New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

When BGs spam starts to ruin the economy, questing experience, and spirit of classic, we can certainly start to discuss that.


Outside of weekly downtime there is nothing whatsoever preventing you from playing the game and spending as much TIME as you like inside the game and inside instances.

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Oh ya I mean you can stand in an instance for 12 hours and do nothing but that is absolutely idiotic. Similar to using that logic when discussing this change.

Can you define what this means, exactly?

Big true.

On my days off work i’ll do 30 instances a day each on two accounts. They’re really quick farms. In the process of setting up another two accounts so i can do 120 instances a day. I’ll gladly pay extra subs so i can not feel limited in what i want to do in my free time.


Assuming you were playing 24 hours straight 30 dungeons spread evenly would be 1.25 dungeons per hour. Which for gear/level appropriate groups that aren’t using some gimmick is actually very reasonable and would be very hard to exceed the limit especially as most people will not be playing 24 hours straight.


I mean, ranking for PvP is likely the number one reason people buy gold. Do you know how much gold rankers spend on consumables?

Then add in they PvP for 12-16 hours a day leaving no time to farm for those consumables and it is most certainly causing economic damage through gold buying.


I think your math skills need some work…

30 dungeons at 1.25 hr per would be 37.5 hours.

You cant even math and you want us to take your opinion on this number based issue seriously???

30 dungeons spread over 24hr would be 0.8hours per dungeon or 48 minutes per dungeon. Which would be extremely ineffective use of time as most dungeons can be cleared in under 30 minutes with a good group.

Your math is wrong, your logic is wrong, can you just admit your wrong on this subject? Just because YOU take 1.25 hours to do a dungeon doesn’t mean good players take that long to do it. Heck if I get my choice is people I do a dire maul jump run with (we don’t use reset spots) we can get them done in less than 15 minutes each and thats with no cheese, and it’s missing 2 dps with just a tank dps and healer.

Edit, I misread a few words…

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Read it again.

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Ok, I misread it. Regardless taking 48 minutes per dungeon is laughable when you can do a legitimate dungeon run in less than 15 minutes by simply not doing unneeded trash.

His reasoning for the change being fine is because it doesn’t limit bad players who are inefficient when running dungeons. It only hurts people that know what they are doing…

This game should not be designed around limiting good players to make the bad ones feel better about themselves.

Most dungeons have enough unskippable trash that gear/level appropriate groups are not doing 15 minute runs.

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I would say the only dungeon that can’t be fully cleared in about 15 minutes would be BRD

Scholomance, Strath (undead and live separate as that’s how the dungeon is run, as if it’s two different instances), dire maul (each wing) can all be run in about 15-20 minutes with a group that knows what they are doing and not using ledges to reset trash.

Maybe the issue is your definition of “legitimate players” those are lvl 60 dungeons and I’m assuming at least one person is carrying with raid gear. You are probably thinking everyone is 55-60 with garbage gear on everyone.

Geared 60s run dungeons for varying reasons. Scholo for dark runes for healers, Strath for rightiouse orbs or the chance at the mount depending on undead or live, and dire maul for herbs/ore/enchanting mats/tubers

This far into classic you will likely not find a group of fresh 55-60 to do a dungeon with and at least one of them will be lvl 60 and raid geared to help carry the group.

And that easily turns your 48 minute dungeons into 15-20.

The dungeons were designed around level and gear appropriate groups. If a group decked out in tier 2 can come in and flatten the place in 15 minutes great, that is not who the content was designed for. And they’re not locked out from doing so either. They merely can’t do it to excessive amounts.

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It wasn’t designed for them?

Then how shall they ever get their rightiouse orbs to put that crusader enchant on their weapon?!

The dungeons were DESIGNED to be reran multiple times even after they have raid gear for a few select items. Even if you don’t want the enchant, dark runes come from dungeons, demonic runes drop more in dungeons than open world farming.

Dungeons were designed in vanilla to be reran many times by people who were clearing NAXX.

And this change doesn’t prevent those people from running said dungeons.

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No, it just prevents people who can’t play 6+ hours a day from being able to spend 1-2 days a week from being able to farm enough to be ready for raids.

Yes and asking for it to be changed to 90/3 days or so is a reasonable request.

The spirit of classic is not having other people tell you how to play. That’s what led to retail.
And Ziryus, the only reasonable request is to fix the game by removing the unreasonable additional limit entirely.


Should we also remove the unreasonable limits on raids and 5 runs per hour on dungeons. Completely unreasonable restrictions on play right?

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The spirit and experience of classic was 5/hour , 120/day

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