New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

And that’s your fault for understanding the letter of the law not the spirit of the law.

It seemed pretty clear in vanilla when they added 5 runs per hour(which people also whined about) don’t spam dungeon resets for easy wins. And it seems clear now that as people are abusing the rule they added a harsher restriction that really only impacts people who already breaking the original intent of 5 runs per hour.


those restrictions existed in vanilla. this one did not, and in fact was even mocked as an april fools joke during vanilla by the devs themselves.


The april fools mocked people who whined about the 5 runs per hours :stuck_out_tongue: not the concept of restrictions.

You think that in vanilla everyone was super happy with the 5 runs per hour limit? And they didn’t whine about it?


And why is 210/week not reasonable? It’s 30/day still.

Well that does exceed the limit you could do in a day under either system :stuck_out_tongue:

Absolutely cannot believe this is still in the game. Shameful and embarrassing for Blizzard.


Thanks I had forgotten about this since I read the same thing 15 minutes ago.

Did a set of NR farming last night. We are all so scared of hitting this and not being able to help others or play dungeons on alts.

A lot of us don’t run anymore than 1 or 2 dungeons close to our ZG nights out of paranoia.

Please Blizzard, if you’re going to continue to punish the hard core community with this can you AT A MINIMUM put a counter in the game?!?!?!??

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The spirit and experience of classic is whatever Blizz says it is. We’ve been over this. I’m still waiting on your triumphant post btw. It’s now 1 week after you said the change would be reverted.

So if blizzard released transmogs, lfg/lfr, corruption gear, exc and said it matches the spirit and experience of vanilla you would be fine with it because blizzard said so…

Blizzard today is not the blizzard of vanilla and have already made changes that would be a joke to the vanilla devs.

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Some of the people making changes on Classic were Vanilla devs/engineers.

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You mean like capping how many instances you can run? Oh wait they did that during vanilla…

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Source, and proof that are the ones calling the shots and not just working on the project?

We could have the entire original vanilla team and then having their hands tied by Activision to make them add a cash shop, just because they are working on the project doesn’t mean they are calling the shots anymore.

The credits for Classic and the credits for Vanilla WoW.

Omar wrote code back in Vanilla and seemed to be one of the three most prominent people working on Classic. He talked a lot about why or how they were doing things and I think it’s likely that he is a part of a lot of decisions regarding Classic.

Activision has zero to do with Blizzard games.

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The daily cap was 120.

The cap now is 30 in a 24/hr period.

Let’s say you ran 60 one day from the original cap then 60 the next day. You wouldn’t be locked out of doing more after that second 60 because it was a daily cap, not a 24hr rolling cap.

The 30/24hr cap is far more restricting in not just the number of dungeons you can run, but also with it being a rolling 24/hr cap vs daily.

The 5/hr cap was part of vanilla and was all classic needed. Blizzard added the new 30/24hr cap with very little (if any) forethought on how it would actually effect the player base vs the targeted audience for this change, botters. They also didn’t even have enough foresight to add any form of tracking system for players on this 30/24hr system and have failed to even communicate how this change was supposedly going to help combat botting.

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I love when people say Activision has nothing to do with blizzard games.

Do you know how shareholders pressure, CEO pressure, exc can effect things? It changes the goal of them making the game from what vanilla once was “let’s make a game we would enjoy” into what we have now “how do we maximize profits”…

Original vanilla was a passion project. None of wow is that now.


Because it’s true.

They added loot cards from a trading card game they developed in 2006. That was the very first iteration of loot boxes in an MMORPG. How many people did you know actually playing that trading card game? People were gambling on packs of cards from a game they didn’t play to get loot in a game they did play.

Please look up the interview with the former Bungie dev.

Activision had “nothing to do with them” too…

You do realize the complete difference between Blizzard and Bungie’s situations, right?

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Yes and if you’d respected the intent behind the original 5 runs per hour cap myabe blizzard wouldn’t have had to change it.

But well, when you obey the letter of the law but not the spirit of the law sometimes said law gets updated so you can’t abuse it.