New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

dont go around making common sense posts like this, some salty booster will call for you to get mass reported for being a “troll”

You: Doc my toe hurts.
Blizzard: Well son, looks like you got turf toe.
You: Alright, so whats the treatment?
Blizzard: Going to need to amputate your right arm

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There should be a warning when you get up to 25 or so.

This isn’t it. Because it won’t help. All of these people would not be here to complain if they thought there was some benefit to the community from this.

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they are complaining because they cant make 4k gold a day selling boosts anymore

pretty transparent too

No. They should just bugger off.

You don’t even play classic you play retail, I don’t care about boosting I care about resets I can do a day. I have level 60s, I’m paying 30 dollars USD a month to play this game. If I wanna “BOOST” ALL day long I should be able too.

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A cap limits the amount of money they make so yes it does help the situation.

Less runs per day—>Less gold to sell—>Less IRL money—>Less profit for the botter—>Now to make up for the obstacle they need to invest more time to make the same amount of gold which costs them money which is what we want.

The end goal is to make it where its not worth their time to bot attack the profit margin.

Nope - they’re saying 3 hours probably, not 6. The alt of yours you’re resetting ZG with will probably count towards the total.

That only solves a TINY BIT of gold selling issue… doesn’t even touch the bots ALL over the game that are leveling. Bots who farm BLACK LOTUS. ARE NOT EVEN EFFECTED.

AH like they will just make more bots… there is currently on 1 web site 148 million gold available for sale on bigglesworth… Funny how blizzard cant find those accounts with all that gold…

All this does is make impossible for people that just want to do instance because there is nothing in the world to do… yes the world ha no end game content.

I am not playing to be told i can’t play… Time to fix this that just impacts real players.

My mage is pretty much maxed, outside of the gear obtained in the weekly raids.
The only improvement I can make, is farming the extremely rare Blade of Eternal Darkness from Princess in Mara. I’m over 430 kills down and still haven’t seen it drop. I know for a fact I’ve easily hit the 30 lockouts in a day.

I’ve helped plenty of guildies farm Arena/Anger runs for SGC and HoJ, again easily hitting the 30 lockouts in a day. It’s an obscenely low number punishing legitimate players while doing absolutely nothing to solve the problem of botting.

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easier solution.

Make more accounts for raw gold, buy out all useful herbs/mats from AH, up market prices by 1000%, keep 1g-$1 ratio the same. You just effectively increased your profit gains by 900% or more and no one can compete with you cuz you supply the most to the market =)

Oh also can’t forget those that are capped get to now roam the open world for the rest of the day, nothing like getting all those extra free mats =)

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Blizzard needs to be addressing all possibilities and we should be getting on them for that.

Remember that this change was in Vanilla WoW. It was 40 instances per day not 30, so a bit more lenient.

Oh, and it was just an April’s Fools Day joke because at the time this change was so against the spirit of Vanilla WoW it was considered hilarious to even suggest it.

I do not like this.

Has nothing to do with boosting you sperg.
Putting an instance cap at 30 also effets people who like to farm dungeons.

Also since it’s set on a 24h window you can get off work one day, play for 4 hours. Then you’re basically hard capped the next day because blizzard told you to buzz off. Meanwhile botters just swap servers like nothing happened and still bot 24h a day.

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I almost feel like I’m playing a mobile game now, you only have 30 dungeons you can do today! than you must sit in stormwind! or come play retail (WINK)(WINK)

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Wowwww reallyyy Blizzard???! This is not going to stop botting Blizzard. This is only going to hurt the players who need to farm items that legitimately play the game. Some people have to run multiple instances for things like Crowd Pumelors, SGC, and HoJ!!!

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Pay $5 to unlock 2 more dungeon runs today!