New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Who the hell has time for 30 dungeons a day???

its actually fairly easy to cap if you’re doing partial runs (i.e. sgc/hoj farming) or power leveling.

I sympathize with working through COVID times, but you are not going to garner much sympathy for him being boosted and hitting the cap that way.

Do you honestly think that would sway blizzard’s decision? Hitting a cap because of being boosted through the content?


do people actually still acknowledge your trolling attempts with any sincerity? honest question, i see you’ve been at this for going on 3 weeks now.


He could have just kept track of the amount of instance resets. Maybe tally them on a piece of paper or something.

hahahahahahahhahahaha. no.

this stupid, arbitrary, and completely nonexistent-in-vanilla limitation shouldnt even exist at all. if we wanted to play time-gated moba content, we would play retail.


How in the heck is that remotely trolling? Having the opinion that boosting causing you to hit the cap is some out of bounds opinion? Are you for real?


The extent of inflation, dungeon-reset abuse, and botting wasn’t in Vanilla either.

Is that a yes or a no?

“warts and all”.

Thats the vanilla experience. These slippery slope ‘fixes’ started us down the path to the abortion that is retail.


Hey, whatever. Enjoy the cap hitting while your significant other “plays” the most lame way possible.


Ahh, there it is. You’re really trying I guess, if nothing else.


Blizzard decides the vanilla experience, and they want to replicate the authentic classic feel-- boosting your character to 60 in 2 days isn’t an authetnic classic feel.

Except their previous fixes were never aimed at preserving the spirit of vanilla, but this change is. I love this change, and I hope it stays forever to be honest.


Except if boosting was the actual issue, its fairly simple to change the xp calculations to heavily discourage powerleveling. If the xp rewards from being boosted by a 60 are no longer lucrative, the boosting will stop in short order.

This change was advertised as a fix against “exploitative and automated gameplay”. I’m sure you can connect the dots to understand this refers to instance bots.

This fix was lazy, ineffective (whitemane is already crawling with hundreds of bots again), and punishes legitimate players more than botters and rmt goldsellers, who just cycle from server to server when capped and have dozens of accounts or more.


Seriously, you actually thought that coming onto the forum trying to get sympathy, invoking COVID, because your husband got boosted too often and hit the cap, was a good idea.


Oh, folks really havent been taking the bait lately then, eh? Desperate times I guess. Things will get better, dude.


You are projecting like a champ this evening.

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The conditions that allow for boosting are authentic to vanilla. Those mechanics were in the game and existed, however most high end min-maxxers were quite hush hush about their secrets back then, so these methods were rarely shared widely.

Whether that makes you feel warm fuzzy feelings of vanilla-like nostalgia or is a playstyle you personally like is irrelevant, really. The fact of the matter is boosting was possible in the original 1.12 vanilla client.


True it was, but it is also true that when 1.12 dropped it was what, like 2-3 months before TBC? Behaviors that were rare (at least in my experience during Vanilla) have become more common in Classic since everyone now knows all of the glitches/“secrets”. So I feel it is appropriate for Blizzard to mitigate the more extreme examples like MC’ing people out of BGs and spam reseting dungeons.

Why? Because you dont like it and didnt do it in vanilla?

If boosting is the issue here as those who are opposed to the practice repeatedly claim, wouldnt adjusting xp gains when grouped with a 60 more effectively combat this issue and make boosting worthless?

Blizzard specifically said this fix was against ‘exploitative automated gameplay’ - aka, bots. Its done little to nothing to correct that problem – i can still /who 60 mage scholo/zg/etc. and see dozens of unguilded gibberish named mage bots on whitemane at any given hour.

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