Are you really that dense?
This change does nothing at all to combat bots.
The only stated purpose of this is to combat bots. Develop technology to detect them or investigate obvious botters in Strat for 18 hours each day rather than restricting the rest of us. This is a ridiculously large change.
This does not hurt botters in any way. This only hurts legit players. Its official. Everyone should be botting since Blizzard clearly wants it to be the status quo.
This, and I can’t stress this enough, is it right here.
Get it together Blizzard.
I have an insane amount of time played, I support the top alliance raiding guild on my server, most players can’t play as long as me so I help them so they can be in a hardcore guild. I never boost. I farm DME and between resets i farm the open world on my rogue. This is what I like to do. This is how I played in Vanilla and TBC. This is how I play the game. Remember when you patched underbog and mechanar with the soft reset limit, that was because of me. I was the guy who hit the gold cap. I’ve been the guy at the top of your Diablo 2 leaderboards. I’ve been the guy pushing Diablo 3 the same way. I play a massive amount. Grinding is what I do. You have ruined this game for me now.
Everyone in this thread is asking for them to ban bots and all people can say is “damn there’s a lot of bots here!”?
I don’t understand this mentality at all. Who are you to judge how people play the game. Don’t be so ignorant.
A lot of people like to grind and make gold because that’s how they enjoy playing the game. A lot of people don’t like running out in the open world competing for resources against bots. People have plenty of uses for that amount of gold. They likely have alts who all need epic mounts and gear to buy. Or maybe they just want to have enough gold for a GDKP run to get an item they really want. Who knows, but why should YOU care. If anything having more people farm in dungeons benefits you.
The only reason mats available from dungeon farming are as cheap as they are is because a lot of people are farming them. Do you want to be paying 12g + for elemental earth next patch? We’re all about to be. And with less people in dungeons farming those mats, there will be more people in the open world farming it. Which means the demand will further increase.
So you’re just another troll bringing nothing to the thread.
It’s simple. Hire the people who create these bots. Hiring a few of them would cost less than hiring an entire GM team. Really simple, but Blizzard can’t be bothered with the simple solution that has worked for other game companies.
These aren’t the bots you’re looking for…
Address the bot infestations!
How about this, go to the private server admins and pay them to run your servers. I’m sure the players would support this and those admins would love to do it.
That would only be applicable if you raided on the weekend, and some certainly do. Again I’m not disagreeing that the change doesnt seem like it’ll impact bots a lot which is the crux of the issue, just that the change probably isn’t a big deal to most players. For people farming MPCs or selling boosts or doing solo dungeon farms then yeah they will get hit because of it.
Yeah because it’s a bad change that hurts legitimate players and will hardly have an effect on botting.
Whats that a clumsy overhanded change made by blizzard? Say it ain’t so ! shocked pikachu
Eat my shorts J Allen Brack
Way to ruin the economy even more blizz.
please respond, WHEN does this reset i need to know in a response from Blizzard so i am not locked out of raids
So as a rogue who often times spends his days off farming Dire Maul East for 12-16 hours at a time(Considering its the only time per week I can do this) You just said I dont matter and you want to punish me because you can not determine how to ban bots and gold sellers? I farm my gold legitimately and do not exploit anything. This is severely cruel to the players like me who farm their raid consumes and arcanite bar money for thunderfury in DME.
Now what if, and I’m just spit balling here…you did your job and banned bots running scripts.
24 hours from the time you exit your first instance.
This is one of the most pathetic attempts at a “fix” I’ve seen from blizzard. Why punish people who are some of the most active participants in your game? How does this actually help eliminate bots? Isn’t a bot with 4 different servers (likely the only people who have 60s on 4 servers) the only one this doesn’t effect? How about you fix your damn anti-cheat instead of this p.o.s band-aid fix. I’ve been playing blizzard games for my whole life but I finally think I’ve had enough. Love the games, hate the company. Really disappointed in you Blizz.
On Customer Service
Players of the classic version of World of Warcraft find themselves victim of the numerous bugged, exploitable, and outright broken, content whether they’re aware it directly affects their game-play time or if they’re keenly aware of the impact it has on their subscription time and free time.
The same players have little to no recourse, ticket wait times are never under 24 hours, and often the only thing a player will receive is an automated reply, and discouragement.
Changes have been made numerous times, with or without feedback from players, and often directly due to Blizzard’s inability or unwillingness to address the problems server-side or client-side that only Blizzard has the authority to address.
Stop-gap measures have been implemented, time and time again, often with larger impacts on the playerbase than the initial problem.
Throughout the life-span of Classic, which poor decision making and management seem especially eager to snuff out, the playerbase has felt alienated, and unheard – not listened to.
Changes like this, laughably avoided by automated programs that use the LUA and other cheat-engines, will have no long term impacts on the quantity of players that use these exploits to gain an unfair advantage. Furthermore they will absolutely compromise whatever integrity is left in the #nochanges mindset that Blizzard espoused prior to launch and even after the release of server layers.
Players will not look back fondly upon Classic-WoW, they will remember it as a place where an automated program controlled their servers’ economy despite feeling euphoria and joy at some of their achievements’ crowning moments. We remember not specifics but how we are made to feel by those specifics, and the only message the playerbase of classic World of Warcraft has heard is:
‘You think you do, but you don’t.’