As someone who can only afford one account and most of my enjoyment comes out of farming things for people ( HOJ / SGC ) this will probability be my last month playing your game seeing you would rather someone buy 5 more accounts and rotate them out with their current ones instead of addressing the issue.
Hey blizzard here we dont want to spend money or time fixing the botting issue. go frick urselves
If this was a free-to-play game then I would 100% understand adding this limit instead of looking at different options. However, now they are literally taking $15+/month from players and are allowing themselves to tell us how much we can do something on the game we pay for.
Its bad enough you are limited to how much you can farm in the open world because the population is already 2-3x the vanilla capacity, but then you throw in terribly mishandled server transfers, like Incendius and Earthfury, it gets even worse.
I get that Bots are the main cause of the issue, but this was the LAZIEST possible way to handle the situation. AAA studio acting like a indie game studio, as per usual.
I’m not here to argue the merits of it being “good or bad”. I’m just saying Bots are not the -only- target.
Wouldn’t that make them kinda obvious? Instance capping on 4 realms on a daily basis?
If they were already botting/running instances for 24 hours a day nonstop, they should’ve already been obvious bots.
This achieves exactly nothing. The people operating bots have so many accounts that any “limit” is meaningless. They’ll just make more accounts. Instead of 12 accounts they’ll have 20. Instead of 20 they’ll have 30. Congratulations, Blizzard. You’ve achieved nothing.
Sure, but the problem is this is largely not much of an impact on bots - which are far worse than the Mages farming dungeons for gold.
Basically what Ahnka said. Blizzard has turned a blind eye to bots online 24/7 and flyhacking. It’s weird that I can get DC’d by Charging because the terrain changes too rapidly, but they aren’t DC’d flyhacking.
Doesn’t doing instances 24/7 already make them obvious? That’s what I’d think anyway, but the bots that were doing it half a year ago are still doing it so clearly not.
When I go into a zone and see 30 mages and hunters walking uniform in random gear killing the same cluster of mobs for hours upon hours I think ‘hey, those are some obvious bots’, which I then report and ask others to report, etc…
And then months later see them still doing the same thing.
If an obvious bot is an obvious bot in a forest and Blizz doesn’t GAF does it still make a sound as its never banned?
I think overall this is a positive change. I never used boosting until classic, except for the occasional times a friend would run my alt or twink through a dungeon a few times in vanilla.
I used boosting a few times and overall I think it was a positive experience, I got past some levels I didn’t want to grind through, either through questing or I couldn’t find a group dungeon.
Why do I think this is a good change? Well, one can only assume if boosting wasn’t as popular I would of probably found a regular group, specially being in a high pop server(Faerlina/Herod). Imagine being in a low pop server…
For the overall MMO experience, I think boosting is bad. Any vanilla players recall on great memories about boosting? In fact I wouldn’t be against boosting being banned because it does take away from the experience a great amount. When every level is a struggle, every level matters, and that means more chances for experiences with others that are memorable.
You are limiting instances for everyone instead of actually working on a real solution to the botting problem?
Slow Clap
Minimum effort at its finest. Yet you do nothing about the fly hacks, no clip, eula breaking multiboxers, world botting and people doing afk bgs.
This is a good reason for people to unsub since it can potentially mess up their raids. Imagine someone farming for something they need and then locking themselves out for a raid. Imagine someone having to gimp their play session on raid day to ensure they will make it to raid. What are you even thinking about? Also people have alts, they want to farm pre bis where some of the items are hard to get and this will just make it even harder.
If you can’t find a solution to the botting problem don’t punish the legitimate players. It’s like you took a semi truck to drive in a nail.
I have to jump to charge because short. I guess I should jump harder?
I don’t know.
Some of the players asking for this limit to be lifted seem to play on one realm for many hours every day.
If you’re doing a ZG farm, you blow through the 30 cap in 3 hours (2 toons on your account, 5 runs per hour).
