New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Playing a lot isnt exploiting and thats in large part who its affecting. I haven’t reached a 30 instance limit once, so this isn’t personally hindering me. I get that you don’t want anyone to have an advantage over you tho bud. There is a valid reason a lot of people dislike this change.

And once again this change does not prevent you from playing a lot. It does not even prevent you from spending a lot of time in instances. It only limits how often you can enter new instances.

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Well then I guess we better add a 30/day BG cap as well.

I mean people bot and exploit in PvP as well! Why only make the change for pve at this point!

PvP has built in mechanics that prevent the kind reset abuse that was occuring in dungeons.

“Playing a lot” :roll_eyes:
Running more than 30 instance IDs a day was what received a cap, not “playing a lot” in general.

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Yep and limiting the way people play is absolutely dumb. If you want to farm instances 12 hours a day more power to you. Not to mention if you are doing specific farms you can get locked out pretty quickly.

It’s a facepalm moment when people are unable to understand the distinction between allowing an activity in moderation and allowing the same activity to be performed 24/7. Instance grinding 30 times a day is allowed. Clearly, if Blizzard thought that instance grinding more than that was something to be condoned, they wouldn’t have put a cap on it. As of now, more than 30 instances a day is impossible because that behavior was considered exploitative. To be clear, “that behavior” was grinding the same instance to excess, not merely grinding the instance. If Blizzard didn’t want you to grind the instance, then the bosses would only drop loot for you once a week or once a day. As it is, grind away to your heart’s content, as long as your heart is content with 30 or less times a day. For the vast majority of players, that’s perfectly acceptable. For a handful of vocal crybabies, it’s the end of the world (of Warcraft) and grounds for unsubbing.


To be more specific, he was banned for trading gold to an alt on a different account. That was the source of the confusion. Once the GM verified that he owned both accounts, the misunderstanding was cleared up, and he was unbanned.

Yea but you really shouldnt get banned for trading gold to an alt in the first place. Blizzard also makes you jump through hoops to get your account back.

I realize that is out of context of what you are saying but I wanted to just say again how dumb that poorly automated system is


Keep pretending that there was no problem beyond botters that this cap was implemented to curtail, and it was just blizzard being “dumb”.

It’s like you are not actually reading posts.

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still waiting for the 30 battlegrounds per day cap to be implemented. after all, fair is fair.


You should make a new thread on that. Im sure theyre gonna jump on it

Again, he wasn’t banned for trading gold to an alt. He was banned for trading gold to another player. When Blizzard found out they had mistaken his alt for another player, they unbanned him.

Automation is never as good as a manual system, but it’s far more efficient. There are always trade offs. An efficient automated system that bans thousands of bots a week is going to generate more false positives than an inefficient manual system that bans tens or hundreds of bots a week. Which do you think is more practical, though?

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Ah yea misread his post. Its still equally as stupid if you are trading certain tresholds of gold to get suspended and have to appeal. You can keep getting salty tho bud

Hey, if we’re gonna go for retail based time-gating mechanisms, may as well apply it across the board. cant have people actually spending time in the game they pay for, doing stuff.

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No no you do you. I get the whole “misery loves company” thing. Go for it

Hell yea, if we’re gonna ruin the game in PvE then ruin it for PvP as well. You guys wanted this, lets do it across the board.


Sure, if you actually believe that caps like 30/24 were simply done for no reason beyond annoying players.

Last I checked there is no limit to how much time you spend in game doing stuff.

Are you going to expand on that point or just keep saying the same thing over and over?

Are you serious?