New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to say I really wish I could do more dungeons right now :slight_smile:


And asking for blizzard to explain the change in more detail is entirely valid.


You give them 15 bucks to play the game, they dont need to tell you why they do anything lol.

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You clearly haven’t farmed HOJ or SGC

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I farmed both because I have multiple warrior friends.

And taking the customer for granted and treating people like crap, is a large reason why retail went from 12 million subs to the paltry 1-2 million retailers (guess since they are so ashamed and hiding the numbers now) or whatever it is now. Crappy changes with Blizzard sticking their fingers in their ears and going “la-la-la we can’t hear you” is why I left retail.

I had hoped that if they stuck to #nochanges, they couldn’t shoot themselves in the foot. To prove me wrong they implemented a 2006 April fools joke as a feature. Someone as reading from the wrong patch notes I guess.


You realize there’s addons that have that many downloads when they get updated, right? That’s not including China because I’m 99% sure they get their addons from somewhere else than curse.

I mean, it definitely dipped close to that somewhere around WoD, but I’m pretty sure we’re up to 4-5m at this point. Still huge loss and a big dip after a very specific decision.

It’s most definitely around the number last reported in WoD, right around 5.4 million or something. You can go back through old download data on curse and find addons like DBM and compare the downloads when patches launched back in WoD to now. Those download numbers are really similar, this is the most accurate determiner of sub count I think we have.

I agree with you, but this affects casuals also - weekends, holidays, etc. It is easy to hit the cap playing for a few hours on Friday nights then a few more Saturday morning locking the player out for Saturday evening, for example. Unlike a lot of people, my work has continued throughout the pandemic. I was looking forward to some additional boost time, but it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to do that as much as I would have liked now.


Extending the amount of time you have to invest in the game to obtain items everyone else had the luxury of doing at their own leisure for almost a year while forcing botters to buy more accounts is an S tier strategy on behalf of Actiblizz.

I just feel bad for the mages still going for BoED. I got mine a month or so before this dropped and 30 runs is nothing.


The drop rate of BoED is likely going to be increased when the AQ patch launches. For the extremely tiny number of Mages that are being limited in their farming of that one particular item, this will make up for the daily cap and assist them in getting their economy busting weapon.

Blizzard likes numbers, they like money. If you are unsatisfied with the recent changes just unsub. Talk with your wallet. Their number crunchers will see a pattern of lower subs and they might respond to your demands. Either way it doesn’t really matter to me, I hope more of you. . . people. . leave so the server populations can recede a bit.

I don’t see this as being nearly as much of an issue as flying was when blizzard tried to remove it.

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So your saying, because blizzard made a change, you expect them to make more changes…

Huh? They already announced they’re increasing the drop rate of epic dungeon items in the next patch.

“This update includes WoW patch 1.10 Dungeon loot table adjustments, increasing the drop chance of epic items, and many new caster DPS items.”

So it’s not really a change… But the increased drop chances are still very small and won’t make up for the instance limit change.

Source for this claim? I’ve heard someone say it increases the drop rate by 10x. Retail wowhead has it listed at 6% drop rate, which would be a 30x increase.

Link me your source for your claim that the increased drop rate will be very small.

Let’s say the BoeD has a 1% drop chance now, then it goes to 2% with the next patch, so instead of statistically needing 10k runs to have a 100% drop chance (I know it’s not technically how it works, but this is an example) it now takes 5k. That’s half the runs, but the ability of how many runs we could do a day was cut into 1/4.

So even doubling the drop chance doesn’t give it the same ability to be farmed.

They would need to increase the drop chance by X4 to make the rate at which people (who were hitting the cap daily) be even. Realistically people farming it were not doing 120 instances a day, they were likely doing 60-70 so the doubling of drop chances will make it “close”. But even still the instance cap is a poorly thought out change that doesn’t even accomplish the goal it was designed for… Let alone the lack of UI to see lock outs and instances used

It has a 0.2% droprate.