New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Feral druids rely on farming Gnomeregan’s Manual Crowd Pummeler in order to remain competitive with their DPS and threat.

Farming low level dungeons for profession mats or gold like the classic RFD/SM stealth runs for the chests, small radiant shards, and herbs.

Anyone that sells or buys boost runs for the loot, quests, EXP.

Needing something from a dungeon rare like Jed in UBRS will be much harder.

The risk of not being able to enter raid since world buffs from places like Dire Maul count towards the limit. Doing any dungeons on alts also applies to it.

Players who play in bursts, such as not playing during the week due to work, but then play, say, 10 hours on each day of the weekend, are now punished.

Bots have tons of accounts already to avoid the limit, and even at the limit, they will simply move out to the open world and continue to farm, making world nodes/mobs far more competitive and desolate, which is already a problem with these super high pop realms.

With dungeon farming significantly nerfed, many players just might give up on farming gold and instead turn to these very same bot/gold services.

These are just some of the risks, I’m sure there are many more.


Point taken, however, my original point of this being easy to hit still stands and it serves no true purpose.

Did you read the words you quoted?

He means can he have multiple accounts on the same account on different daily lockouts, or will he be locked out across that entire account.

Yes it is freaking cheating. Did you know why they use the word “rare”? Because it was meant to be rare, not commonly farmed.

Do you know what else is supposed to be rare? Blue loot. But it’s really not. Hell, even epics aren’t rare.

difference is, no one asked or wanted this.

We can counterlogic that to say legendaries aren’t even rare today. Just because we abuse the meta of a fifteen year old game doesn’t mean you can use mental gymnastics to authorize cheating in the form of abusing dungeon resets to FISH rares.

People have been whining incessantly about bots and boosting for months.

the april fools joke at least allowed for 40 dungeons per day, this is legit worse than their joke loll


no one asked for instances to be restricted to 30 per 24 hour period meaning 3 hours last night and 3 hours this morning and you’re locked until tonight, we asked for bots/hackers to be banned.


Legendaries are pretty rare (specifically Thunderfury). But by your logic, Blizzard should step in and make it much harder to get rares and epics, since you think the term, “rare” matters.

Also it’s not cheating. Blizzard has never come out and said it wasn’t allowed. They just wanted to slow it down.

I agree , the change doesn’t affect botters in the slightest. And has the potential to affect legitimate players farming instances. In my opinion the number of people doing over 5 1 hour periods of instance in a day is small.
I would be willing to sacrifice this small number of players preferred play style to fix the botting problem if this change actually did something.

There’s a lot or reeee’ing over this like MCP or JED will now be literally impossible to get or find. That’s ridiculous hyperbole.
No Druid needs to get over 200 kills a week for MCP.
Doing 5 hours and 25 arena runs a day instead of 15 and 75 is still viable to farm SCG or JED.

Do you have some reputable stat that shows they dont?

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This post is overflowing with irony.

It’s like building a dam to get rid of an ant nest.

Does absolutely nothing to fix the botting issue and inconveniences everyone else.

Unfortunately, said ant hill is catastrophically huge. Like that one in… South America? The one that is massive.

Right. I’m not minimizing the problem. Just trying to illustrate that the solution fixes absolutely nothing and is a waste of everybody else’s time and ressources.

There’s quite a few people here that try to minimize it, and will take your suggestion that the bots are an, “anthill” as evidence of it. I wasn’t referring specifically to you with that, just the drones that want to.

I remember when I was farming HoJ, I was there every time my reset occurred, or my farming group just added in enough to do so that we didn’t have to worry about the 5 per hour because by the time 5 came around, it would have been knocked off the count.
We’d run for several hours in the late night, but be up the next day doing stuff on other characters, and then switch. That 30, combined with a 24 hour rolling reset is just horrible.