New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Can you explain how this hurt botters with tons of accounts to use and abuse vs the actual player that has one account lol?? You’re punishing your community instead of actually helping the community by getting rid of these botters. There’s so many comments on this forum that make so much sense to implement to get rid of these botters that would actually work…

Blizzard, your silence and inaction regarding this vile restriction has made it clear today before all of us, that you care nothing for Classic or player feedback.


Want to hear a funny joke? Good!

Knock, knock!!

Who’s there?


Blizzard who?



My family and I have been playing since Vanilla. We have multiple accounts so that we can all play (my sons and I). They are tied to the same Blizzard account and were merged together after one of the expansions early on. We run dungeons together a lot, and we quickly get to the 30 instance cap since this rule was recently created. This very much limits our play style and makes the game less attractive for continued subscription. Could you consider creating a rule that does not count instances towards instance cap when there is more than one account in the instance group owned by the same Blizzard account? If not, is there another way to implement your screening for exploitative or automated play that would not significantly degrade our game play?


I’ve got a better one.

Knock Knock!

Who’s there?


Blizzard who?

Did I ever tell you about the time way back when the sweet old lady down the road knitted a sweater for my kitten? So it was back in…


I thought they hotfixed this. Can you confirm that you are still hitting the cap?

To my understanding there’s no hot fix to remove the cap. They simply removed 40 man instances from being locked out by this. however you still hit cap after 30 instances.

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There’s a good recommendation of changing it from 30 per day to 210 per week here:

At least this would be better than 30 per day considering Druids and mcp, warriors and sgc and other legit players who farm gold… I’m going to be pissed if/when I get accidentally locked out of something over the weekend when I can play as much as I want.

Regardless, I think capping dungeons is a lazy way to deal with the problem especially considering how it was an April fools joke back in '06.

With everyone at home, this sort of change is unconscionable. No compromise is satisfactory; this needs to be completely reverted.


Staring down a 3 day weekend with nothing to do and no place to go due to being in a pandemic hot spot. this will definitely impact how much i play the game and when.

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I was specifically referring to the cap applying to multiple accounts in one battlenet. My understanding is that did happen at first, but was quickly fixed to be on cap per WoW account, not Bnet.

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That hotfix would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the update. Here’s hoping!

Friendly Reminder: Activision ruins everything they touch.


Just reminding bots out there that if you make a character on 4 different servers, this change does literally nothing to you.

Also, thanks Blizz for making a change solely aimed at targeting legitimate players and telling an obvious lie to cover up that you realize this does nothing to bots.


Daily reminder this change is bad <3


They really enjoy making Blade of Eternal Darkness the most obnoxious thing to farm… 2050 and day capped.


Look, I agree it’s a terrible change and I want it rolled back as much as you do. Fact is though, right now players are getting locked out and bots are not. The least they could do while they spend their usual 6 month “looking closely into the situation” before they decide whether to do anything or not, is AT LEAST make these restrictions apply to bots too. That would of course require them giving a damn about the problem, and it’s pretty clear they don’t.

Then again, if they actually did want to do more than lip service to combat botting, by changing “per realm” to “per account” they would be making it more restrictive, so I suspect they fear putting even more fuel on the PR fire. But if they gave us an extra 10-20 or so resets a day to compensate, I think the reaction wouldn’t be as bad as they fear.

It’s ok to BOT in PVP just not PVE. That is the lesson I’ve learned from all this.


I started running into the daily cap by barely playing, Worst part is I dont have anyway to monitor the status of this lockdown for when i can actually join another instance.

I just do my 5 quick lockouts at many points during the day spread out over the entire day. I can easily run into the 30instance cap in a 24hr period. And I did and was supposed to join a group to help out do some stuff after my last 5 instance/hr but couldnt even finish those… Also did not have any timer on when the next instance will be available.

Also anyone farming quick instances per hours (say sgc and mara dagger) over 2+ characters get even more screwed and can hit the daily cap withing 2-3hrs easy.

The worst part is that these limitations dont change anything for a bot, only for actual players. Also looking at the AH since the 74k accounts banned doesnt seem like that made an impact which leads to beleive that 1. there is WAY MORE than 74k accounts doing that and blizzard missed most of them or 2. they just transfer their ressources to another account as they farm and their economy is unaffected…

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He’s one of the group of players posting on the GD forum to try to convince us that playing well is weak, and we should all aspire to be bad players who don’t care about what it takes to do well.

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