New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Nobody reasonably expects a level 30 item to be BIS for end game.

uhm, well it is though, so…it really doesn’t matter what your expectations were. It’s reality.

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i LOVE making warriors feel bad about their life choices as a bear lol

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Wrong. The players made farming MCP a daily task. You can use other weapons. You’re a hybrid and found a way to get around the hybrid tax somewhat. That’s on you. Not blizz.

Also , you aren’t farming Gnomer 6 hours a day. A lot of you are complaining just to complain. This doesn’t impact normal players one bit.

It 100% impacts them. Our Ferals run gnomer quiet regularly to keep pummelers ready for raid. We’ve been farming tier 0 also and some of those runs we finish in 15 min depending on who’s in the group. Consumables are a major thing too. Now have to try and divide farm runs up and Hope rng is friendly so you have what you need and not lock yourself out of raid.

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I feel like scripted behavior and/or flight hacking is far more exploitative then entering more than 30 instances in a day. All I see this change doing is requiring bots to have more accounts and more characters to do what they do because they will continue to do so while they stand no real threat of being countered. Meanwhile real players with one account have a hard limit if they ever wanted to play a lot in one day. Also hits RNG fiestas like Jed and Arena farm very hard for no discernible reason. Maybe just ban the people flight hacking???

Could we get some sort of feature in game (default display or API call) to check our instance lockout limit with this change?

If you actually cared about banning botters, you would actually ban them. As you have admitted, most bot accounts are compromised accounts anyway, how does this stop that? Now they will just want to compromise even more accounts.

The stupidity of your company is astounding.


Limit it to 10.

Think of the children, Blizzard!

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re asking: Does that include characters on a different WoW Account, but same BNet Account, i.e. multiboxers?

Potions and flasks don’t drop from the sky - the ever-inflating economy means you’ll need to keep playing catch-up or invest on existing commodities. I do get you want to play casually - but it is clear you are oblivious to the number of people on my realm who actually actively do instance farming.

You have not yet answered how the proposed solution by Blizzard can solve the botting problem. Bots can spread the instance counts thin across multiple accounts and wouldn’t be affected one bit. If Blizzard’s next answer to that is to further reduce the cap, it will sound to me like they are tightening the reins on regular players.

I believe the proper long-term solution is to fix the broken anti-cheat system that’s supposed to auto-ban players with suspicious movements that can fly in the sky etc.

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Classic Wow is dead to me

No disrespect but you guys really crapped the bed with this change. All this change does is make the bots have to buy another account(s) and gear up another alt that they can switch to once they hit cap. I guess that’s the point if they are going to bot might as well charge them for another subscription lol. Smart way of making more money but dumb way of treating your general population.


if it do rip my friend.

im waiting to see the charts of the sub base for blizzard this week. gonna be straight content

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This is the most Lazy and dumb solution to implement.
Jump runs… guildie boosting… prebis farming(SGC/HoJ specially, pummelers farming) these are normal player activities…
You’ll hurt a lot players that enjoy the game and farm…

hell no to rerolling, warriors suck and i LOVE dunking on them with bear tank threat lol, blizz needs to find a way that handles their bot issue WITHOUT directly impacting the entire population

I’ve subscribed to your game since 2004 and have observed you make many poor choices, and this is among the worst.

This change in a way actually encourages botting.

Per realm means botters just switch to their bots on the next most profitable realm. Whereas regular players are much more likely to stick to their home realm, where their guild and friends are.

30 per day is easily hit by a relatively dedicated player, you know, your real human beings giving you money. As opposed to the bots, who only exist BECAUSE of those dedicated players. Those bots are here to serve the real people playing the game. If you drive us away, you lose them just as quick.

Don’t go through with this massive blunder of a change. Revert this and leave classic alone.

We don’t need changes, we need you to ban the automated bots breaking your game’s terms of service.


If we are going down this road, can you guys at LEAST implement a way for us to detect how many instances we are at??? So we aren’t accidentally locked out raid nights? Like have it show up under Raid Info or something?? we shouldn’t have to fully keep track of something that was implemented into the game.

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I doubt that this change will ever effect me personally, but even I don’t see it as a reasonable change.

It only really seems to have negative effects on legitimate players.

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Which idiot in your inept company thought this was a good idea? Just screw over druids farming MCP, warriors farming SGC, as well as honest people doing jump runs. This is asinine. Punish players for your inability to detect and ban botting?