New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Why does it seem that when I sit down and make a list of the dumbest ideas blizzard can come up with to fix a problem, one of those ideas is usually what blizzard ends up doing?

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When the devs make a change that prevents something from being done, you can assume that thing you can no longer do was unintended.

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Hey Blizzard,

This is the first time I have felt the need to go out of my way to comment on a change you’re trying to make. This doesn’t hurt bots past the extent of making them use multiple accounts which as a bot doesn’t exactly do a whole lot besides hurt their pocket $15 dollars a month. Who this does hurt is anyone who uses instances as a form to farm gold or resources in dungeons. Not only does it limit the ability to sell dungeon runs, farm mats, or dungeon boss drops but it also makes it so players have to be extra careful about not getting their character locked out for the day. Think of a warrior trying to grind out his Savage Gladiator Chest piece before raid for example.

You guys need to come up with a better plan that actually targets the bots themselves not real players.

I try to have faith you guys have some integrity but this honestly just looks like an attempt to make bots pay more per month to do the same thing they are already doing.


honestly reading through this thread has me thinking this is them creating a problem to justify selling tokens in Classic as well. “Since botting/goldselling has become such a big issue, we’re introducing Classic Tokens as a means to combat the botting/goldselling. If you need gold, buy a token to legitimately sell to another player!”

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You realize this prevents players from trying to gear. No HOJ, no SGC, no MCP farm for raid (just made feral much harder to get into raid if at all), No Unyielding Maul, No Ironfoe, the list is rather long…
Pretty much anything with under 10% drop is going to be much harder to get.



It basically means you can farm for 6 hours a day every day. Some of the farms are quick that they can hit instance cap within the hour so some people will do that then play other characters or games until they can go back in. Entirely possible for someone to hit daily cap if they’ve dedicated the day to grinding.

The only issue I see is that I doubt this will hit gold farmers that hard, and instead will just drive prices up for the playerbase.

well, if they can get us in agreement you know they’ve really screwed up.


We have 3 big ferals that will do 3-4 hrs worth in gnomer a day if RNG sucks. Now that leaves 10 lockouts for ALL other toons. Well 9 otherwise they are locked out of raid. This prevents them from helping with any gear farming… any other farm spamming like jump runs… easily done in a 24 hr window. 7-10pm day before raid… 1-4pm day of raid… now they are locked out of 6pm raid time… it 100% effects players


You’re not as dumb as you think you are and I would love to hear your additional ideas for future fixes.

This will accomplish nothing. These botters are already running dozens of accounts at a time. They will simply either get more accounts or they will switch to a different bot on another server every 6 hours. It may slow down the affect bots have on any individual server but as a whole across all realms they will still be up and running 24/7.


My uncle works 14 days on nearly 16 hr/day. In his off week, he grinds hard - 6 hours is nothing for him.

There are players with different lifestyles and playstyles. I’ll never hit 30 a day, but know a few people off the back of my hand that grind 6 hrs+ of instances daily. One is a buddy in my guild that’s a disabled retired vet and plays long hours daily to socialize.

No, it’s not the end of the world - but bots will just spool up another box like nothing happened while people like my uncle and buddy will have to adapt to yet another non vanilla change.


If your asking me im giving you my opinion. I would say that Difference accounts get different limits. A master account is just a holder and under normal circumstances. So the log in accounts should allow each account to get 30.

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So, if I i use an alt to instance reset for my main that I farm with, it’ll be just 30/2=15 resets per day ?
Blizzard, get your head out of your a.

For everyone who’s saying this doesn’t affect normal players and farming 6 hours in a day is ridiculous… Think of it like going through Stockades on your lvl 24 character say you run 4-5 times. Then swap to your Druid that needs to do go do 5 runs of Gnomer to get his BiS weapon. Then swap to your other lvl 19-60 characters and run dungeons on them. in the course of 24 hours you will probably hit your cap especially where each dungeon is not necessarily 45min-1hr to run. This is across all of your characters so if by hour 6 of the day you ran 30 dungeons/raids across all of your characters combined - you will be not able to enter a raid or dungeon on ANY of your characters regardless of level for 18 more hours. Not when the server resets, not when midnight strikes, WHENEVER you finished that first dungeon to 24 hours from then. Good luck with tallying that up each time u run a dungeon. Some of us have more than 1 character to keep track of :wink:


This is going to hurt people that play legitimately and have alot of freetime, for instance you get a free day where you could farm all day. you only have 6 hours to farm now if you can only do 30 dungeons a day. assuming you do 5 per hour. Revert it back to normal and ban the damn bots!


This actually seems like a ploy to enrage the community with a bad idea that wow tokens will fix so they can add wow tokens to solve the bottling problem instead of hiring people to do it.


I wasn’t asking you just accidentally clicked reply on your comment sorry lol

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Runing it regularly and running it so often that you exceed the 30 instance a day limit seem vastly different. At any rate I still don’t believe this affects the majority of players.

There are a lot of diffences between Vanilla and Classic, perhaps this, in addition to helping with BoTs, is one way of mitigating some of those differences. Bascially I don’t care one way or the other, but really don’t believe it is as big a deal as some of the posts would have me believe.

Can we find a different solution that doesn’t also negatively effect the legitimate players? This is a horrible fix, and it will only promote botters to further utilize more accounts and also promote outdoor farming.

Having to balance my routine farming and making sure I keep below 29 instance IDs on my account to be sure I can farm before raid and attend is the most ridiculous and lazy approach you guys can do.

Ban the damn bots. Straight up lock their accounts. We know you can see the 1000s of reports, please utilize the time we took to report them and hand out the appropriate action.

It will take me 3 hours of playtime to hit that cap, 6 minute Cath runs @ 5 per hour, 25-30 minutes afk, rinse and repeat.

Punish those responsible for this, not the entire playerbase.