which reduces margins.
Doesn’t this just mean the botters will farm open world now? They’ll farm their 6 hours of dungeon and then move to an open world farm. Which is actually going to hurt these players that say “lol who tf farms more than 6 hours a day.” Imagine trying to farm herbs now that all the botters are forced out of the dungeons. Imagine trying to complete certain quests when all of the mobs are being farmed now that all the botters are forced out of the dungeons.
What did Diablo 2 do or not do?
They got the idea from diablo2… that game has more bots than players tho so that’s like asking advice about getting a gf to a guy whose never had one…
This does not solve the problem. I enjoy being able to escape world PvP to get some farming done when I have time. Please reverse this and ban the bots. Don’t treat the symptom, treat the problem.
Here is a thought for you.
Why don’t you just engage the community before announcing decisions?
I often think, Wow Retail and Wow Classic is A LOT like Runescape 3 and Old School Runescape. And the fundamental reason why Old School Runescape is still a raging success within it’s community and continues to grow AND expand on its content years after release? THE DEVELOPERS ENGAGE WITH THEIR COMMUNITY BEFORE ANNOUNCING STUPID CHANGES THAT ARE LITERALLY PUSHING REAL PLAYERS OUT.
Player Polls are a real thing Blizzard and the WoW Classic community deserves to be heard.
PS. I wouldn’t be fearful that the WoW Classic community would suggest anything that would remove the ‘‘classic feel’’ from WoW Classic. Because otherwise we would be playing retail.
That’s the thing, not necessarily. They just have to rotate between 4 servers. Or find some out in the world thing to do. Or just steal 3 more accounts. Or just ring it up on their stolen credit card. These guys are professionals at this. This does not make things significantly harder for them.
So, is it like a fixed daily timer, or based on when you last run an instance?
Either way, I’d like to reiterate: This change is stupid and you deserve all of the flak you are getting for it.
The thing you overlooked is that this would require them to care even the slightest about their customers.
Margins of what? the price of gold is determined by the people who buy it.
Remember in 2005 when Blizzard still cared about us? Man, times were good.
Maybe that’s why we wanted to go back to vanilla. It wasn’t about the content, it was about Blizzard itself.
I don’t believe they do care about their customers. But for longevity of Classic, they better start.
I have two toons at level cap, and by no means do I farm. However, on a normal day I run about 50 dungeons between the two characters. This is punishing people who actually play the game.
I’ve seen people saying “Go farm epl or wpl instead.” On my server those are the worst spots to farm because of bots farming nodes. Bots that go afk and farm the nodes as they spawn. Additionally when players actually need these nodes to have a chance at making gold by alchemy or another profession, this is hurting the player base.
I give this a week before i get rid of my sub.
Seems like another lifetime…
but yeah it was glorious.
You knew that every game they released would be late AF, but nobody cared because they were going to give QUALITY.
good times indeed!
This won’t hinder botting or automation in the least bit. Botters rarely operate under a single license of the game. All a botter farming, say lashers in DME, needs are 16 total level 60 mages on 4 different game licenses - 4 on each account, each on 4 different realms/servers. Each account farms for 6 hours hitting the 30/day lockout, then all 4 accounts rotate to the next realm for the next 6 hours, repeat until 24 hours are up, mail off and AH the goods.
Alternatively, they will just flood open world and blizz does nothing to hinder that either. get ready for any resource thats farmable in instances to skyrocket in price.
24hrs before they revert the change or 36?
Not to mention all this means is that the same bot account can just run on 4 different realms instead.
good to know, as i have only 24 hours left in my gametime, i wont even buy more. ill just go ahead and quit.
You don’t have to pay for accounts to make toons on other realms.
I read this as:
“We literally have no idea how to stop bots and Warden is useless. So, here goes nothing.”