blizzard doesnt know how to do a ban wave on bots so instead they screw over everyone that does instance farming for gold
this is the worst change to do when the fire festival 10% experience bonus from killed monsters comes within a week or 2… rip leveling an alt
I guess i have the forsight to see beyond myself and think of the game in general and how people legitimately interact with it. its not about just how the low end but the high end play the game and this is a clear cut off at the upper ends of people who farm. So while i dont run 30 instances a week. Other may run more than 30 a day. Farming mats or money or whatever because THATS there fun.
Im not here to judge what people do for fun just to say that this change is a bad one for the people that enjoy that in order to combat an issue that should be looked at more carefully by blizzard.
In short Every player got punished for what botters did if you use the system or not.
This is a bad change. It hurts so much legitmate gameplay far too much.
Fakenews. Bots DEFINITELY are running any dungeon that can be farmed by a mage specifically. Theres a bot out there that farms sfk, sm, zf, strat, and zg. Not gonna name it or link it because im trying to not get banned but its real and its out there.
Its the reason strat live orbs are soo cheap at certain hours of the day. I dont know the pull times for those but id imagine they would be more efficent that an actual player so willing to bet they hit the 5 instance cap alot.
Blizz shoul just buy the damn bots figure out there pathing and ban everyone thats using that pathing. I have to imagine they have the tech to see player pathing ingame. If your running the same path for 10+ hours a day that should instanly ban you since no human will follow the exact pathing for multiple hours
its 30 a day, not 30 a week.
This has to be the worst reaction possible to a situation that has clearly gotten out of hand how will this effect the botters in any way they clearly have multiple accounts already and most of the bots to my knowladge are actualy roming around the world and not in instances on my server this has to be the most tunnel visioned responce to an ongoing problem that i have ever seen
People need to unsub, let them choose between the sub money from bots and the sub money from real players. Until you affect their money they won’t care.
30 lockouts lets you farm for 6 hours before hitting the 24 hr lockout. The lockout is per realm, so a single account botting on 4 realms never has to worry about the 24 hr limit. This really only affects actual players farming dungeons on lockout.
This doesn’t affect bots at all
So wait a minute… you just screwed over the legitimate players AND created a mechanism for you to make more money because the bots are now forced to create more accounts = more subs. I am honestly not surprised. Can you tell us what Suit came up with this idea?
This is just pathetic. Instead of banning bots, lets nerf the whole community. I have been well over 30 instances per day farming Blade of Eternal Darkness, farming MCP’s as a feral, farming Idols come phase 5…This is coming from someone who has never cheated, never bought boosts, never bought gold, and never will (that goes for all 15 years). This literally ruins legitimate gameplay all because this company is too lazy to have REAL GM’s in game anymore. I don’t pay an obscene fee every month to have my own game options nerfed, because you (Blizzard) are to cheap to fix a problem that you created.
The only way to express displeasure to Blizzard since they don’t listen is to unsubscribe. Money talks.
Unfortunately, if you view it objectively you can see that Blizzard wanted to kill WoW Classic from the getgo.
i wonder what the math looks like on this. At some point will bots outnumber legitimate players as they quit in disgust? At what point does the rmt botting suddenly run out of customers to sell to and the whole house of cards collapses?
For as much hate as China gets, China actually handled the botting situation right: reddit .com/r/classicwow/comments/h7x7wb/china_banned_120_000_bots_and_listed_their_names/
ActiBlizzard thinks punishing legit players under the guise of “combatting botting” when all it really does is force botters to have 3 accounts that they roll through instead of one account. Guess that’s more subscription money… oh… wait… now I get it.
Good one ActiBlizzard, almost got me.
Thinking about this… the limitation will dramatically slow down the leveling of bot-mages. I do think maybe being able to stack 2 days or something would be a good idea for level 60 players.
Feels like people are failing to grasp this impacts people with multiple characters more than someone who just has a single main. I can burn through 30 instances like nothing.
DM Farming for an hour - 5
Switch to Alt - Boost lowbie for an hour - 5
Switch to other alt - SM boost for hour - 5
Switch to Alt - SGC/Hoj farm - 5
This is only four hours out of the day and now I only have 10 lockouts for the other 20 hours.
Worse, you are being punished so they can make more money from the bots that will need to pay for more subs to meet their numbers. Absurd.
Please reconsider this change, as it is shortsighted and punishes normal players more than anything. This won’t curb bottling in any way, as they will just continue to steal/create more accounts, whereas normal players just trying to fund their raiding expenses such as myself are affected in a more impactful way–I can’t just farm any day I want in small increments. Furthermore, including raids sounds like it will be a nightmare to keep track of the lockouts when it considers every character on your realm, and resets for things such as Jed runs or pummeler farming.
While you’re at it, for the love of all that is holy, please increase the spawn rates of regular herbs like plaguebloom. The prices are ridiculous because their spawn rates make no sense for how large servers are.
I’ve seen a lot of changes in 15 years of playing this game, across several different accounts and in almost every iteration.
This is one of the worst, most heavy-handed and abysmal decisions to combat a problem I’ve ever seen. This impacts real players.
Thank God Classic+ will never happen. It would be horrible.
HOW ABOUT FIXING THE BOTTING ISSUE and not locking out people that do a lot in the game? They will just make more accounts to bot with. This is stupid.