New Letter from Activision Blizzard CEO

Sorry, I tried to maintain a fairly nuanced and good-faith dialogue with you, but you tipped your hand with this one.

You are acting as a mouthpiece for your dogmatic ideology, and it is plainly obvious that you don’t care about individuals, equality, or resolving the root causes of inequality in the country.

You care about your own in-group, advancing your own agenda, and debasing anyone that doesn’t agree with you. You see individuals as mere stand-ins for their most generalized characteristics on a page of statistics.

The scenario you paint is presumptive, and conveniently adheres to your inability to see anyone as anything more than their group identity.

Moreover, it does nothing to address the root cause of why the “latter” person in your tirade is in the position they are in; a broken education system and an abandonment of the impoverished by government completely independent of race, gender, orientation, or any other characteristic that you insist on placing judgements on.

This is bald discrimination in the guise of compassion, and until you understand that you cannot apply group statistics to individuals wholesale, and that compassion toward one group exclusively is, in fact, not compassion at all, you will remain a possessed ideologue that does little more than parrot talking points from the pseudo-religious critical theory playbook.

I enjoyed the chat at first, but I believe I’ve made my points clearly enough for any subsequent readers to make their own opinions of, and am in no mood to talk a person consumed by subservience to ideology out of their sideways beliefs.

Please, do tell more of the spoiled and their ill-gotten gains. I’m sure we’re all riveted. /s


Looks like I upset you somehow.

Maybe you should do some introspection as to why you think 9001 cisgender heterosexual straight white male engineers working at the same place who all just happen to serendipitously be tHe BeSt FoR tHe JoB is the picture of diversity.

There isn’t equality in work or pay from what I have found in the work place. Some people just don’t work as efficiently or as hard as others.

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250 million dollars on diversity? What a waste of money. Hate to break it to you but you can be trans/non binary/whatever the hell and still suck at your job. How about they judge based on someone’s character and work ethic rather than how they feel and what they are?


You simply cannot see past race and orientation, and treat your “9001” as individuals, and adress people as such, can you? I assure you, were a company to do blind hiring from a wide adverising base with an eye toward qualification, you would never end up with “9001 cis-het white dudes”.

I’m not upset, but simply disappointed that an otherwise seemingly intelligent, compassion-driven individual cannot see the nuances behind group statistics or identity any better than a 20th century fascist.


So basically instead of hiring the best people, we now have a vessel to hire check boxes. The company will still suck.


So, basically WoW will continue to decline.


I’m disappointed that an otherwise seemingly intelligent individual really thinks that ethnicity, gender identity, sex, and lack of disability don’t create any barrier at all to becoming “eQuAlLy qUalIfIeD.”

One way to actually increase access to underrepresented crowds in STEM is to, you know, actually hire them.

Meritocracy is a farce.

Impressed? The copium has to be real for you.

Immagine beliving anything Bobby qhouls say. It’s like you are new to this mess.

Of course there will be no change.

All you was: We won’t so anything at all. We won’t pay our workers fair and not fire harassers.
Please keep playing.

So naive.

Yeah you sound so upset probably because you’re soon to be replaced in the society.


Oh, I don’t, and I believe that has been clearly expressed in earlier posts.

I believe that you address those from the roots, not the branches. If you fix education, and social services for communities in need irrespective of their position within your perceived hierarchy of disadvantage by race, sex, etc., then there is no reason to judge individuals based on these aforementioned traits for hiring or college admission purposes. Then, you could…

Without lamely justifying discrimination.

I would substitute “equality of outcome” for meritocracy, personally. It smacks less of bolshevism.


And so the blatant racists begin to appear. I think I’m done with this thread.


This is all very nice, but Fran “Torture is good, actually” Townsend still works there, so, /shrug.

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Some people have a hard time with the concept that the disparity here is not based on race, sex, or gender but on economics.

Which oddly enough affects the minority groups I’ve mentioned in previous posts at a 2 to 3 times higher rate than the average majority group.

Not at all.
This isn’t really any karge pro einer change so far.

Fawimg over Bobby and Blizz is at this point flat out strange.
People will belive every nonensene it seems like.

It’s a marketing ploy.
Of course Bobby will get his bonus back next year. They simply wait until everything has called down. Blizzard needs “good” pro. They know how Bad it is.

It’s sad to see some whales are falling for it.

But still effects the “messiah” race of Caucasians as well. Its just easier to have someone to point at instead of addressing the actual problems.

If you address poverty…yes some of those hated white straight people will be helped…but so with that 2/3rds you are talking about.

Yep, that she does, and I hope she gets fired, because she shouldn’t be working there given her statements, both during her tenure at Activision Blizzard and before.

That being said, steps in the right direction should still be acknowledged.

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That fact alone that this criminal is still working for Blizzard shows they won’t change.

It’s really sad you are falling for their little PR stunt.
Bobby will get his bonus. You just wait.

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No. No it’s not. That’s a flat out lie.
Also Nintendo paid their workers well, did not hire torture defenders, other criminals and not shield harassers.

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Did I ever say to exclude cisgender heterosexual white men? No. I’m simply saying that people that aren’t that demographic would be helpful to creating actual equality.