Unfortunately, “It’s complicated”.
This is disgusting; blizzard again punishing everyone for the bad apples. How about you send out ban waves to the obvious botters people have been reporting for months? Or Maybe /who strath or /who zg and start there. But PUNISHING EVERYONE but limiting their gameplay bcus of BOTS!?!? is absurd.
While I have none of the achievements you just listed, this is also how I play the game when I’m not raiding and not that seems to have come to an end.
Hey blizzard, do you know how to read? If so better get started because you just screwed over a lot of the player base while doing NOTHING against the bots and if nothing helped them! Incompetent, short-sighted, incapable, ignorant, pathetic. These are words that come to mind when thinking about whoever thought this was a good idea fair to all.
But then u cant raid…
Imagine making this post and solving nothing.
Get bent.
So I just want to put in my 2 cents about the MCP farming issues for Feral Druids.
Its not that bad, it seems to have about a 33% drop rate in Gnomergon. Which means most of the time you will get 2-3 per lockout, that’s about what I average. Even adding this new lock out to the equation in a 30 instance limit you should get around 10 MCP each day if you actually did it to the max.
Currently in WoW classic there is 19 bosses for the 40 mans, (god help you if you are using MCP’s in ZG)
Most bosses don’t need all 3 charges, (and you will hit a 30 second cooldown window switching out to a new MCP) and even more bosses will die in less than 1 minute meaning you can at max use only 2 charges.
So if we average out the use on bosses we can come up with around 40 (rounding up) charges for a full raid lock out needed if you are trying to super min max every fight. Which would mean 1 and a half days to get this farmed up.
That said, your pretty insane to use multiple MCP charges on any one boss in MC if you have BWL full cleared (maybe rag) so you will likely be using way way way less. And if you are wiping still in BWL you probably are not trying to super min/max in MC.
5 An hour was more than acceptable, it’s what I’m used to, it’s what it’s always been.
I run a boosting service where I primarily sell mara runs.
But have been known to go out of my way to power level friends to get into alt raids from 8 - 60 RFC, SFK, SM, Mara, ZG. Everyone of those except mara (big boy pulls) I hit the 5 an hour lockout. I do this stuff for fun, to buy raid mats, and because it’s possible.
Adding in an arbitrary daily instance cap (WHICH APPLIES TO BOTH RAIDS AND INSTANCES) means that if I hit the cap that day and I have a raid. I. AM. BONED.
Here’s the conversation thats gonna happen between me and my GM:
GM: “Why the **** can’t you get in?”
ME: “I was power leveling warlock alts on my alt so we could get summons going out for world buff locations. Apparently, Blizzard hammered down a wooden sign brandishing “No fun allowed” and capped instances at 30. 15 RFC’s 15 SFK’s and they’re at level 18 now…”
GM: “Welp, seems like your ****ed out of a spot tonight. Keep your toon with all the world buffs parked till next week cause you can’t raid this week. Sorry. Now I gotta find a replacement.”
This does not solve your botting problem. Stop trying to automate all your blaring issues away, PUT IN SOME ****ING WORK, and remove them manually.
You guys remember in 2006 when in the April Fools patch notes, they put in a daily limit of instances? Patch 1.11 (Evil Notes).
This is a literal joke.
this change sucks it’s not limmiting or affecting bots in the slightest but messing up the real players out there instances or not bots are going to farm ban the bot accounts ban them stop takeing there money just because and then makeing more problems for your player base
Now blizz is deleting post that are against this joke of a “fix”
good job blizz…
This suggests, to me, that they’re not just after the Bots. But, Players using Exploits (that’s not always Botting), in order to gain an advantage, over other people.
This is pathetic. So you ignore bots and try to band aid the solution. Yet people who can only play for 2 days and have to do all of their farming in 2 days of a fortnight are going to get screwed over.
Why don’t you take cheating reports seriously and ban bots instead of taking out your “fixes” on real players.
I don’t own a mage, but you just destroyed dungeon levelling access for new players as the price will skyrocket due to inaccessability.
Not to mention, no we have to use another addon to track instances in the last 24 hours?
Can you at least add it as a reset at 12midnight each day so we know exactly when it rolls over, or in the raid expiery tab how many resets we have used?
Basically Blizzard:
“Why use a scalpel when a machete works just as well?”
What an idiotic change.
This doesnt stop bots, they will just switch accounts/realms. It only hurts actual players. Terrible move.
Blizzard are MORONS! Out of touch, profit driven, scumbags!
l m a o
Terrible attempt at a fix for stopping botting or boosting/farming.
All this does is change the game and change the way its played. Now I have to do math every time I just want to go help my buddy in BRD doing Jail Break! Or be forced to stand a far distance away from instances while I’m looking for a group so I don’t get feared into one. With the fear of being locked out of one of my 10 out of 30 instance ID’s I need saved for my main and alts back to back raid days.
How could you possibly come to that conclusion?
The way I remember it, Zg farming (not boosting), arena runs and Jed fishing were all part of the experience in vanilla, weather you did it or not. And for many of us, though admittedly a minority, something we miss in retail.
Only a small percentage of players in vanilla experienced Nax. That doesn’t make it less a part of the experience.
It was never about botting. That is $$ for them. Must protect the paid subs.