New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

The change is horrible but if it was here to stay then this is the absolute bare bones minimum. A current run counter is needed assuming it isn’t get flat out reverted (it’s literally a 2006 April fools joke).

Its gonna get reverted.

or you could accept the change for what it is
All you’re screaming is “no no no no no no no”
Maybe you’re addicted.

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Takes me 3 hours of in game play to hit 30 princess kills. Really isn’t that much.

Ive accepted the change for what it is, a useless ineffective change that doesn’t fix anything.

No it didn’t, but as people have noted it certainly hampers it some.

The vast majority of “real people” will likely never hit the cap. Only the fringiest of the fringe would benefit from extending it to 50, and the less helpful it would be to the economy.

Separate the 40 man raids from the mechanic and there is nothing genuine to complain about.

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If they want to fix people resetting to find a rare boss then there are solutions to fix that that would actually fix that. Same with wall hacking… Same with pathing exploits… This change fixes none of those and doesn’t actually impact exploitative or automated behavior.

Nothing about jed fishing is supported by blizzard. Tolerated but not supported. And yes, it is very much borderline abuse/exploit of the instance reset mechanic.

But hey, all you do is troll the classic forum and push buttons, so I doubt this will make an impact.


Your dislike doesnt make it exploitative. Its well within the rules of the game. Can you link where Blizzard has said themselves that they tolerate but do not support it? I’ll wait thanks


Spamming a dungeon to ensure a rare mob is up 100% of the time… This clearly wasn’t the dev intention. I wish they’d go further and not allow targeting through floors; this is just one of the many loopholes players exploit.


that is 6 hours of NONSTOP farming

Incorrect. It’s across all characters per server per account within a 24 hour period.

Let’s say you run 5 dungeons on alt 1 (get boosted to 5-per-hour lockout, like RFC).
Run 5 more dungeons on alt 2 (boosted to 5-per-hour lockout again).

– RFC only takes 12 seconds per run with a good mage, btw, so 10 dungeons in 2 minutes completed here across 2 characters already–

Run some dungeons on your main to subvert your 2 alts lockouts, so lets say you run some SGC runs to lockout on your main. (Each run only takes a couple minutes each, but i’ll say 5 minutes per run for arguments sake, 5 times 5=25 minutes)

We’re now at 27 minutes and we’ve ran 15 instances on our account (across all characters so far per our server)

See how this adds up quickly in a short amount of time?

Now imagine you’re at 28 or 29 instances and you lost count and your raid is within your 24 hour limit and you can’t remember how many you’ve done? What if you’re at 30 and you’re actually locked out and now you can’t raid?

Do you now see how this affects the normal everyday player?

Bot accounts are making money hand-over-fist and will just swap realms or purchase another account to keep running, they keep making gold, they keep selling gold, blizzard continues to make money and boost their quarterly sub counts. THIS is the evil everyone is referring to because they aren’t looking for solutions for the everyday player, they’re HELPING the botters - which is why it was massive when they announced 74,000 accounts got banned/suspended.

If its not the dev intention then make a minimum amount of bosses killed to reset instances. This change does nothing to fix what in your opinion is an exploit or unintended.

well i found the first problem with the way you choose to play that directly hinders your ability to dungeon.

Then why is one of the complaints about the change that people are making is it hinders their ability to troll for jed?

The number of mages in here pretending they are against it because their charity work is impacted is rather comical. Why can’t you lot just admit that this impacts your massive gold influx?


Resetting instances to find rare mobs are not an exploit and have been in the game for 16 years. You can have the opinion that this is gimmicky or exploitative all you want but 16 years worth of WoW shows that not to be the case.

And what is wrong with being ran through dungeons? We can’t find legitimate groups on Earthfury because everyone would rather just pay a mage to get boosted.

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Yes I agree.

You didn’t answer my simple question. If this change doesn’t impact people’s ability to troll for jed why is that one of the common complaints about it?

And by the way the 5 runs per hour cap, the fact that blizzard stopped putting rare mobs in dungeons etc… should tell you that it was never intended even if they were okay with it within those limits.

The 30 runs per day is just an extension of the 5 runs per hour to prevent exactly this kind of dungeon spam.