New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

I don’t think they’ve lied, but hey, thats my opinion. I think they’ve done the best they can to simulate a Vanilla like Experience.

Emphasis on internal data, not anecdotel. On my realm, there’s barely any botters in those instances, which contradicts your claims.


So how does this change affect automated behaviour?

A bot can simply switch servers and play 24/7 still due to how the change is, so clearly this change does nothing to stop bots.

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You do realise that it’s per realm. A botter can simply level up another character (using a bot) on another realm. Then all they have to do is write a script to switch realms every 6 hours.

Another issue is that a botter can simply make another account and level up bots and switch accounts every 6 hours.

It’s literally just a math equation for the people running bots. Is it still profitable for them to run a bot? Clearly the answer is yes because they don’t even need to have multiple accounts to continue doing exactly what they have been doing. All they have to do is invest some time into leveling another bot on another realm.

It’s not a victory at all and it’s exactly why this ineffective changes needs to be reverted. It’s only affecting legitimate players.

To add to this, the bots farming instances were doing stratholme runs for gold which takes like 45+ mins. Those runs wouldn’t even hit the 30 instance cap to begin with so the arbitrary cap doesn’t even make sense to begin with.


But it could be, and apparently was by Blizzard, considered exploitative behavior. An exploit and exploitative behavior are not the same thing. You can perform normal behavior to excess and have it considered exploitative.

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Which means they have to take 4 timees as long in ordere to reach the same level of efficiency as before. There’s a good chance they get banned before they even reach 4 level 60s on 4 different realms. That NUKES their profits by a huge margin.

That’s another $15, which once again, is a huge cut in profits.

See, you tear apart your own arguement here.


What realm are you on? Prime time Pagle you hit 50 limit on the /who and not see a single readable name sometimes. Just because YOU don’t see it on your realm doesn’t mean it’s not happening or just because it’s not happening on your realm doesn’t mean it’s not happening on others.

$15 is a huge cut in profits? Compared to what? If they can level up a bot in 5 days and it takes them 30 days to be identified and banned I’m sure they can still make a profit.

Again it’s a math equation…is the time invested into leveling more bots worth the cost? Apparently it is, because I’ve seen more bots running around the world in the past 2 weeks than I have in 9 months of playing classic.

Of course they can, you can make a profit from buying an entire gum pack and reselling the strips of gum from the pack. But how many people are willing to do that? Barely any, becuase the money isn’t worth it.

Botting is becoming less worth the hassle with this change. It’s a huge win, and everything you said has supported my arguement.

So you’re claiming an activity that takes no active human game play time is more of a hassle now that it takes no active human game play time?

And if you go into the administrative end of botting and RMT, yea, you’re wrong. BlackHats that run these know how to side step that 2X4 board you put on the sidewalk in front of them.

They’ll just dig a bit deeper into that 20k personal information spreadsheet they bought for 500 bucks.

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How many people are willing to do that? Lmao. Oh idk only the hundreds of thousands of accounts that have been banned for botting.

IT’S AUTOMATED. All they have to do is spin up a new instance of a bot and let it do it’s thing. Of course someone has to monitor it / reset things etc. But whats the difference between managing 20 bots and 50 bots? I would imagine, not a whole lot. It’s economy of scale. If they’re making a profit AT ALL they can continue scaling up their operation to continue making money.

50 bots is way more money for Blizzard, which is what they want.

Honestly with my experience with VMware and automation concepts, there is zero difference between botting on 20 accounts and botting on 100 as long as you have the hardware resources to do so, which most of these guys do.

A professional botter who does RMT as a “job” would have several dozen accounts running on a VM setup with everything scripted to the gills.

When one of them found out about this, they probably shrugged, spun up another couple dozen VMs and dug out a few more stolen CCs from their dark web spreadsheet.

Literally would have taken them 2-4 hours to recover in time spent and a week to ding 60 and start the process all over again.

The bot impact of the 30/day policy was over 5-7 days after it was enacted. Now it’s just a punishment for playing hard core and min/maxing.

No one is blaming druids for ruining the economy, so you’re tossing a red herring out there.

Now about druids and the MCP… They should be thanking Blizzard as it should take some pressure off of farming up such a gimmicky item.

DPS can learn to wait before opening up. And no one but you really cares about your parse.

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If it wasn’t an exploit they wouldn’t have addressed it.

Probably several more servers. How many instances of WoW are you running on your box? Do you think they just magically spin up bots out of farmed fairy dust?

Yeah… because VMs don’t consume any CPU or memory. Glad you cleared that up for us!

Again…the ONLY POINT is if it’s profitable. Obviously more bots requires more hardware. But if it’s still profitable to scale up with that in mind there will still be bots.

They’re saying that people farming instances is ruining the economy. Druids are farming instances.

So… either don’t make a broad statement about how farming instances ruins the economy, or explain how Druids farming MCP ruins the economy.

Not at all. The pressure is entirely still there because the class is horribly imbalanced and weak, and the only way to be viable is to use it.

Now there’s just far less opportunity to obtain them and you can’t do anything else after having farmed them.

If your DPS have to wait, the tank sucks. And, bud, hundreds of thousands of people care about parses. Just because you’re a casual who doesn’t does not mean no one does.

That’s pretty terrible logic, and you know it. Try harder.

They were attempting to address cheating. Exploitative behavior in this case does NOT mean farming instances; it means fly hacks, botting, etc.

Oh, and it fails completely to address any of those things, by the way.

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This is where youre being narcissicistic, just incase you didnt know