New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Yes boosting is still acceptable behavior, however you are now capped on how much you can do it.

Message was loud and clear.


Thank you for sharing the video, it’s great to see that Blizzard GMs do not consider boosting or instance grinding exploitation.


It would suck being a GM having to explain elementary things to people like those that think resetting instances is abusive.


So no. Ok. Next?


It’s always a big facepalm moment when someone disagrees and genuinely believes that the boosting and instance grinding is actually exploiting the game. It’s clearly not and it’s good to see a GM response to that.


No what? They changed the rules, do you really have a question or just trolling? If trolling you really need to change out the bait :rofl:

Well we have proof now that instance farming isn’t exploiting


but we all know it never ends there - the ‘bOoStiNg iZ ExpLoiTz’ crowd will just move the goalposts elsewhere and continue the bad faith arguments.


And noone has said it was, spamming resets is what was fixed not farming dungeons.

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Spamming resets was fixed with the 5/hr cap.

The 30/day doesn’t prevent spam. It prevents playing the game.


No it’s actually not. You can farm dungeons without spamming resets, you just can’t do it as fast :stuck_out_tongue: or now as much every day :stuck_out_tongue:

And if people hadn’t abused the 5/hour rule by simply doing it for 6+ hours a day we wouldn’t have the 30 a day cap.

Blame everyone who thought following the letter of the law but not the spirit of the law was acceptable :slight_smile:

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Except this 30/day cap was put in for Exploitive and automated gameplay. Aka bots. And it doesn’t even do much vs them either.

It was a change for the sake of “looking” like they were addressing the botting issue.

The change was not thought through (proof is the lack of any form of tracking UI, the fact you can instance cap from a 24/hr period and not a daily period leading to 3 hours of play one night, 3 hours of play the next day, and being capped…exc.) and was poorly implemented as almost a month later there is no tracking UI for players which is a huge red flag for a rushed unprepared product of a change being forced into the game with no pre-planning, no testing, exc.


How is… playing the game for 6 hours straight ‘abusing’ it? These demands for artificial time gating because you’re salty someone has more time to play than you is a retail mentality that needs to stay in retail.


Well clearly they consider anything more than 30 runs a exploitative of the dungeon reset mechanic regardless of botting or not.

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Your still trying to force that when we have a YouTube video proving this wrong… Lol

It’s not and nothing about this change stops you from playing 24 hours a day if you want. You can even run instances 24 hours a day if you want. You just can’t reset them as often.

Except the video above regarding a ban being overturned had a GM confirm that it is not an exploit.


Again…the issue is that the 30 cap was put in for “exploitative and automated gameplay”. Players doing a lot of dungeons is clearly not an exploit. Players using pathing to farm dungeons is not an exploit. Players boosting other players is not an exploit…Blizzard has said on multiple occasions that they consider exploiting to be CHEATING. Hacking, botting, selling services for RMT. These are the reasons for supposed cap. The fact that it is affecting legitimate players and the reasons behind it have nothing to do with legitimate players is why this change is bogus and needs to be removed.