New interview with Ion

Well…I’m glad. Essentially your character is choosing ‘hey, this is where I want to go when I DO actually die’…it shouldn’t be a wishy-washy, “Hmmph! I don’t like you guys anymore, I wanna join THIS afterlife instead!” WoW is an RPG…I’m glad they’re making it more like that and people will have to actually put some thought into which one they choose for their character. Besides…if you choose Bastion and then realize say, Venthy’s abilities are better for you, you can still switch. It’s just if you decide after joining the new covenant that you want to go BACK and re-join the Kyrian that it’ll be harder. Which makes sense…you dumped them to go work for the creepy vampire faction, now you want to come crawling back to them.


WoW is not a real RPG. They want to give us the downsides of real RPGs (losing clout with factions for screwing up, etc) without giving us the bonuses (meaningfully affecting the world through player choice, etc).

Don’t take their bait.


The horde had forces in Ashenvale as seen at the start of Tyrande’s scenario. Not to mention after they wiped out a ton of night elves in Ashenvale getting to Darkshore, they had a chance to redirect a large force through the mountains without it even being scouted, so the night elves had really no significant presence there.

Then in the 8.1 cinematic they were running supply lines through Ashenvale so casually that when one caravan of supplies was taken out by Malfurion, the concept of the night elves being able to kill a one kodo caravan was so out of their mind that the orc leader there was laughing about it and thought the troll was making it up. They for sure took Ashenvale or decimated the night elf population in Ashenvale so badly the night elves were no longer a threat there.


Maybe try to be positive instead of a negative Nancy and assume maybe this is a sign they’ll go more in a ‘real’ RPG direction instead of catering purely to raiders/dungeon runners?

Friend, I’ve played this game since the Year of Our Lord 2004. I’m done giving them the benefit of the doubt.


I had a whole thread just for you on this: Zoram'gar Outpost Abandoned


Can we… just…not debate about who won the war? in my opinion we do not have information about the terms of that “armistice” so that little commentary is bait and it doesnt deserve any attention.

I expected the ice king jailer instead of bald dude jailer, also what the heck? they werent going to include bwonsamdi? what were they thinking? no i cant believe this.

This dude lookin like he bout to scoop up a heart eyed Sylvanas and point at Nathanos like “Shut up, I’m taking your wife”


Chad Jailor vs Virgin Nathanos


There aren’t only “undead rogues” there, there were grunts Tyrande had killed as well as a demolisher. They had a presence on the beach other than just rogues. But that thread is just wheels spinning, the only thing other than “blizzard didn’t populate an outpost that was stated to be in ruins in one of the books for a phased quest” is the mission table saying the horde wants to use it to kill civilians in Azuremyst or the alliance wants to prevent them from killing more people. You also see abandoned night elf ships and horde ships there, so what would be your logic for those?

The horde are actually shown to be the only ones with a presence in Ashenvale during that scenario or really in BfA, we hear nothing about it after 8.1 and even at the bottom of Darkshore map it’s called “The Ashenvale Front”. The horde obviously has supply lines through ashenvale into Darkshore and the idea that night elves could even take out one kodo worth of supplies seemed laughable to them in the cinematic.


Hmmm…you say one thing, Ion says another.

Which to believe?

Sure. Apparently no one won and we are back to status quo. SHOCKER. If only we had predicted this two years ago.


You´re too optimistic, it´s obvious this is related to freeing damsel in distress Kael´thas in his raid Boss scenario.

Mark my words…

Naive newbies… aren´t they just cute, Treng?

Why so many ppl keep citing Anduin cinematic and ignore the loyalist horde questline?

There is a quest called “Militia” where Nathanos states that the horde has depleted their army and ask you to recruit civilians to defend orgrimmar during the siege.

Yes, the Horde was fighting with CIVILIANS during the last battle.

https ://cdn.discordapp


If you want to post links place a ` before and after the link:

Because Alleria said that Sylvanas had the only army that could stop N’Zoth, and clearly Alleria knows what Sylvanas had inside of Orgrimmar better than Nathanos did.

Would blizzard put Arthas in the maw?

"Blue-Eyed Blood Elves

Ion confirmed that Blue Eyed Blood Elves as a character customization are not planned and just from datamining. Blue Eyed Blood Elves are textures for NPCs, and the real character customizations should be available in the upcoming weeks on Alpha."

Is this the end of Horde Pride?

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More like the end of High elf play pretend (though I feel a littlebad over people that genuinely just wanted a better suited color than yellow for their mage Belf PCs). I did like a lot the fact Ion et al will protect the very lore that justifies Belves proudly rolling Horde.

A renewal on Horde pride is more like it… though I doubt the type of pride renewal you personally would like.

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You really should not be lecturing other people on a poor grasp of treaties and world history.

First, you cite “peace treaties” as if there is some objective set of rules that governs them. There isn’t. They are written on a case by case basis. They frequently aren’t even called “peace treaties.” For example, you cite the peace treaty ending the Iraq War, but there actually wasn’t one. Each treaty has unique characteristics decided by the parties involved.

Secondly, you very strangely assert that “peace treaties” are always dictated by a winner to a loser. That is far from the case. In fact, what you described is typically called a “surrender.” There are many, many examples of peace treaties or cessation of hostility agreements reached between belligerents who have simply decided that it is not worth their while to continue a conflict. Since I live in Canada, I refer you to the War of 1812 in which the US and the UK agreed to end hostilities because it was in neither side’s continuing interest to keep fighting, not because either side was winning.

The case in hand, the fourth war between the Alliance and Horde, is a classic example of two sides agreeing to stop fighting because neither had a continuing interest in continuing hostilities. Both came out heavily damaged, and the result was more or less status quo.

Then, you have Word of God: “Alliance or Horde didn’t win.” The base rule of this forum is that what Blizzard says is canon, is canon. Even when we don’t agree with it or like it or think it makes sense. It’s their game and their story.


So the status quo remains