New interview with Ion


So does status quo imply that the Horde gets 1 zone from the Alliance and gets to destroy another zone permanently while the Alliance got nothing from the horde?

Because thatā€™s certainly not my definition of that term

The horde army was split at this point. They were going to be fighting the rebellion portion of the horde and the alliance, not just the alliance. The alliance was out of troops at the start of 8.1 and were going to be needing to call up farmers next, this is why the alliance needed a portion of the horde army just fight the other portion of the horde and they were risking everything on that attack on Org or they were ā€œdoneā€.


Can you imagine if they give Alliance Blue Eyed High Elves? That would be the end of Horde Pride and the worst thing to happen to Blood Elves. They could have ended the High Elf debate once and for all by allowing Blood Elves to have Blue Eyes. Looks like they might have other plans. Iā€™m worried. :worried:

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Yeah, I am at a point where I am thinking Sylvanas is more of an Illidan type character. Weā€™re being lead to believe sheā€™s an irredeemable villain but thereā€™s more going on. The line in the trailer ā€œThis world is a prison and I will set us all freeā€ has kinda stuck with me. I might be wrong and it might just of been her being edgy and dramatic but it just seems like there was more to it than that.

My current theory is that sheā€™s going to replace the jailer. The Shadowlands is somehow broken and the end game of this expansion is to resolve it so that souls can finally go to the ā€œcorrectā€ afterlife or something like that.

I bet she will just be redeemed in the same way as Grom and then return to the Horde as a forsaken leader.
The peace treaty will just not be talked about anymore, the Alliance will just kinda ignore the fact that Sylvanas is back to the Horde.

hopefully it will be less hamfisted than Gromm. I am unsure about her returning as the Forsaken leader. It feels like the story team is grooming Calia for that role but you might be right because this whisper from Nā€™zoth comes to mind.

'The golden one claims a vacant throne. The crown of light will bring only darkness"

Itā€™s possible, but highly unlikely, it could be another situation of Ion sayinā€™ ā€œNoā€ to somethinā€™ā€¦ and then that thing gets implemented like a week later. Like the time he said Zandalari wouldnā€™t be gettinā€™ unique Druid formsā€¦ and then the dino forms were found out.

Personally, I stopped carinā€™ since the only B.Elf I play is a Demon Hunter and doesnā€™t have eyes anyway. But, I would laugh if this did happen.

They said something similar about Vulpera early on.

Something like (paraphrasing): ā€œjust because datamining makes it seem possible does not make it factual!ā€

And Vulpera are now Playable on the Horde.

I am content with the current iteration of Golden Eyed Horde High Elves.

If they want to make Blue Eyed Horde High Elves, or a second group of Playable Alliance High Elves down the lineā€¦ good for those who want them.


Tbh I think green eyes look boss hog but I understand that the relation to fel magic is pretty lame.

This is absurd. What you saw in the cinematic was an entire stormwind regiment ready to battle and Genn telling to Anduin they would need to call farmers to make another army if that one falls. But thats only Stormwind.

Do you have evidence of Kultirans calling their farmers?
Do you have evidence of dwarvens calling their farmers?
Do you have evidence of night elves calling their farmers?
Do you have evidence of Stromgarde calling their farmers?

You even know that the Alliance won in Arathi AND Darkshore. Those armies arent in the Siege of Orgrimmar. Tyrande is not there. Turalyon, Danath or Muradin neither. (or their armies).

Meanwhile the Loyalist ā€œBreaking the Circleā€ storyline description states that Sylvanas and Varok recalled their forces to fight in the siege, and as you already saw, in the loyalist quest ā€œmilitiaā€ is stated that the Horde have depleted their armies and need to recruit civilians to fight the last battle of the war.

And all of this IS canon.


Know what else is canon? ā€œAlliance or Horde didnā€™t win.ā€ Alliance didnā€™t win. Horde didnā€™t win.

If you want to argue about why one side or the other should have won but didnā€™t, be at it. But you canā€™t change the canon outcome through words. Ion said it. He wins.

Mostly the players.


At the very least, Ion did say that the forces supporting Sylvanas lost.

Yeah. I mean, I think we all lost. And I think both Horde and Alliance lost in that both got played by Sylvanas and she came out ahead while they suffered massive casualties.

But I think I, personally, lost because most of the lore developments made me like the game less and I never play anymore.


The Horde only lost in the sense that they started the war but failed to really accomplish any of their stated goals. In the end they lost both the warfronts and didnā€™t really make Kalimdor red or anything. So it returns to square one for both factions, but in a sense that could be argued as a loss for the Horde only in that it means they failed their objectives.

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Butā€¦what really was the Horde objective? Sylvanas was dictating policy and claimed that her policy was to secure Kalimdor, etc., but we now know that her real policy was to bleed both sides. In other words, the Hordeā€™s stated goals (under Sylvanas) were not the actual goals. As soon as she was out of the picture the remaining Horde had no more interest in fighting.

From where I sit, it sure looks like both factions lost and Sylvanas won. For now.


I mean yeah, Sylvanas threw a wrench in the whole thing and was deceptive about her reasoning for the war. I am just saying the original objectives that the Horde thought it was going to war for, they didnā€™t really accomplish.

Thatā€™s probably what Blizzards intentions with the narrative are too.