New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

I can’t play everyday, but on the days I can I farm instances pretty hard. This is to sustain raiding on two characters. Not to mention my guild just started farming nature resist gear. This is the first day I’ve been able to farm since the change, and I hit the cap just after noon today and I guess I’m done playing until 6am. Really dumb change.


Revert this stupid change and ban the bots again. Strath is filled once again today. You need to KEEP banning them. They arent going away unless you take constant action. Please don’t be bad at everything… just step up one time here blizzard.

They don’t use the same name for their pets, that’s just the default name when a pet is tamed in that language. English players get Wolf, or Bear, or Boar automatically. Chinese players get the same thing in Chinese. If you were to set your game language to Spanish, you’d tame a Lobo instead of a Wolf. So a pet in a native name isn’t a 100% hit on a bot.

Weird. You don’t look like a Feral Druid…

Hmmmm… Something odd here…

The real problem is players need to stop buying gold with real money. That is why the bots are here, remember?

With this new limit, would you guys consider making it so that each lfr raid would count as one instance instead of each wing of each raid counting as its own instance? If you do old lfr raids you end up hitting that limit very quickly.

This “fix” will not help much and i assume that with the AH price that will increase for everything peoples will actually buy more.

yes inflation will increase after the massive nerf to people who were multibox running 30+ instances a day for risk free raw gold and drops

makes alot of sense

Supply and demand. Demand is increasing while the supply just got hit with no additional measure to counter that so yup it will increase by a minimum of 2 time

That also if the Stock pilling mafia don’t artificially make the thing at the AH scarce for more profit

The future do not look bright at all and the only one that will pay for it are the legit players.

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No, the game allowed you to enter 5 instances per character per day. It did not punish you for playing other ones.

These people buy maxed accounts for like 1$ on the dark web banning the bots isn’t effective at all in the longterm.

So here’s the simple truth of things. There was this game called World of Warcraft that some people have been playing for 15 years. We min/maxed the game. We figured out the best strategies. The best way to make gold. The best way to do damage. This is what we do. You guys offer up a recreation of that game. Then you guys change it to turn it into something that it never was in the first place. You guys have changed one of the core aspects of the game and how it’s played. Period. You took a literal April Fools joke from the original and used it in the live version. It’s abysmal for players who are trying to have the same experience. You guys have actually found a way to ruin the game for me.


The Classic servers have far more people playing them then any private server and the potential to find a person on retail or classic to sell gold to is basically guaranteed at any time because its a giant playerbase.

[Theres tons of jimmys that will buy gold because they suck at the game]

i agree 100% today i started with a party of 4, after we did 5 instances in under an hour i was the only one to get locked out. because of the 30 reset limit, i dont know how many i can do, its a guessing game and its hurting me. im a hardcore player and this is really stressing me out…


“Complements.” Lol.

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You would be surprised at who buys gold. The temptation for hardcore players is huge – what’s a few dollars more for a hobby that they already spend tons of their time and energy on? Casuals have less invested.

People buy gold for boosts and to get supplies this can be anyone but its most likely a casual who would rather spend money then spend time leveling a profession and farming for hours also if it is a hardcore player its prob for an alt boost but it really doesn’t matter who buys gold.

This happens in runescape all the time you see a low level player with no quests done and crap stats but they have expensive armor on because all they can do is buy gold and not play the game.
