New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

In what way were people farming instances cheating?

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Many more people have pointed out that this limit also affects people who play many hours occasionally. Just wait til someone who does not read the forums is locked out of their guild 40-man run.


Missed an opportunity: banned aid.

I fixed it.

I didn’t say that they were.

I presume account is WoW account and not Battlenet Account. So each toon on a separate account will have its own counter.

You do realize you can reset a dungeon (even now) by dropping a group and reforming.
There was also a hidden code that you could make a macro for that reset the dungeon, it was there because of reforming a group or anything else that may lead to a reset dungeon.

You can’t really argue that a pathing, coding into a game and using that to your advantage is being exploited. It’s almost as stupid as saying getting stam is an exploit for tanks cuz they can help tank more hits.
If you look at mages they can still AoE farm even if their not exploiting a mobs pathing, it’s called CoC strat. This just means if they fixed the pathing (hard in mara) that they’d just iceblock into lip then CoC everything to death instead of using blizzard.

This also doesn’t effect botters, of gold sellers in the least (besides on locked servers) as it just means they have to buy another 3-4 more accounts to bot for 24hrs. Can’t see that damaging their wallets (nor activisions) in the least (sarcasm).

All this is going to do is hurt legitimate players. For example: Arena/angerforge runs - used to help guildies farm HoJ and Second Wind, SGC, etc but if I do that on raid night I risk getting locked out of guild raid.

Jed runs, can’t go fishing for a pre-raid BiS trinket with Jed runs. Risks locking out.

Ony attunements (take like 5 dungeon runs) imagine helping two-three groups through that (which I used to do as a guild master regularly).

ZG bloodvine farming? Helping low levels in RFC or SFK out of boredom? Grinding dungeons with friends to level up?

For a game focused on the SOCIAL aspects, you’re removing quite a few of them and taking incentives away from geared players to help alts or non-geared players.

And THIS WON’T STOP BOTTING. The bots will just move back to farming herbs/mining/aoe farming in the open world elements. Taking MORE resources from other players. A half assed, heavy handed approach, that won’t solve or mitigate the issue. If Blizzard GMs could do their job (reviewing bot reports and taking action as needed), actual players wouldn’t be suffering. As is, I’ll now actually have to help guild mates less just to be able to still do what I’d normally do.

I don’t think you’re saying anything then. As you just said in your last post:

In what way is this change hurting anyone, “cheating” that isn’t botting if you’re not talking about people who farm instances?

Maybe Blizzard should add an in-game warning when you’re nearing the limit.

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Had to log in to say this is a terrible solution. This hurts people who play the game with out exploits, and does not actually solve the issue of botting. Blizzard once again shows corporate greed.

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Or just remove this stupid thing. Because it’s not going to solve the issue and it’s just hurting actual players.

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Please reverse this change blizz! Thank you

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A very clever move blizzard, this way the botters need to pay for three times as many subs, while you screw over any normal player.

What genius figured out this ‘solution’.


Can’t fix stupid over there at blizzard huh?

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It’s funny, this is so 50/50 because on one hand it doesn’t affect some players, but on the other hand it negatively affects other players. Let’s be honest though, this change is terrible. The instance limits have always been a frustrating part of the game, so let’s add more.


4 times?

guys, all you have to do is make the endeavor of botting not profitable for those who are botting. Limiting the instances just makes the profit margins smaller for those trying to profit off the game. It will 100% help but it is not going to fix the problem entirely.

Are you daft? they are selling gold for profit you really don’t think they will not just purchase another set of accounts?

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Have you tried… banning flying/obvious bots? Just a thought.

So there’s weekly changes now? Look at that…

Listen here bucko I know you’re new and this game is only 15 years old but there’s a 20 years old game that is a shining exemple of what not to do about bots… you should look into it… Diablo II.

Blizzard must have a skeleton crew working there due to Covid and can’t make real changes or just ban automated bots themselves. Shouldn’t be hard for them to watch for automated play.