New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Blizzard be like:

“You have hit your 30 allotted dungeons/raids for the day. Please pay $14.99 to unlock more right now!”


aka we wont be banning the bot’s but we will hinder EVERYONE else

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welp im going back to endless tbc server

I said what it’s a start to…

Yeah I agree with a lot of what you are saying. I don’t have a problem with the modern use of the game. Farming was the worst part of Vanilla and making it easier only improved the end game experience.

I still wonder if the non zoned in alt counts though. Yes they do reset it, but they probably don’t have an instance ID or even the ability to zone in.

Good luck farming your class relic or new spell book when they come out.

Clearly never been an actual raiding druid.

You do know it’s possible to go 10 runs and not get 1 MCP, right?

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Punish players because of botters, that’s a big unsub for me.

This is the most nonsensical, zero effort attempt to limit botting and will have zero impact. Gold farmers/sellers will now just have bots on multiple realms and swap between realms once they hit the cap.

This also does nothing to address the botting done in battlegrounds and outside of dungeons and raids.

This is a joke, what if you play a few alts? Are we going to get a counter to keep track of it? or will I need to make a tally to keep track so I don’t accidently raidlock myself?


This is on par with something that Bethesda would do for Fallout:76 tbh

#NO CHANGES what has classic come to this is not vanilla

Yeah I agree, what about the BG bots? How about get a better cheat system. Wasn’t this the point of using this stupid legion Frankenstein client over the 1.12 client?

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Ok this is a fair point. This change fks Feral really, really hard. Rip, need a better solution.

I’m 100% in support of hindering mages who want to instance farm more than 30 resets a day though, and of trying to put a lid on the instance boosting leveling meta.

Why exactly? Not the way you wanna play the game so you wanna force it on others?


because you aren’t willing to put in effort to farm you have to hate on others who do?


Try to nuke bots but miss and hit dedicated players.


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Unsubbing both my accounts immediately after this post. I have other games I can play who do better than this.


The same way it’s possible to go 10 runs and get 9. RNG is RNG, averages work themselves out.

I think this change is silly, but it’s not going to effect the average player a great deal at all. It will be inconvenient if you want to dedicate a lot of time on one day to farm gold and you were pushing the one hour instance cap with it already, but most of these farming sessions are not going to exceed six hours. It’s also very inconvenient for any high downtime, low playtime farm like MCP/SGC.

That being said, this is an incredibly lazy fix that really means nothing without any active monitoring and punitive action to back it up. It’s just made botting a little more inconvenient, but they’re workarounds and the botting meta will just respond in kind soon enough.