Had just gotten to the point of farming pre bis in dungeons for raids this really sucks for me, this is all instances and i was doing over 30 dungeons playing all day to get pre bis, this is really sad for me.
Don’t get me wrong I hate bots but why do I have to be punished for them? this seriously is making me reconsider getting back into classic time caps and things are the main reason I hate retail. i have 1 or 2 days a week to play but play for over 16-20 hours sometime on those days, playing retail like that sucked made me wanna quit. i was so happy with classic so far but this just hit me really hard…
this suck so much I really can’t express how sad I am right now, I have no clue how long its going to take me to get pre bis months? i was just starting to think i was close to maybe raiding. i started in wrath never played classic. the game has been amazing for me but this sucks now what I have to stop playing
I wish I started earlier. i wanna waste my time off on this it makes me happy. happier then i have been on my days off in a long time. please reconsider how your handling this
this literally crushed my dreams a bit after just arranging more time off to play the game.
on top of the fact if Try to split my time or make an alt I can’t do any instances now on that for fear of holding my main back
I’m going to sit and be sad now as my plans are screwed and try to debate what I cut out of my pre bis list and if theres anything i can get out of instances
I want to waste my life on something fun let me, stop holding me back blizzard?!?! how am i supposed to catch up or have fun on my 2 days playing this now. My luck is poop big poop. I’m scared for doing dungeons now, need help? before i would in a second. ohh wait you need help in an instance nope, I can’t waste that on you i only get 30-60 a week with my time now mathematically good luck dreaming for some drops going for anything will less the a 3% chance and I could be the only thing I do that week and I still might now get it
yeah exactly, punishing anyone that has a job and only has one or two dedicated days to farm all thats required to keep up, its like they’re forcing us to just buy wow tokens when they inevitably bring them to classic just like they did for the chinese client. Sadly though tokens doesn’t stop the issue at hand, people will continue to bot and destroy the economy, can already see arcane crystals on the rise not even 24 hours after this change was announced, everyone knows it, everyone needs anywhere between 3-24 for their t3 sets. there’s a lot more than just 1% of the players in the top tier of content, we need more arcane crystals in general if this is to be permanant.
It really needs to get changed back and something else needs to be done to actually stop the bots/hackers, its ruining the game for people who don’t have a lot of time to play so they try and squeeze in 7 days worth of work into 2 days just to keep up with the rest. completely unfair.
Blizzard had WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH time to fix pathing issues before releasing the game if they wanted to. They knew about the DME/DMN, as did nearly everyone. I wondered (and honestly hoped) if they would “fix” these instances to not be able to be cleared so easily, they didn’t, then continued to let the game progress this way for 8+ months, but suddenly now it’s not okay?
The retail community wants this game to be as in-step with retail as they can, so that you to log on every single day to mindlessly farm things alone instead of doing it when you have free time to do it with your friends. That’s why they ridicule anyone who opposes this change.
I’m starting to believe this for sure, the only people “for” this change post from level 110-120 characters, they just want another version of retail… /barf
Guys, let me just give a little warning from someone who has seen this tactic from trolls and white knights used too often on retail.
Certain people, who will remain nameless, come to a thread like this where everyone is pissed about something egregious, name call, make purposefully nonsensical arguments ignoring all counter points and generally behave like jerks. This leads people to get angry, call them names in return, and then Blizzard swoops in, and instead of doing anything to the instigators, will claim the thread is devolving to “name calling” and being “unhelpful” etc, and proceed to lock it. Once the thread is locked, then they start banning people for talking about it because the discussion is over. Nothing ever happens to the people instigating of course.
I’ve seen this pattern many times on many different screw ups on retail before they convinced me that they didn’t give a crap about us, and I quit playing retail. There is no reason to believe the same thing is not being attempted here. You all know who I am talking about, so please ignore them. You’re only playing into their hands if you argue. Reply to points in their posts if you must, but under no circumstances do not mention them, or reference any of the offensive nonsense they say. Do not feed them - leave them under their bridges and pretend they don’t exist.
There is no reason to believe the same thing is not being attempted here. You all know who I am talking about, so please ignore them. You’re only playing into their hands if you argue. Reply to points in their posts if you must, but under no circumstances do not mention them, or reference any of the offensive nonsense they say. Do not feed them - leave them under their bridges and pretend they don’t exist.
I want to waste my life on something fun let me, stop holding me back blizzard?!?! how am i supposed to catch up or have fun on my 2 days a week playing this now. My luck is poop big poop. I’m scared for doing dungeons now, need help? before i would in a second. ohh wait you need help in an instance nope, I can’t waste that on you i only get 30-60 a week with my time now mathematically good luck dreaming for some drops going for anything will less the a 3% chance and I could be the only thing I do that week and I still might not get it
please for the love of wow if you are going to implement this also put in a system to alert ppl when they are approaching their limit. e.i a system warning saying “you have 5 instance resets remaining until X time has passed” i can see too many people running dungeons over the day over multiple characters and then coming to raid only to be locked out. I get why you are doing this and tbh something needed to be done but please just dont ROYALY mess over the legitimate players.