New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Not the first, and won’t be the last. I’m currently unsubbed myself, can’t stand seeing Blizzard mismanage classic every step of the way, knowing they will just do the exact same thing with TBC.

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Fixed that for you.

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cute, and I’ll still be unsubbed when I do my last BWL/MC raid next week yes, but only because my sub doesn’t go out until 26th

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Bookmarking this post for when you resub either on the 30th or when AQ launches.

have fun with that.

All these people threating “Imma cancel muh sub” is the literal equivalent of a child having a tamptrum in a store because their mommy didn’t buy them that candy they wanted.

Nobody cares.

Yeah, they’re totally going to go from playing so much that 30 instances a day isn’t enough, to zero instances a day.


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Incredibly disappointed by this decision and the entire way that Blizzard is handling bots. It’s so disrespectful to the massive community that has supported them through thick and thin and shows how little care or thought they put into not just their community but their customers also.

This is an embarrassment to everything Blizzard used to stand for. Seriously re-think your approach to Classic WoW issues. Disgraceful decisions like these will have long lasting negative effects on earnings over time, apart from the irreplaceable loss of a reputation that is already too tarnished lately.

Incompetence from this team WILL cost Activision-Blizzard far more money than any amount of GM employment will. What are you going to do about it before it’s too late.

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Worst “logic” I’ve seen today.
You really think nobody ever changes a routine?
Nobody is capable of being fed up with constant and consistent mismanagement of a game they love?

By your logic you still wear diapers because you did every day when you were a child.

Lmao wot? Did you just use diapers an example of routine? Like it was something optional young children get to decide?

Time to take your meds pal.

The thing is it was a routine, same as putting on your clothes every day is routine etc.
People are capable of changing their routine is all I was saying, if the analogy was too confusing for you then I’m sorry, maybe now you can understand.

you cant just dunk on them like that brooooo :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This is a band aid fix and still doesn’t change that the botters will just roll up more accounts, while hurting your normal players who are looking in instances for rare spawns and resetting, and those who so hard core farming or instance leveling on the weekends. If you want to ban the bots, then do so. Or, just bite the bullet and put in a Classic WOW Token - its what you had to do in retail. Plenty of other games took the same path, like Eve Online. This is a 15+ year old game, nothing isn’t known or spoiled, and already the min/max from retail and years of playing has carried over, so you get boosting, solo farming, etc. But instead you punish everyone in order to combat the botting, vs actually going after the real source of the problem. Just a terrible, lazy solution.

Hey can you guys ban the bots and stop being the most pathetic and inept gaming company out there? Pretend it’s 2005 again for 2 minutes and stop using old April fools jokes for actual changes.

It’s amazing you guys are such a terrible company that you actually implement old April fools jokes because they’re better than anything blizzard can come up with.


Make this a weekly limit of say 350-400 instances. It will still achieve the same result for botting but won’t affect as many actual players trying to farm DME etc.


I agree with the many others that this is a very dumb way of going about botting and should be reversed.

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bots just switch realms and they and won’t be locked out so they don’t need more accounts they literally lose nothing from this

Time to take a time out from running dungeons and farm with bots in the world.

revert this garbage

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This is bad in what way?