New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

In my opinion; Comparing the 5 hour cap to the 24 hour cap is probably the most asinine thing I’ve read in this entire thread

The 5 hour cap while sometimes annoying will roll off generally within 10-20 minutes. So if you take a break after doing your 5 you can return back to it and keep going until you hit the cap again. If that is something you want to do.

The 24 hour cap is rolling 24 hour cap which means if you start at 3pm and cap out by 9 or 10pm… you have to wait until around 3pm the next day to start again and heaven forbid you decide to change it up to something that’s quicker and then you’re just hitting lockouts even faster or if your playing in the evening one day and the morning the next… you’re completely hosed. The “go out in the open world” argument is sickening because unless you’re a completely dead server all the 50+ zones are heavily farmed and at best you’re just touring the zones hoping to get that one plaguebloom node.

I fully understand why this is implemented and it’s not the 30/day cap that is my issue it’s the way the roll-off is handled. If they want to keep the 30 a day in place they could at least meet a lot of us halfway with having them all reset with the daily reset similar to the daily quest reset in Retail. I think this is a fair compromise if they’re unwilling to reverse this entirely.



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Because the greater good is more important than the small handful of players. I’m sorry but that’s how soceties have worked for millenia.


Except that they reserved the right to prevent exploits in their dev watercooler:

Additional improvements will include modern anti-cheat/botting detection, customer service and integration, and similar conveniences that do not affect the core gameplay experience.

It was never, as you’re claiming, intended to allow you to faithfully recreate all the cheats that were in Vanilla.

Well then I would argue this…Blizzard has the ability to identify and ban 74k accounts in the month leading up to this change. They considers the small handful of actual players affected by this to be legitimate. What is the point of keeping this change then? They don’t need a 30 instance cap to find botters, they have proven it. All this change does is affect legitimate players who want to play the game a lot.

Then they need to come out and both explain that they consider playing too much is an exploit if its in a dungeon, and why they don’t consider it an exploit for other behaviour.

Sure, why not? There was no rule about it before, there is now. It was a behavior they wanted curbed, it is now curbed. Life is change, game rules change, and so on and so on.

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They just did! Look at the first post in this thread. You’re refusing to connect the dots, but the picture is pretty obvious!

Exactly. Therefore it wasn’t an exploit before, so the reasoning that “it was to combat exploitative gameplay”, and thinking that exploitative gameplay includes more than 30 dungeons a day, is invalid.

The change can’t have been to combat dungeon farming if it was to combat exploitative behavior because dungeon farming wasn’t considered exploitative behavior until this change.

Which is why this change is so great, because it curbs the amount of boosting, resetting, and botting that wasn’t as prevalent in Vanilla as it is in Classic

They needed to so that people could get online. It was a postive for the game.

If you can’t infer what exploits they are targetting I think you need to consider it more. We can talk about it but it’s been discussed ad nauseum.

What proof? Do you have any internal data to show this? I trust Blizzard’s internal data more than a small handful of theories from affected players.

This is like complaining that speed limits don’t make the roads safer because no one came right out and said that they were imposing a speed limit to make roads safer. Everyone knows why it was done, anyway. You’re being deliberately obtuse.

They released this change immediately after a massive uproar about bots, and about fly hacking in ZG. Any logical person is going to look at ‘automated and exploitative behaviour’ to mean bots, and fly hacking. If they mean something different, they need to make it clear.

If they suddenly consider doing too many dungeons in a day to be an exploit, they need to say so. Anyone claiming that’s the problem is doing so without any source or proof.


So you will be 100% supportive if Blizzard makes one or all of the following changes.

  1. Only X herb picks a day
  2. Only X mining dings a day
  3. Only X BG instances a day
  4. Only cook X food a day
  5. Only fish cast X times a day

Its all fun and games until YOUR chosen style of game play is also considered to be an “exploit” with NO context or explanation.

“First they came for the hard core players, and I did nothing because it did not affect me…”


Would be valid if Classis was ever a faithful recreation. It hasn’t been since day one when they started with 1.12 (neither were any of the private servers). There have been a lot of changes, glitches fixed, explotive behavior changed (MCing people out of battle grounds) and more. I believe there will continue to be these types of changes, and I believe that is mostly a good thing.

It’s not just bots they’re targetting, it’s exploitative behavior as well. And banning bots continulously hasn’t worked for 16 years. This change cuts the profits botters make into 1/4th, which means that botting is less desirable. That means they will have to ban less bots now because there will be less bots in general. That’s a monumental victory

Not now it isn’t, the current rules define it as such by prohibiting it.

So they lied about it, just like they’re lying about this change.

Whether you think this change is good or not doesn’t change that they’re lying about the reasoning.

Any logical person would know that a 30 instance a day cap isn’t going to affect fly hacking. This is like claiming that speed limits are intended to encourage seat belt usage. These are two separate aspects of the same issue. You can’t say that one problem doesn’t exist because the other does. Fly hacking is a separate issue entirely.

/who Scarlet
/who Strat
/who Zul

Plenty of sadfjsldfjs;lf names that are obvous bots lol.

And you’re being ridiculous thinking that running dungeons more than some arbitrary amount is an EXPLOIT.

You have no idea what an exploit is if you think that counts. Anyone running more than 30 NOW is obviously exploiting, but BEFORE the change, it wasn’t an exploit.

Learn the terms you’re using.

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