New in-game broker book in Tazavesh - extra spicy

No the sigils are just the keys to open the Sepulcher.

Honestly it feels like Venari told Zovaal what she learned about the Sepulcher, given it’s implied she’s the rival to Al’firim

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This is what I get for reading the wowpedia article instead of combing the screenshots. Venari’s reason for being in super hell is fitting.


Just because you weren’t asking for it doesn’t mean lots of other people weren’t.


“The numbers, Al’firrim, what do they mean?!”

Hmm could there be a Afterlife for the Old Gods since there’s like a hive Afterlife for Bug People like the Qiraji, Mantid, and etc?


That’s what I thought.

“At first I thought only two, until I perceived an infinite array – O, the terror of it! – but as of late I have settled on six. Possibly seven, but the last might be an artifact of the geometry. A fractal.”

To me, it seems like he discovered the six cosmic forces, the seventh maybe being the void lords “out side” of reality.

So, another six were added.


Sword of a Thousand Truths confirmed.

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Well, honestly, of course, somewhere I understand that the current developers want more freedom and do not want to be reduced to six forces, however…guys guys, stop exaggerating, sometimes less is more

I’m hoping either when Azeroth is born, it severs our connection to her and does a “soft reset” of our powers, or we wake up and this was N’zoth’s gift. A vision into our future if we do not stop Slyvanas at ICC…

Simply going around the Cosmic Chart for the next 5 expansions, slaying all Gods we meet, will be quite boring. Any threat below “God Tier” will now feel pretty miniscule.


I mean, if blizzard wouldn’t refuse to really sell us these characters as gods and present things that clearly show that we are ABSOLUTELY UNABLE to do anything against this power, that even with a million heroes of our ingame caliber we couldn’t do anything against these powers.

It was perfectly fine when we were fighting creatures on Wild God/Loa level or at most aspects, but when it came to Titans, the furnace was kind of out.

That would be the only beneficial thing about these Comos books hinting at something “outside” or “bigger” than the pantheons…

Blizzard really painted themselves into a corner with Argus and Denathrius being defeated by the players in such easy fashion. Aman’thul ripped an Old God out of Azeroth and threw it into space… It took 40 people to slay C’thun…

That was a good balance of power in the meta of things. 25+ players to take on the “Champions” of another cosmic force, such as a powerful Old God, Archimonde, or what-have-you.

If this is all there is to the cosmos, then we are in for some extremely lame expansions over the next 8 years because honestly who really cares about anything limited to Azeroth anymore?

A hero died? Cool, go see him in Bastion…
An Old God is attacking Silvermoon? Been there, done that, I’ll get him on my way out…

I truly, truly, hope they do a better job with Zo’vaal than Argus and Denathrius and have the other Pantheon actually help in the fight so that it leaves a sense of the players are not god killing machines with no equals.

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Personally I find the biggest issue is that it barely feels like an afterlife.

Undead moshpit that feels less like happy viking Valhalla and more just a necromancy drenched mound of rot that could be anywhere.

Vampire Land that can exist anywhere.

Ardenweald is okay, but still feels more of what we have seen before.

Bastion loses points for being an exaggerated version of a prettier Jedi Temple that people don’t get to enjoy their afterlives as much as given time before they accept complete loss of identity until they realized their version of Sith are too easily created with how strict they are.

Basically everything you would actually hope for in an afterlife or find interesting about it gets ruined by it just becoming Mortal Life: Magic Everywhere Edition.


the pre-report report and the part 4 report have been transcribed! now 100% complete


Could the seventh cosmic force be a “portal” of sorts, to Alternate Universe Warcraft?! :scream:

Interesting, a lot of this just confirms some of the stuff everyone assumed for a long time: that there seem to be powerful deities and entities running the show in each of the six respective realities/realms/whatever. And that the mortal plane is of course a place where all forces meet and have some sway.

As for this seventh force/realm? Very interesting… I guess I’m going to bank on it being some kind of pocket reality that the First Ones hang out in? To get away from everything else? Introducing another fundamental force seems to not work too well with the forces being sort of paired/opposites, afterall.

First Ones are a group in Babylon 5.

The First Ones known as the Vorlons claim that the Shadows are an ancient Enemy of the First Ones only for the Show to eventually reveal that the Shadows are also First Ones!

The Shadows would naturally embody a Cosmic Force that the Vorlons did not include in their Order and Obedience plan: Shadow.

The Broker Books of course pretty much mentions that the 7 Cosmic Forces(Light, Chaos, Order, Life, Death, Void and Shadow) are practically pinpoints of Infinite Cosmic Forces!

There is a reason Nightmare looks different from the Void! There is a reason there are so many unique variants of Death Energy(Aqua-White Kyrian, Red Revendreth, Blue-Pink Night Fae, Rainbow Maw, Aqua-Black Drust Blight, Indigo Devourer, Purple Shadowdeath and Green Death)!

They are each a fundamental Cosmic Force into themselves! The 7 Cosmic Realms are merely domains of Cosmic Forces that follow the Cosmic Realm’s primary aspect!

The Shadowlands’ aspect is Death and as such Infinite Cosmic Forces tied to Death are found there alongside Death itself!

With this said it falls to us to investigate each Cosmic Force in the Realms of Death. Of course the Broker Grimoire could give us further answers!

i still think, void is the seventh force, as shadow, and the 6th is unknown, because void started to exist in places where light faded out, its a vampiric force and consumes every other force to continue existing.

And you think the Void Lords’ Void(which is all about Infinite Truths and Possibilities) we see is the true Shadow/Void?

The True Shadow is embodied by the Shadows not the Void Lords which command their own Cosmic Force separate from True Shadow!

The True Shadow is the hungering vampiric force that consumes all Cosmic Forces to continue existing!

How does it do that? Conflict. To the Shadows there is only Chaos and Evolution!

They start and end wars randomly for the sake of Evolution. If they go unrestrained their conflicts would consume existence and them along with it!

Vorlons of course would want Order, Obedience and Discipline. They would create an unending stagnant existence if left to their own devices!

I literally don’t get it, what is with people that keep saying this lately? So many people are doing this. Has everyone missed the part of the chart where it says Shadow (Void), clearly indicating they’re the same thing? I feel like Mugatu here… they’re not going to separate Shadow and Void into separate things, people.