New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

and it was still better handled then this

I absolutely will not “be Happy” about this, they lied they baited us in with “warts and all” and this will not be the last change this game gets mark my words they will continue to do so until one day it is more like retail then vanilla, I am 95% sure you will see a cash shop in classic one day, I am just as sure you will see a cross realm LFG system they will continue and then it will be all surprised pikachu face when most have quit and they will say see you thought you did, as if their changes had nothing to do with people quitting, as if what they gave us was anything near what was promised.

:nauseated_face::face_vomiting: :nauseated_face:

And I very well may…


The Blizzard white knights are why the gaming industry is so awful to its customers these days. It’s genuinely astounding how many people hate themselves so much that they praise Blizzard for spitting in their mouths.


Well, goodbye then, and good luck finding something you enjoy. It is a simple equation, happy playing keep on trucking, unhapply playing? Don’t torture yourself find something else.

There have been many changes that didn’t thrill me throughout WoW’s evolution and others I liked. Bottom line is I was still having fun, so, here I am and here I’ll stay.

The problem is that everyone is different and those that don’t like a change always seem to label those that either do, or don’t care, as “White Knights”, instead of simply someone whose opinion differs. So far I’ve always been able to understand both sides of the discussions, I just don’t happen to agree with yours in this instance. If that makes me a “White Knight” I’m alright with that.

Bump for 30 instance lockout removal, bump for Blizzard response, bump until silenced


This change did nothing to solve any problems.


ziriis is world class blizzard shill

this is also my daily complaint this change is terrible.


Maybe Blizzard will hire them as a community manager if they keep it up.

Bump because I’m locked out again


Whoo hoo. Locked out again from farming BoED in mara…for the 10th day in a row. This needs to be removed already.


This is ridiculous. Can we get a blue post that Blizzard is at least trying to FIX the problem instead of putting a bandaid on this issue that is screwing over everyone who isn’t a bot. Congrats Blizzard, you’re making more money from bots and they’re still at it. The people playing the game normally are affected and you don’t care at all.


friendly reminder that this ‘fix’ is still a dumpster fire and the bots are already back on whitemane in droves. can you do anything right, blizzard?


300 resets of Mara in 10 days.

How many were you planning on doing? That’s a little excessive, don’t you think?


At least double that, 30 runs is 2 hours of in game time for me.

No, I don’t think it’s excessive. Getting rank 14 in this game requires 14-16 hours of BGs a day to get. How does 2 hours of in game time compare to that? What someone does with their time shouldn’t be any of your concern.


You were planning on doing 600 instance resets in 10 days? I think the best you’re going to get is Blizzard making it a weekly 210 resets instead of 30 daily.

It’s not like this is going to make the farm for your dagger significantly slower anyways. Why aren’t you complaining about the 5 instances an hour limit?

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The 5 per hour instance limit was something that has always been there and is just accepted. How many youtube videos are there talking bout optimizing runs around 12 minute intervals? That’s what we all expected going into classic. But this changes that. Now I have to plan out my gameplay around an arbitrary limit. I can do 15 runs at night, then 15 runs the next day and be locked out for the next 12+ hours. If I only had time to play 2 days a week that would be a serious problem.

Do I want to do 600 instance resets in 10 days? Hell no. I want the dagger to drop already so I can end this farm and experiment with other farms with the item! It’s not about the number of instances I could/should do that’s the issue here. It’s the fact that now I don’t have the choice to do what I want in the game.


It wasn’t always there, it was added sometime around patch 1.9. If you can accept an hourly limit that you just admitted affects your farm, then you can accept a daily limit too.

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People whined just as hard about the 5 runs per hour rule when it was added during vanilla.

I fully agree that blizzard should add an ingame counter. But blizzard adding restrictions on dungeons and then people whining about it is nothing new.

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Yeah, it was added in vanilla at a certain point but it’s always been this way in classic. If it hasn’t been an issue for the past 9 months of classic, why is it suddenly a problem now?

By Blizzards own words the purpose of the change wasn’t to limit the experience of legitimate players. It was aimed at automated and exploitative gameplay (fly hacking). So if the change is affecting legitimate players, why keep the change? I’ve seen more bots in the past week running around the world than I have in the past 9 months. Sure that’s annecdotal, but that’s what I’ve experienced. I have screenshots of dozens of bots running around winterspring. I don’t have the tools / information to determine whether this change was effective against botting or not. Apparently Blizzard had the ability to find and ban 74000 bot accounts in the month leading up to the change…So why hurt legitimate players if they already have the means to identify and ban bots?

Either Blizzard needs to clarify the actual intent was to nerf instance farming, or they need to remove the change. Because it’s really cutting into the fun of the game for a lot of people.


Sure it’s nothing new. I mean the instance limit hasn’t changed in 15 years but that’s besides the point. This is a service we all pay for. We don’t have have to just lie down and accept the change because papa Blizzard knows best. As paying customers we have the right to communicate our displeasure over a change and ultimately we have the right to put our money elsewhere.

For me, this is hurting the integrity of the game. I did not sign up for having an arbitrary daily limit. I signed up for classic because it was supposed to be no changes and back to a faithful recreation of the vanilla game. This clearly contradicts those intents. If botting didn’t become such a big issue in EU/US would this change have gone through? It’s Blizzards own fault that EU/US servers have been flooded with bots, they came en mass right after the wow token addition in China.