Do some freaking research. Multiboxing is NOT against terms of service.
It’s a start to what exactly?
This does NOTHING to combat against bots, it literally only hurts players.
This would have to be the stupidest action i have ever seen you guys do. I have been playing this game since vanilla this doesn’t even affect the bots this only affects the players who like to farm. So what happens to the farmers who can’t go to a raid because you idiots put a cap on what we can do in the game. Seriously wake up and try again lads.
When I go to Dicks and buy two basketballs, they dont tell me I can dribble one at a time.
Interesting. But the alt doesnt zone in. I wonder if it does count or not. All the same I’m not sure avoiding having to zone out and reset is intended. It’s a little time saving trick.
I understand the intention behind this, but I feel like this is a shortsighted fix from a developer’s standpoint. You’re limiting players that are farming dungeons outside of gold farming. What about people that run Arena+Anger for their SGC or HoJ? I still need it on my newly leveled rogue because it hasn’t dropped for me. What about my feral tank druid? I have to spend several of my lockouts a day to farm Manual Crowd Pummelers. What about people that are trying to efficiently level Alts? What about those that do speed running? There are several more reasons on why this is bad for the game, if anything the 5 limit lockout should be removed, imo. Else i advise raising drop chances on several items that require farming or for example with the MCP, make repairing them renew their charges. If you’re making changes to the game; which im fine with, then i suggest you do it in a way that doesn’t punish the players that are just trying to play the game when you’re trying to address those who exploit the game and for monetary gain. Because the ones that are doing this for monetary gain will just buy another account and keep doing what they are doing, and also charge even higher prices for their services and goods. This is an easy obstacle to get around for those that exploit and only makes things harder for those that are trying to play legitimately. There are better ways to combat this, Blizzard.
Say something blizzard, this post has gotten more attention than your last 3 expanions.
You guy’s trying to make April fools a reality? This whole ‘‘Limiting the amount of dungeons we could do in a 24 hour period’’ Was an April fools joke by the game developers back in 2006. They considered what you guys are doing right now to be a joke.
We now live in clown world. Honk Honk
This is easily the worst idea you’ve guys had about Classic so far. Hey lets punish players that farm gold or items like MCP in dungeons instead of actually doing something against bots.
"As part of our lazy attempt to quell bots (which, teehee, will only cause them to create more accounts that pay us $$ monthly) you honest players may now only enter a maximum of 30 unique instances (dungeon and raid) per day, per realm.
We really don’t care about botting on the US servers even though our Chinese overlords were able to ban 120,000 bots. What we do care about, is those of you that are farming ZG, DM, SM, helping others, or trying to get that oh so sweet SGC you all care about. Listen, we talked to Bobby Kotick and he doesn’t want you doing that because he feels that we should have a say in how you should play the game -like the decision we made to exclude the White Raptor at release simply because we didn’t want to see people rushing through the content to get them.
Anyway, toodles, and remember, 30 a day makes the bots go away" - @kaivax
April was 2 months ago. lol
30 instances a day seems pretty reasonable. any more seem exploitative / unhealthy.
That depends on if you’re doing 5-10 minute runs or not. If you are, that’s not really a lot of time in the instance.
Nobody forced you to combine classic and modern accounts. Nobody forced you to implement WoW tokens to reward bots and farmers. And nobody forces you to cheap out and not maintain an active amount of GM’s to handle issues on a day to day basis.
But yeah sure. Just do as always and make the community potentially suffer the consequences for problems that you created in the first place. Sounds like a pretty familiar tune at this point with Classic.
This will hurt raiders and limiting then from farming gold and leveling an alt without fear of being locked from joining their raid in the next 24 hours
In the case of ZG, it’s not so much about saving time.
First, you need to be in a raid group to enter - and no one other than your alt will make a raid group with you if it’s eating away at their 30/day limit that quickly.
Second is the problem of zoning out. It’s not as much a matter of time saving, as running out of the instance you have a really good chance of dying since all the mobs at the start of the instance are still up. You could hearth to Grom Gol once an hour or port to Orgrimmar I suppose, but that’s just wasting 10 minutes, so every run you’d basically need to take a death and do the 3 minute ghost run of shame. I don’t have the bag space to de-equip all of my gear either, so between wipes, consumables, and failed exits the runs got a lot more expensive.
Whether the reset trick is intended or not, it’s there, just like it was in Vanilla, and Blizzard should really stop f-ing with it. Their ideas for “what’s best for the game” and for “what’s intended” has given birth to retail - and there is a reason many of us don’t play that anymore. If we wanted what they thought is best for us, we’d be playing that.
You guys have retail to mess up as much as you want. Please leave classic alone, you guys already proved you can’t handle making changes.
Pretty stupid move, Kinda seems like a way for Blizzard to milk more money out of the botters than to stop them.
RIP anyone farming Hand of Justice or Savage Gladiators.
Or anything.