New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

This is total BS I farm DM east for food buffs and mats to make raid consumables. As well as for gold. I also farm SM to level my alts on my second account.

All the game play is done by me not a bot and when I do lvl my alt I hit instance lockout every time, all this is doing is screwing over real players that use dungeons to make their gold wither that be from farming items and mats to sell. Or doing boost runs for other players for gold.

Don’t band aid fix the problem and screw over the real players in the process, you can do better then this blizzard.


ZG s a raid and mages can and do solo farm it for coins, bloodline and other items to sell one AH. They do it by using slow fall and swimming in the water. None of them are exploiting, I do it using cone of cold to slow the mobs and just kite them in a circle takes about 10-15mins per run…

How is that an exploit, it is just using the games mechanics of a given class. All the water I swim through can be entered by any player or mob, there is no wall jumping of terrain exploits. So when punish real players because of the botters cheating.

The private servers had very good anti botting and anti cheating measures in place why can blizzard not do the same thing

Boost runs is not cheating or exploiting the game, boost runs were done back in vanilla, the thing they are trying to stop is the botting and automated codes used to player the game with out a person controlling the character.

Boosting is one high level player using skills to clear dungeons for low level players and getting paid in game currency for it, nothing about that is against the terms of service for the game.


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The game originally allowed people to run 120 instances a day. I do not see how you think 30 is unintended lol

Just botter and gold farm abusers being made, lol, this literally affects no one else.

Botters arent affected negatively and boosting is within the rules of the game and a legitimate service, if noone else is affected then its ok to revert the change. HoJ farmers are affected, SGC farmers are affected, real legit players are affected

Agreed, this is a good point. It’s not so much what is intended gameplay, but rather, players who aren’t cheating or breaking the tos are getting caught in the corss fire of blizz trying to punish players who are cheating/botting.

The change does nothing to either of those though. The exploits are not fixed, nor is automation. Its a useless ineffective change.


I agree with you I think it’s a silly change and I wish they would take it back. I’m just pointing out the intent and the negative ways it impacts players that weren’t cheating in the first place.

What do you even do in game? Do you play Classic? You’re level 18.


Excuse me but that is just not true. I spent 10+ hours in RFC and I was NOT boting. Some of us can play for 10-15 hours straight in instances, as we are having fun farming or helping others and I don’t mean boosting for gold either.

I use WoW to unwind and forget about my real life problems.
Now I’m being told how and when to play on something I pay money for.



I wish we could get a blue post to clear up some of our questions and concerns with this. Obviously the community isn’t real happy with this change that is 100% out of the blue :wink: and no ingame support has been given to help track this.


I just wanna point out that Kaivax has pinned the other post he made yesterday but not this one

looks like they just want it to be swept aside lmao

Isn’t Linen cloth one of the mats needed for the AQ turn ins? Going to be a lot of fun getting locked out of raid because I’m farming linen cloth in RFC so that I can help open the new raid.

Come on blizzard - it was a 2006 April Fool Joke. The original designers were not joking when they said that, not expressing their intent. They, like us, thought it was ridiculous.


This is such an awful idea, honestly feels like blizz is just going to force it through. Leave it for 2 months, hope people forget about it.

Then they realize, it doesn’t stop bot farms at all. woo


I’m so sick of arguing this. Other than the fanbois on this forum I’ve yet to talk to ANYONE in game or on other social media that thinks this is even remotely a good idea.

And apparently there are a ton of weird bugs showing up in the game right now. The biggest complaint is weird magical ghetto hearthing.

Go AFK, you’re in Org
DC, you’re in Kargath

Just so awesome…


Only blizz simps on these forums agree with the change. Every major classic wow social media account/YouTuber is against it

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nice insulting generalization memetard

If the shoe fits