except its pretty easy especially with a dedicated GM>
VERY FEW bots would actually make it to 60 with a dedicated GM on the server watching instances
except its pretty easy especially with a dedicated GM>
VERY FEW bots would actually make it to 60 with a dedicated GM on the server watching instances
Or…they could do their jobs and actually support the game they are making revenue off of. Classic has lost all of its legitimacy at this point. I know i unsubbed both my accounts and if you care about the game i think everyone should be thinking long and hard about unsubbing as well.
Dude Bot A 1/2/3/4 all cost money to run which means you make less money…time is money thats 60$ in sub time…not to mention leveling them…
Bot A server 1 costs 15$ sub time and you just run it on one server 24/7 for pure profit…
RUINED THE GAME WITH ALL UR CHANGES .That is why we play classic and not retail yet here u go with ur changes do u really want us to all go back to private servers and not give u any money again because that’s the way its going to be after this. cya blizzard back to private servers for me at least i can do more then 30 instances a day
I mean, yeah thats how subs got doubled… we wanted to play classic the old way. Not this way.
anything reducing instance produced gold inflation is a great change, good work blizzard
I mean blizzard let this get pretty out of hand i feel like that something they should have implemented on release of classic.
are you still trying to troll, bro go do some BFA dungeons or something lol
i dont think you know what trolling is
90% of your posts have been flagged as trolling, I assure you, you are a troll my guy.
by you lol that doesnt make it true, sorry you can’t handle people exist that don’t think the same as you
Okay if you’re not a troll switch to your classic level 60 toon on the forums, Let us see it. Oh my point exactly. YOU DON’T EVEN PLAY CLASSIC xD
You do realize it would just push their operations away from boosting if they can’t up their prices to the market?
All they gotta do is make mats easily obtainable in a 6hr day to double or 4x the prices to cover their 4 new accounts. This means they make the same amount of profits and pushed more people needing gold thus potentially more consumers too.
If they wanted to add the icing to the cake, they’d just run a bot or two in the open so that the market is cornered by botters only.
If blizzard actually went after the bots (like a normal game company would) than there wouldn’t be any need for a 30 cap limit.
This 30 instances in last 24 hours need further clarification.
Say u have a main level 60. U farm DM or Mara.
After farm u login to alt Char B to reset the instance.
Is it 30 instances for Main and 30 for Alt (Char B).
Or is logging in as Alt (Char B) to reset instance considered as part of 30 instance cap. If logging in as Alt to reset instance is counted then people only can do 15 instances per day and this change is even worse.
Its 30 for your entire realm ALL your toons, this goes by resets. JED SCOUTING for example
We are legit in a mobile game at this point.
You really think the it’s such a huge imposition for a bot doing fly hack ZG boosts (that runs for months at a time), to level a few mages from his other accounts to 60 as well as the paying customers? The instance allows 20 people after all. In 12 hours that new mage goes from 50-60 and is selling runs.
Same with Mara from 40-50, SM 20-40, SFK 15-20 and RFC 8?10?-15
Congratulations this sets back the botters maybe 1-2 days /played and bloats the number of bot characters per realm by a factor 4.
When this change which has the potential to SERIOUSLY impact anybody (because anyone can decide to heavily farm a BRD or some other instance for a specific item, and it can get them locked out of their raid on their mains), while inconveniencing botters a couple of days while letting them operate for months at a time, the net effect of this change is very negative.
I agree but blizzard let it get insanely out of hand
And whos fault is that? the loyal players or BLIZZARDS FAULT?
Most bots are already paying for 4+ accounts, you dolt.
Most of the bots I’ve seen are running with Priest lead and 4 mages. Meaning they are already paying for 5 accounts.
The only thing that you are correct on is the added time investment of leveling up characters on 4 different servers. Since it’s a bot though, it’s going to happen any way knowing how slow blizzard are in taking action in banning them. The problem is “solved” for 2 weeks maximum, then it’s as if nothing has changed and all this change has done is hurt legitimate players.