New Letter from Activision Blizzard CEO

Yeah that is a really high percentage jump I get why its a goal I just hope they don’t fire a bunch of people for no other reason or hire a bunch of incompetent people with no experience to make a point there’s enough problems with the game already.

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Paid… here to help

Agreed here.

But the concept comes up a lot.

Is it just a case of not being able to trust hiring managers to not be biased so it’s “enforced” as an arbitrary blanket rule to cover their butts, or something else?

Because I just really dislike the idea of the “well, we would hire you, but we need to meet our gender ratio, so we can’t” line. Not that it’d actually be said out loud, but still.

too little. too late

Did they fix the game yet? Anyone? Bobby?


Examples? Where I’m from, this could not be further from the truth.

I have worked with engineers, and I have encountered more from diverse backgrounds than I have ‘cis-het white men’. I have worked with far more Asian and South American immigrant engineers than local graduated ones.

Equality of outcome via tokenization perhaps. How many boxes must be checked in to order satisfy all parties? How many of each gender/race/etc must be hired to achieve equality? How many adjustments must be made to accommodate all preferences?

It detracts from the individual and has them hired simply because they possess A or B attributes that wins diversity points.

That is not an equality of opportunity solution, because that mentality skews bias against another group of people.


Nope, they care more about virtue signaling and diversity hiring now for the sake of a PR stunt.


The Gnome uprising is upon us!

He already got away with millions but sure keep licking his boots maybe he’ll give you a gold star

Being insufferable isn’t doing you any favours.

Facts don’t lie, his salary does not change based on his performance, it’s set for the duration of his contract. His bonuses are based on company performance, meeting various metrics, none of which revolve around hiring or firing people. So any money potentially saved by dismissing those people (mind you they were hiring throughout both waves of layoffs) went straight back into the company, not into Kotick’s wallet.

But if you have some verifiable proof to the contrary, showing that Bobby did indeed pocket money because he fired people, please, by all means, share it.

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Yeah straight back into the company that paid him a huge bonus, now he is cutting back a fraction of what he gained, little bit late for that. What is so hard to understand ? But sure keep shilling for bobby and activi$ion

As I said, being insufferable isn’t doing you any favours.

Oh, yay!! I was gone for 16 hours, and this is still running :stuck_out_tongue:

How about an apology for discrimination against the hunter class ? We’ve bare unfair nerfs since 9.05. How about reverting the nerfs to wild spirits?

Wth? Survival is easily the most OP melee class overall. As a meme :skull:

Hey, OP:

You left out the blatant sexism and discrimination that is going to go into the hiring process.

They want to “increase the numbers of women and non-binary by 50%” (pp).

This means that they are going to pass up men, and hire women/NBs just to fill a quota which is, by definition of the word, discriminatory and sexist.

But it’s okay to discriminate against men, I guess. /eyeroll

I wonder if anybody ever stopped to think "Hey maybe the reason why there’s only 23% women and NBs because fewer women and NBs have the qualifications and merits?

Women can make it in gamedev, but they gotta put forth the effort just like the guys who got there, did. You can’t just give anybody a free pass because of what they identify as. When you do that, you’ll end up getting less-qualified employees and your product will be worse overall. Not because of what gender they are, but because you hired less-qualified people to fill a quota.


And here folks we have the perfect example of the wrong take.

At no point have they stated that they’re going to pass up on men applying for roles at Blizzard. All they’ve stated is that they plan to increase the number of women and non-binary employees (hint, non-binary folks can also be men) by 50%

So if Joe Blogs applies for a role as an engineer, and he’s qualified for the role, while Karen Whites is underqualified, Joe Blogs will get the role. If they’re both equal, they’ll both be considered equally for the role, where as before due to dude-bro atmospheres and inherent biases in workplaces, Joe may have been given preferential treatment over Karen.

No one is getting a ‘free pass’. So take that nonsense and throw it in the trash where it belongs.


They have to pass up men to meet this quota. Kotick said that they will increase the numbers of women and NBs by 50%. 50% is a pretty darn large number. You know they’re not going to just dump 50% more workforce beyond the positions they actually need, so to achieve the 50% more, they simply must hire as many women and NBs as possible, which means they are going to focus on hiring women and NBs.

They can’t, actually. When you say “We need a 50/50 split of men, and women/NBs” and you have, say, 7 men and 3 women, and you have say, 12 total slots for employees, you need to hire 2 employees. To fill your quota, you absolutely cannot hire a man and still meet your quota or even get closer to it. If you hire a man, then it will be 8 and 3, and your numbers will look even worse.

The moment you mention a quota, is the moment you’re locked into doing exactly what you said you were going to do. If you don’t, then someone will call you out. “I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WERE GONNA MAKE IT MORE EQUAL!”

You can stand there and go “but, Joe Schmoe had better qualifications than all the women applicants…”

But it won’t matter. They’ll still rant and rave at you.

Best thing to do is don’t mention the stupid quota to begin with and hire purely based upon merit from second one.


Did you just call Non-Binary, Men?

Isn’t that supposed to be, like, ultra-offensive to them? I thought the whole point of identifying as non-binary is that someone who does such does not consider themselves men, nor women. So they are obviously not men, by their own definition.


Old letter from CEO: “You guys are doing great. Keep up the good work! We got this.”

I really don’t care what you think about me, the facts are what they are, you can live in your own bubble if you like.