New Human Racial replacing Diplomacy

Yeah, you make a good point, it is quite a strong racial, but it is tied to the same location. I am not totally disagreeing with you though.

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To one location. They can rapid hearth to the same location more frequently, Vulpera can set up on a raid entrance and Dark iron get dozens of spots.


Yes. Two Hearthstones and a 10 minute cool down each is a AH entrepreneur/soloer transmog farmer dream


Vulpera is an hour, dark iron is limited to up to BfA

Two charges plus your dalaran and garrisons make you a quick traveller anywhere as you please

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For traveling Vulpera is better since you can set a custom location. DIDwarf would be too if they ever updated it past Legion.

In this day and age where everybody has the dalaran and garrison hearthstones, 1/3rd the classes have a class teleport and there’s a dozen+ toy teleports, nobody is hurting for a quick way to get back to the main city.


It’s not two hearthatones. It is one hearthstone which you can use twice before it needs to cool down. Like Aimed Shot, 2 charges on the same ability.


As a certified human who likes to be home, I am not happy but irl I’d love this racial.


Regardless of whether it competes with any other racial in the game. This is very unimaginative and feels almost like it was decided ‘off the cuff.’ They really couldn’t think of anything better than this?


I quite like this racial.
Getting around quickly is always nice to have.

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I know that… It’s still good

Say you hearth to Valdrakken, port to orgrimmar/stormwind, use one of the expansions portals, say BfA orto Shadowlands.

You then start flying out of Orbios/kul tirans/zul’dalazar and half way you realized “oh crap I need to do dragonflight m+ dungeons first before the reset”

You immediately hearth back to Valdrakken in 5 minutes rather turning around back to Orbios, travel back to the orgrimmar portal/storm wind portal, then go to Valdrakken portal

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This thread has made me realize that I am too lazy because I often use my hearthstones twice in 15 minutes if not more. Maybe Blizzard could change it to a second hearthstone that you can set to a different place.


Remove racials from the game already
i wanna play races on looks alone

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It’s not good. It lets you go back to one specific place faster, we have more than enough portals to get by without it. If I could teleport to two seperate spots, that’d be useful. Going to Valdrakken if I completely forget what I am doing while I have Dalaran, Cloak, Kul Tiras hearths on CD isn’t all that.


A lame, useless change. I’ve “needed” the new ability maybe once in the past five years.


Open world mobility hasn’t been an issue for a while now, especially with dragonriding +830% speed

For all intents and purposes the new/replacement racial is useless for the average player due to the current meta of ultra-fast speed travel from point A to point B

I can see maybe super-ultra-casual players who do lots of legacy mount farming getting some value out of it (extra hearthing around does cut down on travel time to the old raids/old zones)


It’s not hatred, they just forget shamans exist! :relieved:

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Not surprising it got replaced with something that isn’t amazing. It’s just a random passive.

I’m pretty sure the highlight of our racials are supposed to be Will To Survive and The Human Spirit.

It’s still more useful than the +5 tradeskill racials or my Night Elf being slightly faster when corpse running.

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Now humans need to become shamans.


Was there a focus group for stupid abilities?


waves hi, from a settable nearly anywhere hearthstone. As opposed to set locations, the capital of which has multiple means to easily get back to (garrison/dalaran hearth, capes, etc…) already.