New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Obviously not, what a dumb thing to say. They’re not “just playing the game differently” lol, mage instance farming completely destroys the economy + boosting meta ruins leveling. Hard to find a group even as a tank for a low level dungeon because people are just waiting outside instances to get boosted by mages instead.

If only blizzard had about 800 people they could use but what are the chances of having 800 employees laying around at blizzard

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1 step closer to going to private servers, Blizz is to out of touch now, They have no idea what they’re doing. On the same day they nuke retail AH and classic dungeon farms / playing alts.

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if only we had wow gms instead of screwing over players that wanna farm LMOA

how so?

Could it be that this late into the game most people have all the level 60’s they want?

5 instances per hour is all the limit that is needed.
Boosting has always existed, granted mostly for free for guildies/friends instead of pay per run mages we have now raking in thousands of gold a week; but as long as they are not real money trading that gold, there should be nothing wrong with it. And if they do real money trade the gold - then ban them for doing so.
This action is so against the playerbase and the very nature of ‘Classic’ it’s not even funny.

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This is a very poor concession for a Druid who only has time to farm at specific times, and "RNG"s a poor MCP lot for a full raid suite schedule. This problem doesn’t exist at all prior to this change, the point is that there are better ideas that don’t mess with our MCP grind potentially, whether it will actively affect most druids or not.

And for the record, you’re wrong, because MCP does not have a 50% drop rate. MORE OFTEN, you wind up with less pummelers than you actually want. This one doesn’t “average out” to equal, it averages out to boning druids more of the time than not.

how is it that you have auto scilence for classic BUT you can’t just auto ban for reports oh right you’d have to get more people who you don’t even have

No and your tone is fake and annoying.
There are tons of low level players waiting for a boost at all level ranges from RFC to ZG. They should be populating the world questing or looking for a level appropriate dungeon group. Boosting is terrible, exploitative, and it is not vanilla. If this had become as rampant in vanilla as it is now you can bet Blizzard would have taken action against it.

1915 replies and 77 likes.

Think the community has spoken. You goofed again.

There’s a reason us #nochangers say it. It’s this. It’s because everything you touch turns to ash.

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You guessed it.

nearly fell out of my seat laughing at this.

This is the internet.
This is text.
There is no tone, except the one you choose to give.

Also, couldn’t help but notice how you completely ignored the question about how Mages farming “ruin the economy”…


How I imagine a conversation with someone higher up at Blizzard:
Why can’t my friend transfer to my server?
Well, you see there’s just too many bots clogging up the server.

What can be done about it then?
Well, y’know, just keep reporting them like you’ve been doing for months.

Can anything else be done?
Well, we can’t quite figure out how to remove the bots. Mr. Kotick needs a new yacht this year so we can’t really afford a large enough department to handle them. Instead we will limit their instances to 30. Your friend won’t ever be able to xfer over, and soon normal zones will fill up with bots as soon as they finish their dungeon caps further fulfilling your Classic experience.

Why do I even play anymore?
We don’t even know.

Y’all cannot be f’in serious with this? Ten seconds of thinking about it makes it obvious this does jack shiz against botters.

“Oh no, I hit my 30 instance cap on Server 1 for today? Guess it’s time to just jump to Server 2”

This ONLY affects REAL players you dopes.


everybody in the game needs gold, but farming isn’t acceptable.
please tell me the ways in which you feel it’s okay to get gold, since obviously farming for it is not okay.


Because people suck and will abuse a system that automates banning to get rid of other guilds competing with them, the other faction they got killed by in PVP, ect. I promise you 100% that if this system were automated on reports that Asmongold would be banned in less than an hour of being logged in for example.

Exploitative mage farming in instances is gamebreaking and introduces a tremendous amount of gold into the economy daily, which drives prices up. If those same mages tried to farm in the open world it would not have nearly the same effect on the economy because they would be competing with each other over a limited number of spawns. The amount of gold introduced into the economy per day would be capped by the respawn rate of those mobs.

Mages clearing all the trash in ZF or ZG 5 times an hour is broken as hell and not vanilla.

Unsubbed 2 accounts now. Good job blizz, had me come back for the idea of classic…sunk some time into it and then gave me the bone. Looking forward to giving my money to your competitors.


There is a very simple solution to the botting issue and other general problems currently plaguing World of Warcraft Classic. The best part of this solution is it actually makes the game more authentic to the vanilla experiences.

SPEND SOME OF YOUR MONEY ON HIRING EMPLOYEES PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS GAME-MASTERS, your company can afford an extra 100 employees in order to make your game actually functional and safe for paying customers. (If you ‘need’ to sell a novelty pet to pay for this, the community would probably help)

They don’t even need to be around 24/7. They don’t have to interact with player tickets that you’ve completely automated (at the expense of quality of the service btw), literally just pay 100 people to type /who stratholme, dire maul, Zul’gurub, etc and any suspicious behavior have that GM /whisper them and say “Hail hero, do you have a moment to answer a quick question?”

Not only would this be a welcome interaction to actually repair the atrocious communication your company has fostered over the past 10 years, it will solve the issue. Hire under privileged youths, make it a charity hire, spin it so its good PR, I don’t really care, but limiting the number of instances is lazy and not even close to an actual solution.