I guess they want legit people to quit classic and play retail so they can sell more expansions… well it this gets to be too annoying and i lose out on raid gear because i did too many instances blizzard will lose my business again on this game and ill go play some other MMO. I love to do my own thing and farm instances where nobody bugs me. You take that away from me I will just quick and activation can stuff it.
All the bots I encounter are outside in the game world leveling to 60 without getting banned. Instance limits don’t do anything about the bots on the beach in Azshera on every server.
How can you be so certain that the saved time will be reinvested into the game?The same exact argument was made on retail when they added stat templates to pvp bgs. Saying that the restrictions would make it easier to balance pvp and yet pvp remained pretty unbalanced as before with certain classes still flagging way behind.
dono where you learnt maths but 30 per 24 hours is 1 every 48 minutes. well under 5 per hour.
I’ve said this as well, I’ve encountered very little dungeon bots, compared to ACTUAL world bots.
How do you give yourself the day off from the game when we are now in quarantine?
so now the only way to do mara/sm/boost/farm is to wait for trash to respawn. awesome.
Awwww yeah, 2020 baby! We made it guys.
This reminds me of Diablo 2 (2000 - 2003) farming nerfs. Meph and Pindle. Lol and the same class was the culprit. Sorceress = Mage hahaha
I used to farm those bosses all day with Tals and other uniques, and when I entered those instances too many times, I would get kicked from the server.
30 instances is too low, just goin to affect legitmate players in the long run.
#Nochanges was a thing for a reason.
Classic is pretty much dead at this point.
Can’t farm any instances for gear on any days close to raid, in fear you’ll hit 30 instance lock out and miss raid.
Nor run any other alt characters either, since it’s across all the characters on the same account. I know of a few people who raid with multiple characters. Pretty much destroys that.
Absolute garbage change.
Canceling my account sub until this is overturned. Who the hell is steering this ship? Do you know how many of us are playing this game it’s full extent and going far beyond 30 instance resets per day?
You’re telling me on my day off I can’t farm bloodvine out of ZG or herbs out of DM and then do Arena farms for more than 6 hours? If I accidentally farm 28 instances instead of 27, then I’ll be locked for raid that day when we clear BWL/MC/Ony in one day?
What the actual f*** is going on. How did this get through any kind of basic review. Do you do any kind of review with your non-casual user base? This is the worst update I’ve ever seen in a game, and I’ve seen some doozies. SHAME!
Worst idea ever. I guess feral druids just get wrecked? God it’s like you don’t even spend the time to comprehensive what the changes will do even when the wow classic was about not having these changes to begin with. When wow was first out at least you had the support to deal with it. Now it’s automate everything and hope for the best. You over populate the servers without thinking of resource nodes and now you ban instance farming when they are critical to certain classes. What a mess.
Blizzard is punishing the whole user base. 30 per day just isn’t enough.
If they want to waste our time then we should just quit the game/cancel your subs. A lot of us quit WoW at some point or another and came back for classic. We quit for a lot of reasons but I remember the biggest reason was Blizzard RUINING the game beyond repair. HERE WE GO AGAIN!
MVP blizzard suck up reporting in. Please accept your 1$ donation to paypal and watch your social credit soar.
Sorry but no people aren’t stealing accounts and leveling up hunters from 1-60 with chinese boar pets. They aren’t creating mages named sdfjsjejf or some generic wow name. It’s so easy to bot now without getting banned that they just straight up either pay for it or they bot on live as well using wow tokens to fund their classic bots.
actually some of us play for 12-16 hours a day and I just spent 10 hours in instances yesterday. Now I won’t be able to? wtf. who gets to limit how and when I play.
Ill say it again 10 resets of scouting for jed is 1/3rd of the dungeons I can do that day on my entire realm. Imagine that
You cant ban an endless army of bots, The only way to stop botting is by taking measures that make it difficult for these guys to make profits. its going to take us as a community making some sacrifices for the betterment of the game as a whole.
Here’s a thought: Blizzard increased Black Lotus spawns. Blizzard restricted instance cap at 30 per day. Bots aren’t going to be farming those Black Lotus like no tomorrow.
They’ll also be rotating their instance cap.
Well done.
“10 hours in instances”
why in gods name are you even playing classic wow, every single other MMORPG is out there for you with the fully instanced gameplay experience you apparently enjoy
these changes were great for the “spirit” of the game, people will have to go back to grouping dungeons more frequently instead of endless boosts and newer players wont be logging into a completely empty world!