New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

They will have to pay for more accounts if they want to try to stay hidden with the 6 hours per day per account.

And if they decide to save money and instance cap on multiple realms using the same accounts, hopefully those accounts will be flagged for reviews.

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I have met a lot of hardcore players- none of which can play 24/7. Bots however can, and do. Even if they didn’t- this cuts players off at 6 hours. Look at anyone above rank 10, or most serious raiders and you’ll see a lot of players that not only have played more than 6 hours in a day, but many that do it frequently.

So what’s the argument here? You don’t play like that, and don’t like those types of players- so screw them?

If playing more than 6 hours in a day- or in some cases if you are doing 10 runs between two characters per hour depending on the farm, 3 hours- was called an exploit back in Vanilla, or even pre-Classic launch I wouldn’t have agreed, but at least we’d have known.

If that’s what they want to call an exploit now why don’t they cap the time you can spend in BGs too?

Just correcting the fact that people think this is about -only- Bots. It’s not.

IDK how many times I have to say, I don’t think this is impacting anything. Just that some (not all) of the community thinks this is about -just- Bots. It’s not.

And, Cheaters means anybody using Exploits (not -just- Botting), as the Post, clearly suggests.

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They’re currently running them 24/7 and never logging out, and also flyhacking. Yet not getting banned.

So I don’t think there’s much concern with trying not to be obvious.

Well played, blizz, limiting the people who plays the most because you can’t handle bots by yourselves. Make everyone pay instead of handling the issues sounds a really good logic, huh?

Imagine a world where bots and “game time” won’t affect reports and statistics… then the amount of “people” playing the game would be much less.

At first I was like: “there’s no way blizz destroy classic”, then this happened and I don’t even want to pay for the next month. Appreciated to make it easier for me.

I’ll up you one, just make MORE ACCOUNTS. You may get “smaller” profits because of wow subs and buying an account but the available gold for people to buy boosts are and people wanting them are still there.

It may effect boosts because they’ll have to save like 8ish for raid night but most people wont be reaching cap unless they did a lot late yesterday.

The other issue it that a lot of people where farming dungeons like DM: jumps because the open world was so crowded (even with layers on mine) that it was the most effective way to farm. That could be for mats, or for herbs.

Now everyone is forced into the open world that’s already over crowded to farm gold, this means there is far less resources for everyone, and far less farmable area’s. This effect everyone at a larger magnitude then allowing bots selling boost runs or farming the few herbs within a dungeon. At least it’s limited to a select amount of mats.

piper happy cause he wasnt good enough to power level people

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I honestly don’t see why we should be dealing with bots and players like this at the same time. One is definitely worse than the other.

Right, and the topic in question are people farming instances. So if you’re not referring to these people when you talk about, “cheaters” you need to clarify.

So how to bot farmers get around this limitation? They buy more accounts.

OK, I’m trying very hard not to be cynical here.

Guess we’ll see.

Hopefully, there will be more changes coming to deal with bots.

Don’t forget that now even more people have that idea you just had of going into the open world! So now those rich thorium veins are even more contested :smiley:

Do they?

I’d guess that bots play 18 hours a day. Or 16 hours a day. To blend in more.


i really dont think blizzard should be accounting for people nolifing extremely unhealthy amounts, especially in such a specific part of the game like dungeons when they make decisions like these.

I support this change.

However, please exclude 40 man raids from this lockout. It’s a good step towards opposing ZG farmers, but I don’t want to run into a situation where one of my raiders can’t zone into BWL or AQ40 because he’s been doing some farming shenanigans all day.

They’re not accounting for anything. This is a pointless attempt at bot management that will do absolutely nothing.

that’s a really random thing to think, I"m guessing you haven’t seen the videos on youtube of bots straight up flying in front of actual players.

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You’d be wrong. They play 24/7.

i know they arent accounting for it with this change, my comment wasnt aimed at blizzard but at the guy i responded to talking about how he might be affected because he plays 14 hours per day on weekends

I can’t believe Blizzard never thought to check for this.

We should let them know.