New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

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0.4% and 1.7%, please thinking about that, Blizzard.


awful change

How about we deal with the bots and go from there? Deal?

Pls undo. Can’t wait to get locked out of raid bc i boosted people all day, or farmed SGC on my warrior for 6 hours.


Your great plan to fix bots is to limit the amount of instances a real player can zone into each day? Botters already use multiple accounts. Once the mage hits instance cap it just logs onto another already. You just increased the number of bots per server and the que timers per server. You did this all while taking in additional sub money from each new bot. Can you just be competent for once and ban the actual bots? Can you not do /strat and find mages jkashdhasl and ukhiawdjkh and see that they are bots?


What the f–k Blizzard. This is ridiculous and punishes a lot of regular players who have the time to run instances, which is probably quite a few with the quarantines still being in effect. This change seems like it will barely change a botting issue because they can just get more fake accounts, but directly impacts actual people. Please consider changing this.

Edit: Just saw its a per realm lockout. THATS EVEN MORE ASININE AND USELESS TO DO THIS THEN. The bots will just swap realms every 30 instances and not need to buy new accounts. Are you literally just a large collection of monkeys with wrenches sitting in Irvine??

How about we continue to report -all- forms of Cheating and stop letting other Cheaters get away with Cheating simply because they’re not Botting? Deal?

Cheating is Cheating, period.

More like its a parrot hitting random buttons on a sound board macro’d to business decisions thought out by POTUS.

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No, people are still going to do these things, it will just require more months of subscriptions to WoW to accomplish with this limit in place. It’s a money grab, Activision is milking wow like a cash cow and they care nothing for people who actually play.

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This seems like a reasonable limit to me.

30 instances per day, per realm.

Blizzard could have made the limit a lot lower to put even more pressure on botters.


This limit does not apply any pressure to botters. They have endless resources, make a new account get another mage up to 60 and boom they dodge this while true players take the shaft.


Thank you Nuitari for your wonderful comment about Activision Blizzard’s newest change. 1$ has been donated to your bank account and your social credit score has improved.

Yes. I agree with this but restricting ALL players with 30 Instances in 24 hours is backwards and doesnt solve the issue.

There’s obviously a number where botters wouldn’t be able to make money anymore from instances to support their sub.

I don’t know what that number is, but Blizzard hopefully does.

Or they’ll just swap from server to server farming… leveling a mage takes 10 minutes. Blizzard cant make a good decision to save their life. I wouldnt put faith in them getting it right or even putting any thought into it.

Notice how world farming is conveniently left out? You also realize they can just swap realms every 6 hours and farm there right?

Keep white knighting for a multi billion dollar company though. I’m sure they’ll thank you.

This is a good idea, but are you going to increase quest mob spawn rates so people can now go quest instead of being boosted? All the former boosters hitting instance cap for the day are going to go quest now. Mobs were wiped out somedays and this change didnt even take place yet.

Does your guild have a druid or feral tank? They can easily hit 30 instances from farming MCP in gnomer so they can do their job. Is blizzard going to add in a infinite MCP to fix it? No? :clown_face:

So basically if I get on after a long day of work on a friday night and farm for 3 hours hitting lock out everytime. I can wake up on my day off saturday morning and only be able to do 3 more hours worth of farming throughout the entirety of the day. Meanwhile, every bot thats selling runs is just making new accounts to boost because they fly hack and literally cant be touched by mobs so they dont need gear to sell runs…

That would probably help Blizzard identify botters — hitting the instance limit on multiple realms on a daily basis.