Then on a typical raid night, I go to BFD to get the buff, go to Dire Maul to get that tribute buff, then run and finish MC, start on BWL with at least Vael down, and kill Ony. That’s 5 lockouts there on each Friday raid night.
If I want to then do 5 arena/angerforge runs on an alt or fish for a Jed UBRS instance, that means no more than 2 hours of ZG farms a raid day or I’m screwed.
And your idea that you’d make so much gold in a few days is laughable. Even the best gold farms are 80-180g/hour and require 10 instances/hour for your account. With this they’re limiting real players to about 500g/day while the sky is still the limit for bots by allowing the bots to play 24/7 by hopping on some other realm after their 3 hours. While 500g is a fair chunk of change, but that may not even pay for your weekly consumables during progression with flasks, potions, food and all once AQ opens up. If you have to farm a little each day like in retail instead of what you want when you have time, you are introducing a terrible idea from retail into classic that turned off a lot of players. There’s a reason many of us do not play retail - the changes current Blizzard think are good ideas for the game (and we clearly don’t) drove us off a long time ago. They drove us off once already, and I assure you that it only gets easier to drive us off the second time around.
There’s a reddit thread pointing out that this idea was considered by Blizzard so ridiculous back in 2006 that it was an April Fools joke in their joke patch notes ( So much for the original spirit of intent of the original developers. Now these jokers think it’s a good idea, and wonder why retail subs have fallen through the floor with that kind of decision making. There’s a reason we want #nochanges - and it’s not because the game is perfect, it’s because current game devs at blizzard at 180 degrees out of touch of what made WoW such a great game in the first place.
Blizzard, hire some GMs with the money we’re paying you! It’s not that bloody hard to find accounts with 30 ungeared mages all in ZG or wherever fly hacking boost runs and speaking in Chinese. Good grief. Seriously, how hard is it to get 1 human being to look at the the activity of the player who has been logged in for 10 hours and picked 15 Black Lotus that day to see if they are being controlled by a human and ban the crap out of them if they’re not? Seriously, pay Kottick a mere 200k/year less (he wont even notice a sum that small) - hire 3 GMs for that price, and your botting problem goes away overnight.
If, Blizzard, you must do this stupid instance capping, make sure that:
- reset alts do not count towards the total
- exclude all 40 man content (MC/BWL/AQ/Nax) from the cap, and allow even capped players to enter those. No one should ever miss a raid night due to screing up and getting daily instance locked.
- Provide a API to tell us how close we are to the caps so that we can avoid screwing ourselves over
- Make fishing for instances with rare spawns in them less punitive (e.g. Jed or the ones in Stratholm). If nothing is killed (or maybe less than 1-2 packs), make it not count toward the daily instance limit. You put rare mobs in instance - you seriously expect us not to fish for them?
Yeah, I don’t know many that play on multiple realms regularly.
Does this mean my mage farming DM East for mats/gold is gutted due to only 30 resets? Are you guys stupid? You realize the cost of everything is going to go up? You can not address BOT issues, so you’re gonna punish and kill the server but raising all costs, limit normal farming by players, limit supplies, allow Chinese Farmer to manipulate the market even more on everything.
What about all those players doing power level runs that aren’t bots?
You can’t figure out how to deal with bots, this isn’t the way. Congrats it shows your incompetence.
You realize chinese farmers can make 20+ bots *30 instances. That’s still gonna be better than what the normal player can do. Bots will still control the server and market.
Again, not saying this change is a “big impact”. Just that Bots are not the -only- targets. Cheaters not Botting shouldn’t be ignored simply because they’re not Botting. That’s just silly.
It’s not 6 hours of play time. You can run RFC in 6 min, sfk in 9, mara in just under 11 then you go get a snack, wait out the lockout and start again.
I can lock this out in less than 3.5 hrs of playtime. Not including ghetto hearthing, worldbuffs etc. This is 100% pure stupid on blizz’s part.
Where in the world did you guys think this was a good idea? Probably one of the worst decisions you guys have ever made. This doesn’t fix any problem but hurts the community.