for the draft when they’re 18.”

It seems like inequality is only cared about when it’s high paying, male dominated professions.